Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Sbd can say whatever he IMAGINES as to how well speech went over last night.

The reality is that he is emotionally unable to deal with anything or anyone which/who doesn't agree with his own opinion about Biden.

More importantly I say to sbd-Biden and Harris are in charge at the moment and will be until at least Inauguration Day of January 2025, and there

is not a blessed thing that either you or your murderous, cohort QAnons can do about it unless they want to be vaporized

on the spot and sent back to the Bowels of Hell from where they emerged in the first place!!

Nov 11, 2007
Only one comment today re: sbd's comments in post 10198 about Hillary's allegedly hanging in the near future.

All I can say is that she had hurry up and get that book out if above is true, unless of course she can somehow co-author it from the Hereafter. lol

Hillary Clinton to co-author new thriller, 'State of Terror' - ABC News (

ps Did sb/D-ipshit forget that April 26, the day of alleged hanging, has come and gone and that she is still alive and kicking? lol

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing re: what I said in previous post:

The only sure thing is that no intelligent, rational and objective person is going to put any credence at all into anything sbd says or predicts when

they read what he said in post 10198, which shows no dd on his part, no objective fact reporting, and in fact just plain lies which

ZERO basis to reality as I pointed out and documented, and just as importantly not even realizing and/or caring about the fact

that April 26th, the date of the alleged execution has already come and gone.

And he wonders why virtually no one comes forward with positive feedback with his hallucinations, delusions, predictions, etc.

What I just stated is not an isolated incident, and in fact is the day modus operandi of this lying and attention seeking lowlife as I and others

have documented over the last 14 months since he started his thread.

Nov 11, 2007
Trump Return Update:

Radar weather show that the "Return" is still stationed off the coast of nowhere near the South Pole.

However some Biden force winds are expected in the next day or two, which will nudge its southern trajectory even further to the South and further

on its way to its ultimate and final disappearance off of the radar map and into oblivion.

Stay tuned to this thread for the latest updates of "The Return" as well as of course updates as they occur when sbd makes a fool out of himself

wits his illogical, contradictory, paradoxical and just plain senseless and ill flowing posts which just further corroborate what a clueless, lying,

incompetent fraud, doofus and overall failure he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
Informed sources state that Matt Gaetz's penis has been sent to GITMO for an extended stay as punishment/rehabilitation for its abusing its power on

seventeen year old girls!!

Nov 11, 2007
Informed sources state that Matt Gaetz's penis has been sent to GITMO for an extended stay as punishment/rehabilitation for its abusing its power on

seventeen year old girls!!

And oh I should mention re: above as to when the Gzetz's male orifice will arrive at GITMO, all a spokesperson familiar with the situation would state

is that it will be sent COD, which in this instance means "Cock on delivery."

Nov 11, 2007
Before lunch here is one more quote from sbd which epitomizes and exemplifies what a basket case and LOSER he is-it is actually a repost

of something he has posted many times already with ZERO success.

"These libtards have nothing.

They simply react by posting whatever fake news link or pic they can find on google.

They lack the ability to even understand any of what they read here.

They are beyond delusional.

And very soon they are going to hate life even more than they do now.

And you will know when that moment is because they will vanish."

Ah yes he brings out once again his desperate and iagined hope that folks who expose him are just going to disappear.

I can't remember how many times he uttered these words during the Presidential Campaign, claiming that we folks

who were predicting a Biden victory would just suddenly disappear(just like his deity Trump did when predicting

what would happen to the Virus lol)afterTrump won the Election "in the biggest landslide in history" while

at the same time winning ALL 50 states and garnering over 90% of the popular vote in so doing-how did that work out,

and how many folks "disappeared?" lol

In actuality the number of folks increased who have exposed him for the fraud, liar, FAILED prognosticator and overall

pathetic "human being" he is since the Election with documentation upon documentation of his failures.

His only responses to these is to claim that the person exposing him is of "low iq" or "delusional."

But of course as we all, the past is the past, and this time it will be different, and that Trump's "Return" is going to happen any day now, and just forget

all of the others which failed since the Election, which would have restored Trump to his "rightful" position as POTUS.

Overall conclusion: sbd is alive and well living in LA LA Land, and visitors are welcome 24/7/465 to see him in his cage in his Thread as well as

reading his "words of wisdom" and "precision accuracy" foretelling the future!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd throwing lots of Hail Marys today and for that matter the last few days, as the rational part of his brain, as small as it is, realizes that

Trump isn't going to return to take back the POTUS between now and Inauguration Day Jan. 2025 at the earliest, and that

nothing he has predicted has come true.

In essence this means that in desperation he needs to throw out as many smokescreens of bullshit as possible both to take

away the personal hurt and to convince himself that what he predicts is still going to come true in spite of his 99.9% FAILED record

so far, as well as to hopefully to pick up a least a couple of new folks to ingest the figurative cum he shoots forth out of his mouth

to the public every day.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd-if you're out there.

Toss us another bone, and I don't mean the kind of "bone" that Matt Gaetz "tossed" at that underage 17 year old girl or the seedy prostitutes, the former

which is going to get him a stay in jail, where most likely he will find a fellow inmate to discuss things with in Rudy "JAIL"iani! lol

Nov 11, 2007
ot-imo the chances of "JAIL"iani getting tossed into the slammer are a zillion times higher than Trump's "Return" and to resume being POTUS

before at the earliest Inauguration Day in January 2025.

In all fairness though, that isn't saying much because the chances of the latter occurring (Trump's return prior to Inauguration Day 2025) are ZERO AT BEST!!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing;

If "JAIL"iani is found guilty, imo Trump will be implicated also, and lets just say politely that it won't reflect well on him!

Nov 11, 2007
In response to sbd's posts today, the veracity of which is way beyond La La Land, all I am going to do is repost what I did

yesterday about Hillary Clinton re: his repetition today that Hillary has been arrested and is at GITMO.

Sbd of course won't explain this because even in his world of lies, fabrications and delusions, paranoia and hopes, this kind of stuff is not possible:

Only one comment today re: sbd's comments in post 10198 about Hillary's allegedly hanging in the near future.

"All I can say is that she had hurry up and get that book out if above is true, unless of course she can somehow co-author it from the Hereafter. lol

Hillary Clinton to co-author new thriller, 'State of Terror' - ABC News (

ps Did sb/D-ipshit forget that April 26, the day of alleged hanging, has come and gone and that she is still alive and kicking?" lol

Nov 11, 2007
The only other thing for now is that it is obvious that sbd is still reeling badly from X-File's total destruction of him in post 10182 in the IVU Thread.

I strongly suggest that you read it and check out the links if you haven't done so already.

In short, it is a Highlights/actually low Lowlights compilation reel of sbd's greatest failures in the past in the way of

predictions, unproven conspiracy comments on the Election and so much more.

If there is ever such a thing as a "Kryptonite" post which reduces sbd to rubbles, this post does it!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one worth noting that sbd just posted which is worth noting:

"Like savage1 and the other delusional libtards here, they think they are "killing it" with every post.

Meanwhile, others here are laughing at them daily while we watch them show us just how low their IQ really is."

Actually what this indicates is that sbd really fears that we folks who expose him on a daily basis really are "killing it" because what we say is so

true, and that he has no way of rebutting it other than his usual cliche that we are of low iq, delusional, etc.

And he says others are laughing at us without stating who the "others" actually are.

Perhaps what he means/fears is that the others are the folks who are laughing at HIM.

I mean think of it logically:

Who is most likely to be "laughed at"-the person who has made hundreds of failed predictions(99.9%), unproven conspiracy theories, insane

contentions that Trump won the Election "in the biggest landslide in history," won all 50 states and garnered over 90% of he total Popular Vote OR

those who have documented these failures, commented on his lack of accountability for his failures and in general all of the other delusional

garbage which has emanated from his mouth since March of 2020?

I won't insult your intelligence by telling you the answer to this .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Sbd-if you're out there.

Toss us another bone, and I don't mean the kind of "bone" that Matt Gaetz "tossed" at that underage 17 year old girl or the seedy prostitutes, the former

which is going to get him a stay in jail, where most likely he will find a fellow inmate to discuss things with in Rudy "JAIL"iani! lol

Yeah the orange jumpsuit fittings are inevitable . :):)

More great bump material .

Nov 11, 2007
Yeah the orange jumpsuit fittings are inevitable . :):)

More great bump material .

Yeah I know-"JAIL"iani and Gaetz are such outstanding and upright citizens, that they should consider running for POTUS! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah I know-"JAIL"iani and Gaetz are such outstanding and upright citizens, that they should consider running for POTUS! lol

Good name for NY’s best mayor ever . He sent plenty to jail.

FARA violations . Lol !

Nov 11, 2007
Good name for NY’s best mayor ever . He sent plenty to jail.

FARA violations . Lol !

Soon it will be shown that he is as big a criminal as anyone he he helped to sent to jail-a mobster of the highest order-just wait until this investigation concludes!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Soon it will be shown that he is as big a criminal as anyone he he helped to sent to jail-a mobster of the highest order-just wait until this investigation concludes!

Yeah we know . Bigger than Russia and Ukraine gate . :missingte

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