Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
#1 has no relevance at all to what I said about my 10% opinion of Trump's being the nominee.

Biden's chances are totally irrelevant to the opinion I offered, as we are not discussing relativity here.

#2) I don't agree at all.

What if Trump is convicted of tax evasion or something worse-then what?

That is built into my 10% prediction.

3) Is totally irrelevant because we are talking about Trump only and his chances.

And in any case, reverting back to #2, there could very well something which happens which will mean that he simply cannot snap his fingers, endorse

whoever he wants and that that person automatically gets the Election.

Four years is a long time and especially so for someone getting up there in years-I obviously speak from experience in this case.

Oooh , that’s right I forgot . The possible orange jumpsuit fitting could be an obstacle to that ‘24 run .

Nov 11, 2007
In response to what sbd said in post 9644:

"I've heard that all he does over there is just say the opposite of whatever is posted here. [very low IQ]"

Actually sbd doesn't understand that there is a huge difference between stating the "opposite" for the sake of stating the opposite and documenting the truth.

I mean what am I or anyone supposed to say when the other person(sbd)has made 99.9 failed to be proven accusation and conspiracy theories

as well as 99.9 failed predictions for 13 months?

Saying that I state just the opposite make about as much sense as saying that Jewish people believe just the opposite of anti-Semitics like himself

and QAnons just to be contrary.

"Never any proofs or logical reasoning."

This just a projection of what HE doesn't do.

Unlike him, everything I state is in the form of a logical, cohesive and well thought post, which add up to a conclusion.

On the other hand, as I have shown over and over again, everything he posts is a disjointed mess full of contradictions, conflicts and paradoxes from previous posts

as well as "begging the question," "poisoning the well" and non sequiturs up the ying yang-it is strictly no contest in this regard.

"Just another pathetic delusional libtard who has no life and thinks he is "knocking it out of the park" with every post."

Again just a projection of his own shortcomings.

I had a highly successful 34 year career, a lot of which involved exposing liars like him for what they are.

Perhaps sbd can say the same some day if there is some employer stupid/brave enough to hire him in the first place.

He says I have no life, whereas it is I who am retired and actually HE who has NO LIFE OR JOB other than to spend his entire existence here

seeking attention and spewing for fabrications, delusions, lies and overall bullshit.

And yes and to be honest, I take pride in my GOD GIVEN intelligence, education and ability to think and express myself well.

If you want to call it "knocking it out of the park," imo that is a projection of what I am able to do and HE IS NOT able to do.

One finally thing to sbd:

In one post today he said that there are no coincidences in life.

I do think that that is a little strong and encompassing, but I do believe that we are all born for certain divine different missions and reasons, and

it up to us to find out what they are.

I sincerely believe that one of my God given many missions in life was to find this Forum and in my own way expose sbd/QAnons for what

they are, which very importantly includes their racism and hatred for Jewish people!!

My mission will continue not just in this thread but elsewhere including donations to appropriate organizations and causes which are dedicated

to fighting this vermin!!

Nov 11, 2007
Oooh , that’s right I forgot . The possible orange jumpsuit fitting could be an obstacle to that ‘24 run .

Personally imo no matter what happens in the courts, someone a lot younger is going to emerge and gain attention over the

next four years and steal his thunder.

It might be DeSantis or someone else, or imo Trump will realize that at age 78 and depending on what he does over the next four years,

that there is a more relaxing and enjoyable way to spend the remainder of his life than the pressure, traveling, etc. which goes with the


If the Election was this year or possibly even in 2022, I might feel differently, but again I just have a strong sense that for whatever reason he is

not going to be the nominee in 2024.

Again it is really too early to speculate, and in any case and most importantly, you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine.

Nov 11, 2007
Just two things for now:

1) I am going to take the liberty of reposting Rainmaker's comments last night in the IVU Thread because they are so true, powerful, devastating

and unmasking as to what sbd is all about.

2) Look at sbd's "response" which his usual name calling only because he is UNABLE to refute any of it.

Also notice the quick barrage of posts today to try to bury it in his hopes that more people won't read it:

Here you go:

"You are projecting your own insecurities. Deep down you know you’re a gullible idiot. So you pretend to understand this “Q” bullshit, even though understanding another’s delusions is impossible. You attack reliable sources while posting disinformation from the most questionable outlets available. You answer questions about the nonsense you post with the same tired personal attacks. When another timeline passes “it’s all part of the plan”. You call the most incoherent babble logical thinking. When will you understand that your #1 hero, lost by 7 million votes? When will you understand he’s not a hero, he was the biggest disgrace ever to reside in the White House. You call people calling you out with facts sheep, all the while waiting for Qmoron to tell you what’s next. Did you wear your tinfoil hat while heating your spaghetti-o’s in the microwave? It would be easy to dismiss this as the rantings of disturbed loser, except it’s dangerous. I and others have tried to point out obvious flaws in the “reasoning and logic” here but you’re simply too fucking stupid. The only thing more pathetic than your posts are the fucktards that listen. Just know you’re on the wrong side of history. Low IQmorons will not replace us."

Nov 11, 2007
We all know that sbd has too many things which are off the scales in delusion, fantasy and imagination.

One that stands out of late is that he apparently feels that there are enough people out there in the country and world

who can actually financially hurt the monolithic Coca Cola if they don't buy their products because of what happened in Georgia.

The chances of that happening are about the same as one ant being able to move a mountain.

Nov 11, 2007
My only comment to sbd's post 9683 bashing the sources he does, is how much worse are HIS uc king QAnon sources which have

failed 99.9% of the time to prove accusation and conspiracy theories and 99.9% of the time of DOCUMENTED FAILED PREDICTIONS

made over the last thirteen months!!! lol

ps I used 99.9% rather than 100% just in case I somehow missed one along the way which actually came true,

which I doubt.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot-How great is it to have a POTUS with balls who isn't afraid to stand up to Putin, who is our enemy, or worse to be manipulated

and tossed around like a rag doll like was the case with Trump, who also looked the other way and said/did nothing when Putin committed atrocities

against innocent human beings!!

U.S. Imposes Stiff Sanctions on Russia, Blaming It for Major Hacking Operation (

Trump Continues to Be Exceedingly Tough on Russia

Posted: Jul 25, 2020 12:01 AM

In all, as a Brookings Institute analysis revealed, the Trump administration has enacted more than 50 sanctions or policy actions on Russia, many being severe, from May 15, 2017 – four months after Trump took office – to the present day. But the Left would much prefer that you remain ignorant about these.

From the liberal think tank Brookings Institute no less . LOL !

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Russia: Trump Has Sanctioned Us More in Three Years than Obama in Eight

Maybe that opinion piece writer from the propaganda news network known as CNN should have checked with Lavrov first .

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference on Tuesday that the Trump administration has made more sanctions decisions against Russia in three years than the Obama administration did in eight.

“I’ve lost count already, trying to sum up the number of decisions made by both the Obama and the Trump Administrations. The Trump Administration, by the way, has already long surpassed Obama’s by the sheer amount of persons and legal entities covered by these decisions,” said Lavrov, as quoted by Russia’s state-run
Tass news agency.

Nov 11, 2007
My opinion about Breitbart is the same as yours about CNN-enough said.

Of course Lavrov is going to say something to try to pretend that Trump was tough on Russia, whereas in fact as I have stated previously and maintain that

Putin and Russia were both in collusion and/or Putin blackmailed Trump with information he had which he could and would disclose at any time

if he chose.

Also if what you said is true, how come sbd and QAnons have said time and time again that Putin is our friend and not our enemy?

Most importantly, as I said initially Biden is showing he is going to be tough on Putin-that is what counts for me.

You can havelast word.

I am going to return to the main theme of this thread in any case which involves exposing sbd.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
My opinion about Breitbart is the same as yours about CNN-enough said.

Of course Lavrov is going to say something to try to pretend that Trump was tough on Russia, whereas in fact as I have stated previously and maintain that

Putin and Russia were both in collusion and/or Putin blackmailed Trump with information he had which he could and would disclose at any time

if he chose.

Also if what you said is true, how come sbd and QAnons have said time and time again that Putin is our friend and not our enemy?

Most importantly, as I said initially Biden is showing he is going to be tough on Putin-that is what counts for me.

You can havelast word.

I am going to return to the main theme of this thread in any case which involves exposing sbd.

Yeah , I recall something about Trump being exposed to blackmail . It was called the pee tape in that fraudulent Steele Dossier . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
If you can believe it, here is yet one more post from sbd which is in total conflict and a total contradiction of other posts, and why in general

what he posts is a train wreck:

In view of Biden's statement declaring an emergency situation with Russia, sbd says this:

"How unofficial does this letter look!

No Presidential seal.

No signature.

Could it be more obvious he isn't the real President?

And for the record, Russia, Russia, Russia isn't the problem but Biden and the Dems are!"

Hmm-if Biden isn't the POTUS and Trump is as sbd has said right along, how could it possibly be that this legislation is going to take effect???

As usual, sbd doesn't seem to realize that you just can't jump around and cherry pick what you want to post and expect it to fly when he

has said things in the past which totally contradict and conflict with what he is saying now.

And also he is such a weak debater that he dismisses my spot on comments such as above as he said yesterday that I "merely say the opposite

of what he says for the sake of saying the opposite only." lol


Nov 11, 2007
I almost forgot.

Isn't about time for sbd to comment on some fire, explosion, earthquake, tsunami or for that matter just some plain old fart by someone in the middle

of nowhere, and again with "100% accuracy" attach some special kind of meaning to it and tell us that it wasn't by accident or coincidence.

The only sure thing is that when the Satanic, evil, racist and anti-Semitic QAnons breathe their last breath and become extinct, it won't be by accident-it will

be by the WILL OF GOD!!

Nov 11, 2007
I would love to know what sbd's "impeccable" source is for this one.

Perhaps it comes from the same sources which sbd provided which shows that the George Floyd murder was staged ands that he is still alive.

Or perhaps from the Quackanon Doctor sbd cited who claims that demonic forces and sinister aliens have sex with us in our dreams

for reasons that are not in our best interests.

Or perhaps it comes from the same sbd source who told us that a 100% cure for cancer has been around for 70 years but that somehow

it has been kept a big secret by all the doctors and scientists who knew about it.

Or perhaps it is from the same source which so "accurately" predicted that Trump would win ALL 50 STATES and OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE


Or and finally for now perhaps it is from the same QAnon source who a year ago through sbd stated that the Virus

would soon be over, and that right after that, The Dawning of the New Age of Aquarius would set in, where all people everyone

would be ONE, we would all love one another, there would be no more wars, starvation, pestilence, diseases, all evil

people in the world would be purged, and that the world would instantly be transferred into the world God

intended it to be.

Here is sbd's post to which I am referring above re: the vaccine.

"As I stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, the vaccine is deadly and has nothing to do with covid.

It's about using mRNA to overwrite your DNA.

By doing this you are detached from your soul [god particle] and become an AI-human hybrid and are easily controlled by a rogue signal.

This process cannot be reversed after the first shot so it is critical you flat-out refuse the vaccine."

Nov 11, 2007
One thing I forgot to mention actually question in last post:

Could sbd tell us if Trump has also become detached from his soul since he himself got the vaccination, or if not, was he exempted and why?? lol

Most likely like everything he posts, this is just ANOTHER/conflicting and contradictory loose end he forget to tie up!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more post from sbd based on his own projections and feelings:

"'The People' love sports as a form of entertainment.

But they are American Patriots first!

Boycotts work.

These leagues better be careful or they will be bankrupt fast!

We don't need these big companies like they think we do.

Make better choices.

Buy local.

YOU are now the soldiers on the front lines.

The power is with you, not them!"

All I can say is that when people have confidence that covid is really over, these starved fans are not going to worry about boycotts

because they disagree with something politically.

They are going to rejoice and attend games with no attendance restrixtions with their families, buy concessions like COCA COLA

and have a plain old good time just like it was prior to the pandemic.

If their team is doing well, I have serious doubts about their worrying about politics because as sbd said afterall , it is entertainment.

Look at some of the huge multiyear contracts being given out of late-what does that say about the future os the major sports?

If any sport and/or teams suffers imo it will be because of the economy/recession or that their team sucks but certainly not because of the political nonsense

sbd talks about.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah , I recall something about Trump being exposed to blackmail . It was called the pee tape in that fraudulent Steele Dossier . :):)

Quick add . The NYT story of Russian bounties on U.S. troops was bullshit . What a surprise .

Nov 11, 2007
Quick add . The NYT story of Russian bounties on U.S. troops was bullshit . What a surprise .

And of course as we all know, Trump NEVER told even one lie during his tenure let along the 33,000 plus DOCUMENTED lies or

misleading statements.

Yes sir-lets plaster a photo of Trump in thousands of billboards all across the country, and of course in all of the rooms

in homes and apartments because as we all know, he is the model of excellence of a virtuous and model human being that all people in the

country should look up to and to emulate and encourage their sons and daughters to do the same.

Never mind having any Elections anymore-lets just proclaim POTUS for as long as he wishes and/or until he dies.

But wait, wait-why even bother with above, because sbd has told us over and over again that Trump never relinquished the

Presidency in the first place and has been calling the shots right along.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to get down on my hand and knees and do my hourly prayer to Trump/Allah in order to save my soul!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot-How great is it to have a POTUS with balls who isn't afraid to stand up to Putin, who is our enemy, or worse to be manipulated

and tossed around like a rag doll like was the case with Trump, who also looked the other way and said/did nothing when Putin committed atrocities

against innocent human beings!!

U.S. Imposes Stiff Sanctions on Russia, Blaming It for Major Hacking Operation (

Putin closes off the Kerch Strait after Sleepy decides against sending two destroyers to the Black Sea .

Balls in the tough guy’s court (or whoever is running the country).

A POTUS with balls . Lol ! The world senses weakness from this feckless puppet .

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