Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
My advice is to go on and enjoy each day to the fullest.

Worrying about this shit minute by minute is not going to change anything in your life one way or the other and for that most people in the country.

You will have your chance in 2022 to change things around.

Imo you and everyone else should be focusing most of your emphasis on that.

In all fairness though, it is not for me to tell you what to do.

It is my opinion and nothing more!

Not worried one bit . Seems there are some people looking to stop this audit that are the ones worrying .

Like I said . If they are able to complete it without the Biden DOJ sticking their noses in the state’s business as it says in the Constitution and find nothing I’ll move on .

Nov 11, 2007
Not worried one bit . Seems there are some people looking to stop this audit that are the ones worrying .

Like I said . If they are able to complete it without the Biden DOJ sticking their noses in the state’s business as it says in the Constitution and find nothing I’ll move on .

I an no worried either or even thinking about it.

Rather I am enjoying watching the overall value of my stock portfolio soar to new highs following suit with the S&P and the Dow.

Health wise, I am feeling great!

Now if we can only get some nice consistent warm weather out here in Western Mass. instead of this overall relatively cold and wet spring,

it will be frosting on the cake.

Whatever happens in the Maricopulation Audit(probably nothing) won't affect my existence and present contentment one iota-

if that sounds selfish, tough shit-I tell it as it is!!

Nov 11, 2007
Way ot but I am going to say anyways from the perspective of an older person like myself looking retrospectively back over the years.

Even if those who read this don't agree and/or something, at least you will see where I am coming from politically speaking as it relates

to politics and who is the POTUS.

In short I have lived through many different Administrations on both sides of the aisle, although I don't remember all of them because

I was too young.

For all intents and purposes, my memories start with Eisenhower and for now ends with Biden.

I am not going to bore you with all of the details over the years, but rather just mention one Election Year to try to make my point.

My earliest recollection was in 1960, and I wanted Kennedy to win, because I looked up to him and liked what he stood for.

However 1964 is a better example, and the nominees were LBJ and Goldwater.

I was twenty years old at the time and just starting to get into politics a little bit.

To cut to the chase, I wanted LBJ to win because I liked his programs overall and was pretty liberal back then(a lot more than now).

Anyways I was scared of Goldwater because of all the talk, chatter and gossip that he would have no qualms about pushing the nuclear button

and starting WW3 if the situation dictated.

There was one kid in my dorm. who even at his young age was as rabid a Republican as anyone in this forum and was a big Goldwater supporter.

His big beef about LBJ was that and to use words was that he didn't want "rampant socialism" to take over country, which he said would occur if LBJ

got elected.

Looking back at that year and subsequent Presidential Elections and Administrations with all of the predictions and paranoia expressed by folks

of both parties, all I can say is that I am still around, the country is still around and I am doing well, and imo so are other people who lived through

those eras.

I heard the same nonsense about the harm that Nixon would do if elected, then Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr. Obama, Trump and now Biden.

For me in retrospect it was a lot of hyperbole, unjustified fear and paranoia on both sides.

In all honesty I don't think my overall life would have changed all that much if the opposing nominee had won any or all of those Elections,

and imo the same would apply to most people.

Obviously and to be fair, that DOESN'T include our involvement in wars like Vietnam and Iraq where people died or maimed because of our presence.

Also and perhaps it is because I am older than most, I see life in general from a relatively different perspective than other younger folks.

One last thing-if miraculously Trump did return and was reinstated as the legitimate POTUS say this year, my fear would not be his policies,

how they might differ from Biden's and the overall impact.

Rather my biggest fear would be what a military coup d-etat would do to the country as a whole.

Lets just say without going into detail, that an sudden upheaval like this would cause massive violence in the streets and could very well be the end

of the US as we know it-imo it would be a tsunami or massive hurricane in a figurative sense and would wreak unimaginable destruction.

That's it-thanks for all who took the time to read this dissertation, but I have been wanting to get it off my chest for some time.

Nov 11, 2007
From 10426 in sbd's thread in a sarcastic reference to Biden:

"81 million votes"

"Most votes in history"

The only thing sbd failed to finish the which should read "Most votes in history against a sitting President because the latter was so incompetent, a liar

of the highest magnitude with a DOCUMENTED 33,000 ones during his four year tenure, universally despised because he is a totally

arrogant, repulsive, putrid and disgusting excuse for a human being, who thinks he is right about everything, who never

accepts personal blame when something goes wrong and instead assesses the blame to someone else.

"He is/was in essence everything that a POTUS should NOT be, and that is why people turned out in droves to vote him out of office!"


Nov 11, 2007
Before Jacuzzi time, here is one more from post/cut 10,430:

"MSM fake news networks, social media and big tech commies are all in full panic mode!

Don't be surprised if they all shut down their networks completely once Maricopa County makes their findings public.

They will do everything they can to block the world from the truth.

They know what's coming and NOTHING CAN STOP IT!"


We have heard the same mantra in one form or another over the last 14 months with none of it ever coming true.

Once again someone is "in full panic mode" when in fact it is the other side which is because all of tricks, lies and deceptions have failed to get

to first place to replace Biden with Trump as the POTUS.

And again the usual bullshit about communications being cut off from the outside world to try to prevent the public from knowing the "truth."

Sbd has also used all kind of alleged explosions in the past and other attention seeking words to drive home the point, all of which of course have failed to

come true.

And finally the closing "explosive" statement, "They know what's coming and NOTHING CAN STOP IT!"

Actually sbd is in a sense correct here as his and Trump's detractors DO know what it coming, which is that sbd will fail once again with his predictions,

projections, hopes, wishes, and that there is nothing which can (or will) stop it(except of course sbd finally growing up and realizing the Biden and Harris

are fully in control until at last Inauguration Day in 2025 and that "there is nothing which can stop this!"

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd just got his rocks off because the jobs estimate was way off.

Anyone who follows this stuff knows that for lots of reasons, in a given month the actual number like this can either exceed expectations

or fall short.

More importantly sbd DIDN'T STATE that as I write this, the Dow is up 142 points, and my the value of my own personal stock portfolio

is yet at another new high as it hopefully is for you guys in the market.

But don't worry though, folks-when the market has a bad day, sbd will tell us it is the beginning of the end, or when the jobs report comes in better than expected,

he won't mention it.

One way reporting and lies are two of the big reasons why sbd is a fraud and liar, as I and my very competent associates

have DOCUMENTED over the last 14 months after he started his thread!

ps In all fairness lots of scamdicappers would be proud of the record keeping of sbd. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Lets take a look at one more thing.

Sbd just said this:


“If he gets in, you will have a depression the likes of which you have never seen" -- Donald Trump (23 Oct 2020)

This jobs report is a prelude to what's coming.

It's probably a good idea to avoid the markets right now and go into preservation mode.

The markets are being held up artificially.

They are a ticking time bomb."

Going back to close of business on Jan. 20 of this year, which was Inauguration Day, using the Dow Jones as a criterion, it stood at 31,185.

As I write this, the Dow stands at 34,695.

A quick calculation shows a 11.24% increase.

Conclusion-sure the market will go down on SOME days and/or correct, and sbd will squeal like the pig he is when it does,

but of course NEVER admitting that it went up before it went down.

The best comparison I can think of is the story of the old indian chief whose tribe had been suffering a severe drought with very little rain

in around six months.

The chief prayed every day and told everyone else to pray for the badly needed rain.

Well lo and behold, several months later there was a big rain storm which drenched the area and brought some overall badly needed relief.

The chief got wildly excited and told him that their his and the members of the tribe praying would get it done, and bragged that he was right.

The point and comparison should be quite obvious and apparent when there eventually is a market downturn and "chief" sbd says "I told

you so!" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Thanks to BIDEN and the soaring stock market, I may just do my own part to stimulate the economy and buy a new car for my wife.

Thank you, JOE!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just when I thought that sbd couldn't be any more stupid than he already is, he proves me wrong by LYING and saying this:

"Look at Coke's huge drop in sales since their ant- election integrity comments a few months ago and look at Pepsi's spike up at same time.

We have more power than you will ever know.


Hmm-the only problem with that(which is a lie in any case) is that I write this, the stock price of Coke is 54.58, which is just a few cents away

from its 52 weeks high!!

One would think it would be way down as as anyone who follows the market knows, the stock price is based on anticipation of future earnings,

Come on, sbd-even you can do better than that!!

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing re: my last post.

I drink both Coke and Pepsi and load up on them when they go on sale.

Frankly nether I nor hardly anyone else gives a flying fuck over their politics; billions of folks drink these sodas and

will continue to drink the sodas of these monolithic companies sodas for many years to come and in most cases until they die.

It is only in the whacko minds of folks like sbd who make these insane predictions, which wouldn't even qualify for the Twilight Zone

as they are to absurd and out of touch, that their own projections and hopes will translate into reality someday!!

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing:

No new news regarding the "Trump Return," which is still AWOL and is nowhere to be found on the map.

Don't pay any attention to rumors and gossip from the likes of sbd that "Trumps Return" is roaring its way up the East Coast and on its way to its final

destination and resting place at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington DC. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Come on sbd-throw me another bone to chew upon so that I can expose you to the world and drag you through the mud for all to see! lol

ps In all fairness there are VERY few folks who don't already know what you are about, but in any case what I do just reinforces

and corroborates what I have stated and documented about you over the last 14 months.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah it’s falling apart alright .

Dominion refuses to hand over passwords as the Secretary of State looks for that DOJ to run interference .

Nov 11, 2007
Yeah it’s falling apart alright .

Dominion refuses to hand over passwords as the Secretary of State looks for that DOJ to run interference .

Live in your delusion all you want to.

We will see who is left standing when the dust settles, you or me.

Hint-it won't be you!!

Nov 11, 2007
All I can say to Rainmaker re: post 10454 is that although you don't need any assistance from me as you do a fantastic job

on your own, what you said goes way beyond what I said about the stock price of Coke earlier, and to any intelligent,

rational and objective person, it just totally obliterates sbd and what he posted in what he obviously posted

from one of his "impeccable sources."

He won't comment on what you said(other than name calling) directly anymore than he has in the past

when he has been bloodied beyond recognition by someone else who is a lot smarter than he is

and who knows how to recognize and call out his BULLSHIT and LIES, which are what define sbd and what he has been doing

in his thread for the last fourteen months!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Live in your delusion all you want to.

We will see who is left standing when the dust settles, you or me.

Hint-it won't be you!!

Then you should have no problem with the audit being completed . But something tells me you’ll be jumping for joy if the Biden DOJ shuts it down or drastically limits it .

Nov 11, 2007
Then you should have no problem with the audit being completed . But something tells me you’ll be jumping for joy if the Biden DOJ shuts it down or drastically limits it .

I said it before in so many words, but will be more blunt this time.

After six months and all of the failed legal attempts before which resulted in nothing, there is no reason for an audit.

Post 833 states what this laughable act of desperation is all about.

If you choose and others happen to disagree with it, that is your choice.

I happen to agree with it.

It is that simple!

Nov 11, 2007
Back to my earlier comments about Coca Cola:

Only an incredibly stupid and I mean incredibly stupid person who lives in a world BEYOND LA LA LAND, like sbd, would believe

that nationwide and worldwide call for a boycott of Coca Cola over a political opinion in Georgia are going to word, and is going to

have any effect the massive growth and profits of this company moving forward.

This is akin to saying that if on one day there happened to be an isolated thunderstorm in Las Vegas, that that would be indicative that the weather is

going to change permanently and result in the city changing and becoming a city like some of the ones in South America where daily

thunder showers become the norm.

Then again coming from the clueless dork which sbd has been documented to be, moronic statements such as his Coke falling from grace and losing

it massive appeal all over the country and world, are what we have come to expect!

Nov 11, 2007
Any unbiased and objective observer would conclude that it has been a bad day day for sbd in his thread, as he has been made out to be a fool,

a liar, not being able to understand what he wrote and how wrong its contents are OR knowing that what he posed made no sense and was bullshit and

actually believing that he could get away with it.

On the other hand, there are not many folks who don't know this already.

That said, tomorrow is a new day, anew beginning(yeah right!) and perhaps it will be a good one for him

especially if Trump makes his "return" and is reinstated as the "legitimate" POTUS. lol

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