Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Chuck Todd: Rudy Giuliani is likely in more trouble than we thought.


For me the more you keep saying that that nothing is going to happen, in actuality the more you are worried that something will happen to him.

It is essentially the same thing as sbd stating over and over each day that the dem/ds is in deep panic.

For me this is a projection of his own HOPES that it will but in reality a fear that it will not occur.

On another note, for those who are not aware, I started a new feature yesterday, which I am going to entitle "One Year Ago."

What this means is that each day I will be going back exactly one year to the current date and copying and pasting sbd's most notable post

of that day from his IVU Thread(if there is one) and then letting folks consider whether in retrospect his post/prediction, accusation/conspiracy

theory, etc. had any relevance when he posted it and most importantly whether any of it came true over the following year and whether it has

any relevance today or moving forward.

Back a bit later on today with Day 2 of "One year Later."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For me the more you keep saying that that nothing is going to happen, in actuality the more you are worried that something will happen to him.

It is essentially the same thing as sbd stating over and over each day that the dem/ds is in deep panic.

For me this is a projection of his own HOPES that it will but in reality a fear that it will not occur.

On another note, for those who are not aware, I started a new feature yesterday, which I am going to entitle "One Year Ago."

What this means is that each day I will be going back exactly one year to the current date and copying and pasting sbd's most notable post

of that day from his IVU Thread(if there is one) and then letting folks consider whether in retrospect his post/prediction, accusation/conspiracy

theory, etc. had any relevance when he posted it and most importantly whether any of it came true over the following year and whether it has

any relevance today or moving forward.

Back a bit later on today with Day 2 of "One year Later."

Hey guys . There’s Joe’s drug addicted waste of a son’s hard drive . It’s part of what you’re supposed to take as per the warrant . Aren’t you gonna take it ?

No thanks Rudy . We’re not interested . :missingte

Nov 11, 2007
Inasmuch as I have a phone appointment consultation scheduled shortly with my financial consultant/representative of the firm which handles

about 80% of my investments, I decided to post today's segment of "One Year Later" now.

It was posted on 5/3/2020 and it is actually a post of sbd responding to something else he posted earlier.

It is post 1434 and is found on page 58 in his IVU Thread.

ps Check out the numbers he posted for fatality numbers and infections then to "prove" his case with the numbers today:

"Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history

The new coronavirus is real.

The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed.

In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government.

The facts are this: COVID-19 is a real disease that sickens some, proves fatal to others, mostly the elderly — and does nothing to the vast majority.

That’s it.

That, in a nutshell, is it.

Or, in the words of Dan Erickson and Artin Massih, doctors and co-owners of Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California: Let’s get the country reopened — and now.

“Do we need to still shelter in place? Our answer is emphatically no. Do we need businesses to be shut down? Emphatically no. … [T]he data is showing it’s time to lift,” Erickson said, in a recent interview.

He’s right. They’re right.

The data to keep America closed and Americans closed in simply doesn’t exist.



Wait until the entire world finds out COVID is one of the biggest political scams in history!"

Nov 11, 2007
For those of you who have not awakened to the "facts" such things as sbd's contentions that the Election was stolen, that Trump won all 50 states and got over

90% of the Popular Vote, that the Coronavirus is 100% hoax and that no one actually died of it, that Trump's Return is imminent and that he will

officially be proclaimed and inaugurated at POTUS "very soon," and so much more, then I am providing a link so that you find a suitable alarm

clock which you don't have to set at all, but rather ones will awaken you to the realities cited above automatically!

Note also-these "gems" are not that expensive, meaning that there are quite affordable:

Alarm Clocks (

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For me the more you keep saying that that nothing is going to happen, in actuality the more you are worried that something will happen to him.

It is essentially the same thing as sbd stating over and over each day that the dem/ds is in deep panic.

For me this is a projection of his own HOPES that it will but in reality a fear that it will not occur.

On another note, for those who are not aware, I started a new feature yesterday, which I am going to entitle "One Year Ago."

What this means is that each day I will be going back exactly one year to the current date and copying and pasting sbd's most notable post

of that day from his IVU Thread(if there is one) and then letting folks consider whether in retrospect his post/prediction, accusation/conspiracy

theory, etc. had any relevance when he posted it and most importantly whether any of it came true over the following year and whether it has

any relevance today or moving forward.

Back a bit later on today with Day 2 ofOne year Later."

Yeah I’m as worried as I was during the Russia hoax . :):)

Let me know when one of the activists posing as a journalist like Nicole Wallace , who was pushing the Russian disinformation published by the NYT and WAPO about Rudy admits it was bullshit .

Now they want to know Rudy’s role in the firing of Ambassador Yovanovich . As if that’s a crime . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
Believe as you wish but don't be surprised WHEN/NOT IF at least one of these guys is indicted and found guilty.

ps Would you care to wager if Trump will be reinstated as the POTUS by July 4 of this year.

I offered the same wager to sbd at generous odds, and not surprisingly he did not respond-I wonder why not. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Believe as you wish but don't be surprised WHEN/NOT IF at least one of these guys is indicted and found guilty.

ps Would you care to wager if Trump will be reinstated as the POTUS by July 4 of this year.

I offered the same wager to sbd at generous odds, and not surprisingly he did not respond-I wonder why not. lol

I’ll tell you a third time . The election won’t be overturned . Just like none of those three won’t see a day behind bars .

Nov 11, 2007
I’ll tell you a third time . The election won’t be overturned . Just like none of those three won’t see a day behind bars .

Then lets say without getting into a debate that at least on one of your responses( I think it was the second one), you weren't clear.

And I disagree with what you said about the trio of criminals but again it would be fruitless to debate it.

For me the results of the audit will be a collective bore, and will indicate essentially nothing new.

If for some reason the results in Arizona show that Trump won by say 100,000 votes, the majority of folks won't believe

it in any case, and I am quite sure that the democrats already have a response in place just in case the results of the audit are absurd

to counter any obvious bullshit especially when every legal challenge including to the SCOTUS has failed.


Sbd doesn't agree with you, but then again why worry about someone who has been documented as wrong 99.9% of the time.

That's it for me-taunting back and forth re: the three folks cited is a waste of time-we will just have to wait and see how it plays out-it is that


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Unlike you , I’m willing to accept Trump lost fair and square if the audit it Maricopa County says so .

On the other hand , you and Dems , including their partners in crime in the media already have their talking points in place in the case of election fraud being exposed .

Aaaah ! The smell of fear is in the air .

Nov 11, 2007
Unlike you , I’m willing to accept Trump lost fair and square if the audit it Maricopa County says so .

On the other hand , you and Dems , including their partners in crime in the media already have their talking points in place in the case of election fraud being exposed .

Aaaah ! The smell of fear is in the air .

There is no fear on my end. EVERY single respected poll showed Biden winning the Election Day before the votes were counted.

EVERY single court legal court challenge by Trump's legal team was rejected including the SCOTUS, which eventually said in so many words after so

may attempts to overturn it, to the Trump team to fuck off and stop bothering us with your whining and complaining.

Trump fucked up bad with the Virus and lots of people died because of his incompetency.

Couple that with all of his lying to the American Public and what a vulgar and repulsive person he is(especially by women), imo it is a no brainer

that Trump lost/Biden won.

Think and believe as you and the rest of you delusional Trump lickers do.

As I said before, being the kind of deceitful person and liar he is(33,000 documented ones to his credit), imo it is a lot

more likely that Trump's vote totals are inflated than Biden's and more likely that Trump cheated and conspired to

win than Biden because he knew he had no chance.

That's it -Go ahead and respond-I may read it and I may not.

Most importantly-the bottom line is Biden and Harris are in charge for the next four years), and I am going to live my life based on that and not

worry about audits done six months after the Election born out of desperation!

See ya, and enjoy the rest of your day!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-All I can say is max kudos to Liz Cheney for doing the right thing and in essence telling Trump and the other ruling slime to grow the fu k up

and to admit the reality that Trump LOST!!

I would give strong consideration to voting for her if she ran for something for which I could vote on that basis alone.

I consider character first before I vote for anyone, and she showed a lot of guts and courage to do what she is doing here

in standing her ground against what she considers a total mockery of our Election process by Trump and company!!

Nov 11, 2007
If sbd saw two flies fucking on the wall of his home or apartment, he would say it was not a coincidence and try to attach some political significance to it. lol

Nov 11, 2007
I rest comfortably today realizing that there are some real Republicans out there and more importantly human beings.

I am talking about Cindy McCain, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, John Kasich and a number of other good people out there whom as a moderate

I would not have any problem voting for.

On the other hand, we have the likes of Donald Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, Matt Gaetz, Kevin MCarthy, etc.

who have disgraced the good name of the Republican Party and have turned it into a party of self-serving, liars, thugs

and in general slime which is not at all representative of the American Public.

The folks who call themselves Republicans but who in actually are QAnons are a total abomination, and imo with God's will

will be weeded out and sent packing at best!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Cheney and Romney . Lol !

Cheney could be voted out of her leadership role by the end of the month and Romney was booed mercilessly at a speech in his own state .

Guess who will be around long after these two establishment RINO’s are gone ?

You can throw in little Adam Kinzinger who’s endorsed candidate for a seat in Texas drew a whopping 3% .

Nov 11, 2007
Cheney and Romney . Lol !

Cheney could be voted out of her leadership role by the end of the month and Romney was booed mercilessly at a speech in his own state .

Guess who will be around long after these two establishment RINO’s are gone ?

You can throw in little Adam Kinzinger who’s endorsed candidate for a seat in Texas drew a whopping 3% .

Thanks for corroborating my point about the Republican Party turning into something far, far right of the what the Republican Party

has been about.

We can only hope and pray that in time folks like I cited above are the ones who represent what the Republican Party stands for and more importantly

what being respectful and decent human beings are all about.

Trump and those who look up to him and/or who conduct their own lives in a similar fashion and who look up to him as some kind of a model as a human

being are precisely the type of people which need to be cleansed in order for the Party to return to the traditional GOP values.

You can have the last say as no one is going to change my mind about what I deem to be the vermin element which Trump and many of his

followers sadly exemplify at this juncture as regards the Republican Party.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for corroborating my point about the Republican Party turning into something far, far right of the what the Republican Party

has been about.

We can only hope and pray that in time folks like I cited above are the ones who represent what the Republican Party stands for and more importantly

what being respectful and decent human beings are all about.

Trump and those who look up to him and/or who conduct their own lives in a similar fashion and who look up to him as some kind of a model as a human

being are precisely the type of people which need to be cleansed in order for the Party to return to the traditional GOP values.

You can have the last say as no one is going to change my mind about what I deem to be the vermin element which Trump and many of his

followers sadly exemplify at this juncture as regards the Republican Party.

The populist movement of Trump 75 million strong vs the
establishment globalists . Those two has beens wouldn’t make it out of the first round .
More great bump material .

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Here is a piece from a person whom I regard as one of the most brilliant and spot-on writers in the entire country re: Trump and what the Republican Party

has become.

The article was written a few months ago, but imo the material contained within gives reason for hope that the GOP is going to eventually return to the defining

principles which led to its emerging as one of the two dominating Parties in this country:

Nov 11, 2007

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