Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
In a way it is sort of funny in that all sbd is find things to complain about, but in reality he can't do one blessed thing about it other than in his mind imagine

that "patriots" will in fact take action.

In a way I am actually hoping that the QAnon or some other terrorist group tries some overt activities to overthrow the Govt., and that their

bloody remains will be shown on all the networks to serve notice that the Biden Administration will act swiftly and effectively

to purge folks of sbd's ilk, and to send a message that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated and will result instant death if

someone is stupid enough to try it!!

Nov 11, 2007
All I can say is that these "patriots" to whom sbd keeps referring and who are working behind the scenes to get things done must be pretty

fu king lazy sob's in that sbd has been talking about them since he started his thread 13 months ago, but yet neither I, him nor

anyone else has seen even the remotest evidence that they have done anything to further the cause!!

Are these the type of folks God wants to carry out HIS "Divine plan?" lol

Nov 11, 2007
"You know Patriots are winning when fake news networks are trolling Anons and trying to discredit them!"

Yet another vague, moronic and illogical post from sbd which says nothing.

As I said in previous post, these so-called "Patriots" have produced ZERO in way of anything in 13 months since sb/D-oo doo started his thread.

Nov 11, 2007
This excerpt from sbd is the only thing worth commenting upon so far today:

"A recent poll shows overwhelming support for Gaetz by the Constituents.

And this is all he needs."

Sorry pal-that is not the way it works in this country-like everything else in your psychotic world, you are letting your hopes and projections

overrule the legal system real world.

If and WHEN he is almost certainly found guilty, he is gone from Congress at best for him.

The same thing applies to Trump's future career after he is tried and convicted of tax evasion and lots of other criminal offenses

and felonies


Nov 11, 2007
ps Re: his other comments about the Election, voting machines, etc., fine as long as sbd realizes that this applies to FUTURE

elections only and will have ZERO impact on changing the results of the 2020 Election!!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This excerpt from sbd is the only thing worth commenting upon so far today:

"A recent poll shows overwhelming support for Gaetz by the Constituents.

And this is all he needs."

Sorry pal-that is not the way it works in this country-like everything else in your psychotic world, you are letting your hopes and projections

overrule the legal system real world.

If and WHEN he is almost certainly found guilty, he is gone from Congress at best for him.

The same thing applies to Trump's future career after he is tried and convicted of tax evasion and lots of other criminal offenses

and felonies


Nov 11, 2007

Lets revisit this thread after the dust settles and see who turns out to be right.

If I am wrong, I will admit it-will you if it is the other way around?

If I am right and you admit it, then all I can say is that you are already a better person than sbd, who has NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE admitted that

even one of his too many to count failed predictions did not come true.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd says:

"If [fake] Biden was really President and Dems were really in control WHY are they burning down their cities again?

Stay safe. Stay aware."

If Biden is NOT POTUS and Trump is, lets see sbd show us some REAL EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of PROOF

that the legislation which has been enacted since Inauguration Day is that of Trump and not of Biden.

And sorry, neither I nor any objective, intelligen and rational person is going to believe

his moronic/bs theory that God, Trump and the Military are letting people see how bad things get

before Trump is installed somehow as the POTUS and saves the day.

If you believe that, then well all I can say is God help you!!

Nov 11, 2007
You know I sometimes wonder what Trump's "Return" to the POTUS and WH is going to be like.

Some of the possibilities are:

1) Someone in the military or possibly the Sheriff of Washington DC is going to serve Biden with an eviction notice-I am not sure exactly what the

eviction notice will say because it won't be for rent.

2) Trump himself surrounded by the military and other "patriots" will march into the WH and knock on the door Biden of wherever he is at the moment,

and tell Biden, "Joe-sorry to have to tell you this, but you are no longer the POTUS effectively immediately, and I will be taking your place.

3) Perhaps it won't be as peaceful as above and the military, QAnons, and other "patriots" will simply do what they did on January 6 at the Capitol,

namely just try to force their way into the WH, find Biden, and either execute Biden on the spot, or arrest him for crimes against humanity,

and then ship him off to whatever facility is replacing GITMO, where of course he will be greeted by the "many thousands" of people already arrested.

If you don't agree with the last statement, ask sbd about is as he has assured many times that the number cited above is true. lol

4) If the above possibilities seem to harsh, perhaps those in the "Technology Dept." of the incoming Trump Administration could stage some

kind of event to make it look that Trump and Biden are holding hands in unison to signify that Biden decided that it was time to turn

over the reins of the POTUS to Trump.

I mean what could appear better than that to the populace than a "peaceful and agreed upon" transition of power!

If the takeover of power was in this fashion, then immediately following Trump's Inauguration, which I assume would be within minutes

of the announcement and the hand holding, there could be a thunderous celebration/parade in the streets of Washington DC surrounding the White House

with the image of Trump so brightly lit in the skies that it could be seen and heard for many miles from the WH as well

as being broadcast all of the tv networks.

To bring this momentous event to a climax, it would be announced on loudspeakers somewhere near the end, that a very special person

was/is attendance live for this event, and that that very special person was/is GOD HIMSELF.

At that point God in His mighty splendor and glory, God would simply stand next to Trump, point to him, and proclaim that Trump is HIS Second

Son, and would be not only POTUS until he dies, but also leader of the entire world.

Before departing, God would make it very clear that anyone who tried to defy HIM, would be vaporized on the spot and dispatched to Hell

as heir final destination and whatever awaited them there!!

Nov 11, 2007
Quoting Trump:

"The Biden Administration did a terrible disservice to people throughout the world by allowing the FDA and CDC to call a “pause” in the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The results of this vaccine have been extraordinary but now it’s reputation will be permanently challenged. The people who have already taken the vaccine will be up in arms, and perhaps all of this was done for politics or perhaps it’s the FDA’s love for Pfizer. The FDA, especially with long time bureaucrats within, has to be controlled. They should not be able to do such damage for possibly political reasons, or maybe because their friends at Pfizer have suggested it. They’ll do things like this to make themselves look important. Remember, it was the FDA working with Pfizer, who announced the vaccine approval two days after the 2020 Presidential Election. They didn’t like me very much because I pushed them extremely hard. But if I didn’t, you wouldn’t have a vaccine for 3-5 years, or maybe not at all. It takes them years to act! Do your testing, clean up the record, and get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine back online quickly. The only way we defeat the China Virus is with our great vaccines!"

Before this duplicitous/lying/self-serving/repulsive piece of shit criticizes anyone, let's not forget that in Bob

Woodward's interview with Trump for his book, Trump admitted that he lied to the American Public about Covid early last year,

and that it was much worse than he pretended it was.

Lots of people either died or become infected because of this lie.

For me and to be blunt, I consider that tantamount to murder on Trump's part!!

Nov 11, 2007
Real fast.

Sbd after posting a zillion links in post 9609, which add up to nothing, concludes with this:


O'Keefe wasn't kidding!

I told you it was going to be a HUGE week for Patriots.

And we are just getting started!



The bottom line is that sbd uses the same cliched and hackneyed phrases in this post he has used over and over again previously.

Most noteworthy ,there is ZERO in his post to give him or anyone else even the most remote hope that Trump or for that matter anyone else

that Trump will assume the Presidency to replace Biden/and or Harris before Inauguration Day 2025!!!

ps As I stated previously, he has used the term/predicted "huge week for Patriots" too many times since he started the thread in March 2020, with

ZERO and I mean ZERO success.

This time it will be no different!!

Nov 11, 2007
From what I have read, it looks like sbd never studied civics in high school or college if he got that far.

I say that because historically speaking the rule of law in this country is that if the majority of the people are unhappy with the POTUS, the House or Senate,

they vote the folks they are not satisfied with out of office.

Sbd and some of his fellow extremist/QAnons believe that this doesn't apply to them, and that it ok to incite the people with the help of the

military, bypass protocol and resort to overthrowing the government with an uprising and violence if necessary.

Needless to say the REAL Patriots of this country will not stand for this, and if sbd and his QAnons try something to change this, they will end

up with the short end of the stick,end up in jail if they are lucky, and more likely to end up stone cold DEAD!!

Nov 11, 2007
Extremely quick summary today from sbd.

One very long post which is just the same rehash of lies, failed accusations and conspiracies, failed predictions and usual bullshit we have heard for the

last 13 months.

Obviously this is indicative of someone who is pulling his hair out at this point as nothing is going to plan changing the way he wants to.

Once again is that whether agrees with Biden's policies disagrees wit them or is somewhere in between, He and Harris are in charge until at least

Inauguration Day in 2025.

On to more infinitely important matters of the day!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Lets revisit this thread after the dust settles and see who turns out to be right.

If I am wrong, I will admit it-will you if it is the other way around?

If I am right and you admit it, then all I can say is that you are already a better person than sbd, who has NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE admitted that

even one of his too many to count failed predictions did not come true.

You’re off to a good start with Gaetz . CNN gets caught admitting to using propaganda to hurt political opponents and nothing but anonymous allegations .

CNN Director: "The agenda is to get Matt Gaetz right now. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws... we’re going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him"

Nov 11, 2007
You’re off to a good start with Gaetz . CNN gets caught admitting to using propaganda to hurt political opponents and nothing but anonymous allegations .

CNN Director: "The agenda is to get Matt Gaetz right now. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws... we’re going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him"

Again when the FINAL verdict is in re: Gaetz, I will comment.

Partial and incomplete scores don't mean a thing in a case like this.

If there was a futures bet somewhere, I would make a large bet that he will be convicted of the accusations.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Again when the FINAL verdict is in re: Gaetz, I will comment.

Partial and incomplete scores don't mean a thing in a case like this.

If there was a futures bet somewhere, I would make a large bet that he will be convicted of the accusations.

I hear he requested a meeting with Trump for a preemptive pardon . More CNN propaganda . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
I hear he requested a meeting with Trump for a preemptive pardon . More CNN propaganda . :):)

For me all that matters is when there is a verdict one way or the other, which of us comes back if they were wrong to fess up to their error

in judgment.

Hint-as I said previously, unlike sbd who NEVER has admitted that he made even one failed prediction out of the 99.9% he has made, I always do,

always have and always will.

I have to much pride and dignity to try to run away and hide like sbd always does, which is typical behavior of a coward and

someone with ZERO sense of accountability.

Hopefully you will follow suit and come back here and admit your error if it turns out that you are wrong.

Nov 11, 2007
Without his Twitter account, Trump's conspiracy theories find little traction (

This is not surprising at all and will only get worse for him as time marches on.

All things considered, which includes whether Trump is physically/mentally incapacitated or even alive in 2024, I rate the odds of

no more than 10% that he will be the nominee in 2024.

There are already other well known vultures auditioning for the nominee in the expectations that Trump will not be in the hunt in 2024.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Without his Twitter account, Trump's conspiracy theories find little traction (

This is not surprising at all and will only get worse for him as time marches on.

All things considered, which includes whether Trump is physically/mentally incapacitated or even alive in 2024, I rate the odds of

no more than 10% that he will be the nominee in 2024.

There are already other well known vultures auditioning for the nominee in the expectations that Trump will not be in the hunt in 2024.

1) He has a much better chance of running in ‘24 than the installed puppet there now .

2) If he runs its unopposed . No R candidate stands a chance against him . See Nikki Hailey’s latest statement .

3 ) He doesn’t run and the candidate he endorses wins the R nomination for fun .

Book it !

Nov 11, 2007
1) He has a much better chance of running in ‘24 than the installed puppet there now .

2) If he runs its unopposed . No R candidate stands a chance against him . See Nikki Hailey’s latest statement .

3 ) He doesn’t run and the candidate he endorses wins the R nomination for fun .

Book it !

#1 has no relevance at all to what I said about my 10% opinion of Trump's being the nominee.

Biden's chances are totally irrelevant to the opinion I offered, as we are not discussing relativity here.

#2) I don't agree at all.

What if Trump is convicted of tax evasion or something worse-then what?

That is built into my 10% prediction.

3) Is totally irrelevant because we are talking about Trump only and his chances.

And in any case, reverting back to #2, there could very well something which happens which will mean that he simply cannot snap his fingers, endorse

whoever he wants and that that person automatically gets the Election.

Four years is a long time and especially so for someone getting up there in years-I obviously speak from experience in this case.

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