Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Re: post 9719 in the IVU Thread, I am not going to go through it point by point because it is nothing more than the usual rationalizations

and excuses why Trump lost and Biden is POTUS.

One line which stands out is this:

"And if Trump went straight at this by making arrests and proving election fraud it wouldn't have worked"

That is a pure contradiction of what sbd has said right along.

He has told us time and time again that thousands of members of the alleged DS have already been arrested made way before the Election.

He also told us from his "impeccable sources" at least 6-8 times beginning on November fourth and leading up to the Inauguration that the results

would be reversed and that Trump would be inaugurated on January 20.

Obviously that never happened no much how hard he tries to convince us that it was a fake inauguration, that Trump has been the POTUS right along, etc.

And only a fool would believe that all of Trump's (FAILED) legal challenges after the Election were a only a ploy, and that he really wasn't trying to get

the results changed IMMEDIATELY by the SCOTUS!!

All I can say is that whether it is sbd or someone else higher up who is writing this script, that person needs to be replaced because as I have said

right along, there are/have been too many contradictions, conflicting statements, paradoxes and just plain lies to count.

Finally sbd again says that after all is said and done, the people will see the light and Trump will "return?

However sbd doesn't say what the people are going to do about it.

If he means they will vote Republican in the 2022 Congressional Elections, and then for Trump or whoever is the Republican Candidate in 2024, then fine.

as that is legal.

If he means armed insurrection prior to that to install Trump as the POTUS, people who try it will be in deep doo doo(jail) at best and hopefully and probably dead

at worst!!


Nov 11, 2007
Upon reading post 9719 again, I found yet another glaring lie, contradiction or whatever you want to call it.

Consider this:

Sbd says:

"Going straight to SCOTUS and having them say 'their was election fraud' wouldn't have changed anything."

I guess this means that in fact that Trump didn't actually go to the SCOTUS right after the Election and petition the Court, and that it was all "fake news"

that he did.

I mean what the fuck-you want to talk about a moron/incompetent who writes these lies, drivel and/or

doesn't know/remember what actually happened right after the Election!!!

Sbd, Q or whatever moronic Ahole writes stuff like this apparently doesn't realize that most folks are informed and are well aware of the ACTUAL

FACTS as to what happened after the Election rather than so dumb as to believe 100% revisionist bullshit/LIE like this!!

Nov 11, 2007
To compare what sbd TRIED to do with his lies and revising history to fit his bull shit/changing day to day narrative would be akin to this using

a baseball analogy(refer to my two previous posts):

Team A is leading Team B 3-0 with in the bottom of the ninth, but Team B has the bases loaded with two out.

Team A's closer, lets call him S teve B radley D erelict, hangs a curveball on a 3-2 count to Steve Savage, who promptly knocks it out of the park,

and Team B wins 4-3.

A week later D erelict sits down for an interview and is asked about the game and the pitch.

D-erelict states that when the pitch left his hand, he was worried that it would hang.
Thank God though it didn't; the batter swung and missed, which preserved the 3-0 victory. :pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
I realize that most folks who have followed sbd's thread and this one are probably aware of this already, but for those of you who are not, I offer this

as a clear cut example of jow he operates.

A poster a little while ago confronted sbd with his statement last Monday that this was/is going to be a huge week for Patriots, but that so far we

are still waiting for the news.

In typical sbd fashion, he offers this response:

"Very low IQ here ^^^^^

Big news everywhere this week but he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to understand any of it.

This is why he rides the short bus."

The bottom line is that he does what he always does when bashed and bloodied against the ropes, namely refer to the other person as of being of "very

low iq" and name calling

Then as you can see, he vaguely says that there has been big news everywhere this week and then tries to dismiss the poster as not being intelligent

to see it.

The obvious unanswered questions are what is PRECISELY the "big news" this week, why is it big, what is the PRECISE impact it is going to have and


Good luck if you think sbd is going to DIRECTLY address relevant questions like this!

Nov 11, 2007
I have a strong suspicion that sbd has been unemployed for as long as he has (meaning at least going back to 3/20 when he started the thread) for at least two


1) somehow word got out to either an employer he had before being canned or a potential employer that he spewed forth too much delusional, imaginary and

totally void of reality nonsense, exemplified by what he has posted in his thread.

2) As I and others have pointed out, his total inability to make sense and post clear, coherent, logical thoughts and without the massive contradictions,

inconsistencies and paradox which as we have seen define everything he says.

In short, he is no way even remotely close to having any kind of job which requires decision making, reports, etc., which in turn depends on one's ability

to objectively consider ALL of the factors(and not just the one way ones which he chooses)before arriving at that decision.

I wouldn't have lasted more than a week or two, let alone 34 years, if I turned the kind of flimsy reports, full of holes and inconsistencies, etc,

which he has over the last 13 months.

If he is happy just being stick in the mud like he is now and wasting his life away by so doing, well that his choice.

To be a bit more positive, if he looks to God for help and/or himself introspectively, then obviously there would be hope.

Nov 11, 2007
I am still waiting for a response from sb/D-ipshit as to how Trump's soul is now going to be saved inasmuch as he has received the Covid Vaccine.

Perhaps he was somehow "grandfathered in." lol

Here you go from SB/D-iarrhea from the mouth:

"As I stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, the vaccine is deadly and has nothing to do with covid.

It's about using mRNA to overwrite your DNA.

By doing this you are detached from your soul [god particle] and become an AI-human hybrid and are easily controlled by a rogue signal.

This process cannot be reversed after the first shot so it is critical you flat-out refuse the vaccine."

Nov 11, 2007
Real fast summary of what sbd has to say today:

Nothing but the usual lies and unsupported statements, which he claims he predicted correctly.

The bottom line is that I and others have DOCUMENTED that his predictions have FAILED to come true 99.9% of the time, and

the same for his unfounded conspiracy and accusation theories.

There is the usual nonsense that Trump is POTUS now and will be the POTUS for his third term beginning in 2025-yeah right! lol

It is in essence all the usual sbd/QAnon propaganda, lies and bullshit.

Biden and Harris are in charge until at least Inauguration Day in 2025, and neither sbd nor anyone can change that-FACT!!

I will be back later if sbd offers something with a bit more substance.

Nov 11, 2007
One more thing for now:

We all know how snd has been promising the "return" of Trump to the Presidency since he lost on Nov. 3.

It obviously has not come true as Biden is POTUS and is calling the shots.

Several weeks ago I stated that since Trump would be officially reinstated as POTUS for all to see in the next four to six weeks, I said that

if gets to be June or July and Biden is still in charge, sbd needs to admit he was wrong.

Independence Day on July 4 of this year will mark eight months and one day since the Election.

For me that is more than sufficient time for Trump to have "returned" if he is going to return.

Thus if Biden is still the POTUS and calling the shots on that day and sbd doesn't admit his failed prediction and tries to move the goal posts out

again, I am going to take the following action.

I am going to keep this thread open as usual with my commentary.

In addition I am going to join the crowd in his thread and remind/ask sbd at least several times to comment on the "return" and why it hasn't happened yet and

to continue to do so until/if/when I get some acceptable answers and/or of course when Trump actually returns to be POTUS. lol

In the meantime I suggest that others who go to his thread continue to remind him on a daily basis multiple times of what I am going to do

beginning on July 4.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd forgot to mention one coincidence in post 9758.

It is not a coincidence that in this thread I am exposing what a delusional fraud and liar sbd is and have documented his

99.9% failed predictions and conspiracy theories for the last thirteen months.

Rather I am doing God's work as ordered (hardly a coincidence) and will continue to do so until my mission is complete

and until justice is served with this walking abomination!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sometimes I tune is right wing radio mostly when driving to hear what they have to say.

The big difference between them and sbd is they obviously don't care for Biden and would much prefer Trump.

However unlike snd these folks are realists and know that the only way to get him out of office and/or reduce his power is at the ballot box.

Of course there is always the impeachment route, but with the Democrats in control of both the House and Senate, that is very unlikely.

The other related thing about sbd is as I see it is that his daily Trump "Return" Act has a lot to do with the fact the sbd is unemotionally and psychologically

unprepared to deal with the reality that Biden is in fact POTUS, and that no matter how hard he tries to convince folks and most importantly himself

that this is not the case and it will change, on some level he feels defeated and realizes that Biden is going to be POTUS for the next four years.

In order to take away the conscious hurt and gain some kind of conscious stability, he has invented stuff like Trump's "Return" and a host of other

related thinking to in a sense keep him going.

By posting his feelings and opinions each day, he believes that the majority of people believe what he says, and that will somehow translate into some

kind if insurrection by the people and Military to remove Biden "very soon" and permanently replace him with Trump.

This type of behavior is not uncommon with lots of folks who choose to keep their dreams alove.

However, there is a fine line between keeping one's dreams alive and living in a world of fantasy, delusion and imagination, which

is obviously the case with sbd.

Nov 11, 2007
I had a few spare minutes so I decided to go back to the month following Election Day to remind everyone how sbd's predictions worked out.

Needless to say ALL OF THEM, which predicted that the results would be overturned and Trump declared the winner, FAILED BIG TIME.

Here is one random but important one issued by sbd on December 2.

Decide for yourself whether it came true or not. lol

"Stay focused on that 2018 Executive Order.

There's a reason why I brought it forward a few times.

You will soon see and understand.

And make sure you have plenty of popcorn.

You will never be able to say I didn't warn you about how mind blowing the ending of this movie will be!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here is yet more outrageous lie borne out of desperation from sbd:

"Only 6 out of 7 million with "blood clots"?

Meanwhile, over 100,000 who have been shot up with Moderna and Pfizer have died.

Again, removing J&J was a "hit" job."

I wonder where this 100,000 death stat was documented, perhaps from the same QAnon person who said that George Floyd never died and this his death
was staged or the "doctor" who stated that aliens and demonic beings rape us/while we are sleeping.


Nov 11, 2007
As I see it, the reason that sbd's predictions and accusation and conspiracy theories will never go anywhere aside from the fact that they are a crock

of shit, is that the overwhelming number of folks out there have accepted the Election Results and have moved on with their lives.

Unlike sbd lots of these folks have families to worry about and put food on their plates as well as jobs about which to concern themselves.

In addition most folks want to enjoy the niceties of life such as food, watching tv, following various matters on the internet, reading, sex, etc.

and especially so since each day the fear and worry about Covid is less and less and especially with the vaccine available.

Unlike sbd , who is totally obsessed with this delusional nonsense, folks aren't thinking of farfetched ideas of Trump's "Return" and

usurping the POTUS from Biden, for the simple reason that this is not the kind of stuff which goes on in this country, has never gone on and

never will go on if the United States is to remain a democracy rather than what sees in a third world country.

Actually what I said above about sbd is really not all that surprising in that just about all of his FAILED predictions and accusation and conspiracy

theories has been nothing but his projections, hopes and desired outcomes since he started his thread 13 months ago.

Needless to say, and as has been shown and documented both in this thread and his own, trying to project one's feelings into the real world

rather than objectively seeing matters as they are, is and always been a failed venture.

Nov 11, 2007
Nothing new to report from sbd today re: "the return."

Hopefully for his sake one of the reasons for this is that he is still in ecstasy and tired from getting a nice dose Saturday Night

QAnon "pink snapper" or Qanon "salami" if that is his thing. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Since previous post, sbd did post a few racist remarks, not surprisingly since he and the QAnons are a White Supremacist Group with no tolerance for Afro

Americans, Jewish People and any kind of immigrants.

We must all work together to legally extinguish these folks and their type of very dangerous thinking!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is sbd's best one so far today, which also shows the anger and frustration on his part:


And it won't be long before you see the delusional libtards here vanish for good!

They won't be able to show their faces around here ever again!"

First of all he says another huge week for Patriots, which infers that there have been ones before.

He obviously cannot and has never been cite any of these alleged huge weeks since he started his thread 13 months ago because there haven't

been any "huge weeks."

All one has to do is look and see who is and has been in charge since Inauguration Day on January despite all of sbd's failed predictions to the contrary.

And then he dreams/fantasizes and predicts that we will vanish for good.

He said the same thing last summer when we laughed at Trump's chances of winning, and he said that he would win "in the biggest landslide in history"

and win all 50 states and get over 90% of the Popular vote-how did that work out? lol

And finally in the last sentence he really shows his pent-up anger and frustration by saying that we won't be able to show our faces ever again.

Actually we will continue to hammer sbd and expose him for his lies and the fraud he is until such time as it is not necessary.

In fact as I promised yesterday, if Trump is not officially the POTUS by July 4, I am personally going to "remind" him of this several times in his



Nov 11, 2007
In second last sentence in previous post it should read several times a day(maybe more), etc.

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