Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
I still intend to keep the longer posts here rather than in fpp/sbd's IVU Thread despite the posts today which are not in accordance with that.

The obvious reason is that when he tries to discredit and insult me with lies, etc., I must respond in kind in that thread.

However my intent is that outside of this and as stated, the posts which involve analysis will remain here while the accountability

part will be in his thread.

Nov 11, 2007
I was going to post this in the IVU Thread but because it is of a humorous nature rather than a serious one, which is my intent over

there, I decided it to post it over here.

Anyways the topic is whatever happened to Trump's Return to be reinstated as POTUS which according to fpp/sbd(despite

his attempt to weasel out of it today) was supposed to be yesterday, July 4th but did not.

Here are some of the thoughts which come to mind as to why it did not:

1) Hurricane Elsa badly bruised, battered and simply delayed the "Trump Return" Ship on its journey northward from the Coast of Nowhere

near the South Pole.

2) Along the same lines, someone from the "DS" intercepted the ship and with its modern technology veered it off course for the time being.

Don't worry though because the ship's Co-captains, Donald Trump and Rudolph Giuliani, now have it back on course and its "return" is "imminent."

3) A UFO captured the ship and its occupants, which include Trump and other members of the "Return Team" for evaluation on its own spacecraft

to try to get an examples and understanding of lying human(subhuman?) assholes on the planet Earth.

4) The Trump Return Ship got caught into some kind of a time warp and was transported back to the date of July 4, 1776 for reasons


5) The ship was delayed and had to make an unexpected stop at an undisclosed island because it ran out of food, which for the crew members consists

of bullshit.

6) The Trump Return Ship was disabled at least for time being as it collided with a much bigger and stronger ship designated as the Biden Ship.

7) The Trump Return Ship was on schedule to return but when Co-captains Trump and Giuliani along with other crew members heard that there

were some free nooky available from some horny and attractive ladies situated on one of the islands within earshot of the northward

trajectory of the trio, they decided to visit and allow the date of the arrival of the Return be delayed for a couple of days.

8) This is an exception to above, and frankly one I am surprised that fpp/sbd hasn't used.

Namely it is that in fact hat the Trump Return DID occur yesterday, and that Trump and the military are now fully in charge.

However it is though damn optics again which make the rest of us continue to believe that Biden is still the POTUS.

Judging by the fact that I am very familiar by now with fpp/sbd's modus operandi, I would assume that the reason for hiding the "truth" about

Trump's Return is to not send the country into panic by this unexpected development and to not divulge/make this public until the "time is right."

Nov 11, 2007
For those of you who have visited fpp/sbd's thread over the last few days, when I returned to his thread, you notice that I am concentrating primarily

on two matters for now, namely accountability(of lack of in his case) and his being straight forward rather than posting and using vague words and phrases which

can be interpreted in many different ways.

The point is that his modus operandi by so doing is to set himself up in such a way and with a number of options so as to try to allow himself to

pick the option(s) which suit his narrative the best.

I would consider his overall evasiveness in the same way I would if say you left your house for a say 2:00 PM appointment and decided to walk to it.

But uh-oh you forgot to bring your watch.

Thus you asked another person who was walking as to the time of day it was because you wanted to be sure to arrive at your appointment on time.

How would you feel if the person looked at his watch and simply told you it was the afternoon without telling you the time and then quickly walked away?

My conclusion would be that it was someone who believed in he fpp/sbd way of doing/relating things!

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by fpp/sbd:

"BREAKING: Pope Francis has been taken to a hospital in Rome for surgery to treat a colon problem.

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said that additional information will appear after the operation takes place at the Gemelli University Hospital.


Are they preparing the world for his "death"?"

If fpp/sbd ever had a colon problem which required a colonoscopy to find out what was going on with him, he would actually need two separate ones,

one flexible tubing for his anus and one for his mouth, as the two are interchangeable and are identical in appearance! lol


Nov 11, 2007
Now that both July 4th and 5th have gone by without even a tiny hint of "Trump's Return,"(don't kid yourself, folks, by return fpp/sbd meant being reinstated

as POTUS no matter what he says), if fpp/sbd is imply hoping that everyone will forget quickly that he made this prediction.

I for sure will be "reminding" him and others of his prediction every day in this forum to ensure that it maintains its relevancy no matter how

hard fpp/sbd tries to bury it!!

Nov 11, 2007
Today's segment of "One Year Ago" takes us back to Monday, July 6 and is found in post 2724 on page 109.

This is and continues to be a post with same message which fpp/sbd posts just about every week, many times on a Monday,

which predicts that it will be a great week for his side and a bad one for the "evil ds."

As has always been the case, nothing even short term let along long term occurred which even remotely approaches/has approached the prediction.

Any objective person who has followed his thread for a while knows that what I am saying is true.

If someone wants more proof, just check and see who is the POTUS and who controls the House and Senate as well as any events over the last

52 weeks which would suggest a winning week for fpp/sbd and his folks and/or a losing one for the hated opposition.

Here you go:


More Pain!

More Rain!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Democrat Senator Excited 25 People Showed Up to Greet 81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden in Michigan



Nov 11, 2007
Democrat Senator Excited 25 People Showed Up to Greet 81 Million Vote Recipient Joe Biden in Michigan



As I have said already several times and using baseball crowd size as a measure of success/actually lack of it, crowd size politically

speaking many times mean ZERO.

This was especially so in the 2020 Election when lots of Trump's supporters were orgasmic about Trump and showed up for rallies,

whereas lots of Biden voters lacked the same and didn't show up at rallies BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY SHOWED UP ON ELECTION DAY


You can choose to disagree all you want-you will NEVER convince me.

You can also have the left say as I refuse to repeat my opinion again!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah they showed up on Election Day alright . In the form of absentee ballots in key swing states in cities such as Detroit ,Madison and Atlanta and counted in the wee hours of the night .

250,000 people in the two most heavily Dem. populated counties in Wisconsin voted indefinitely confined due to Covid , suspending voter ID requirement .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh , and then there’s the mysterious chain of custody documents still missing for absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in several counties in Georgia that were disguised as Biden voters who showed up on Election Day as lightweight claims .


Nov 11, 2007
Oh , and then there’s the mysterious chain of custody documents still missing for absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in several counties in Georgia that were disguised as Biden voters who showed up on Election Day as lightweight claims .


This was especially so in the 2020 Election when lots of Trump's supporters were orgasmic about Trump and showed up for rallies,

whereas lots of Biden voters lacked the same and didn't show up at rallies BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY SHOWED UP ON ELECTION DAY


See ya!

ps Imo it is more likely that Trump cheated than Biden but failed to do so successfully.

Biden and his staff didn't make a big deal out of their suspicions because why bother they won anyways!!

Barr got it right!!

Nov 11, 2007
Off for a doctor's appointment and some other errands.

Back this afternoon.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This was especially so in the 2020 Election when lots of Trump's supporters were orgasmic about Trump and showed up for rallies,

whereas lots of Biden voters lacked the same and didn't show up at rallies BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY SHOWED UP ON ELECTION DAY


See ya!

ps Imo it is more likely that Trump cheated than Biden but failed to do so successfully.

Biden and his staff didn't make a big deal out of their suspicions because why bother they won anyways!!

Barr got it right!!

Yeah Trump cheated . I’m sure that chain of custody issue in Georgia and indefinite confinement issue in Wisconsin affected Biden tremendously lightweight .

Even that fraud Raffensperger that CNN couldn’t get enough of in the days after the election says everything went smooth has changed his tune .

New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue.

Restoring confidence in our elections is going to be impossible as long as Fulton County’s elections leadership continues to fail the voters of Fulton County and the voters of Georgia. They need new leadership to step up and take charge


Something tells me CNN won’t be scheduling him for any more interviews .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
In short, this is a bit like listening to a child cry after they touched a hot stove you warned them not to touch. Raffensperger was warned not to get too close to the left in expressing his opposition to Trump. Further, he had been around the block long enough to know that no good intentions were to be found among Democrats. Instead of staking out a position in the middle, whatever that may have looked like, he went full bore into the arms of adoring CNN hosts. Now, he’s learning the olive branch he extended isn’t going to be reciprocated. Rather, Raffensperger is being ripped apart by the very people he sought approval from.

Spot on !


Nov 11, 2007
If and when and not until Lenbo 1) takes back his statement that he wants Biden to fail as POTUS no matter how bad things get for the country and

2) admits that Trump is FAR form perfect and told at least one lie during his tenure let alone the 30,000 plus documented ones, I won't take anything

seriously in his totally one-sided blinkers on/Johnny Most way of looking at matters.

In any case for the time being anyways most of my interest is concentrated on fpp/sbd's thread and "reminding" him of things he doesn't want to talk

about for obvious reasons.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A majority of Biden voters said they voted absentee or by mail in the 2020 election (58%).

By contrast, about a third of
Trump voters (32%) voted by mail. Roughly two-thirds of Trump voters (68%) said they voted
in person, either on (38%) or before (30%) Election Day.

It was the Biden voters who showed up at the polls claims lightweight .

It’s just too damn easy


Nov 11, 2007
A majority of Biden voters said they voted absentee or by mail in the 2020 election (58%). By contrast, about a third of Trump voters (32%) voted by mail. Roughly two-thirds of Trump voters (68%) said they voted in person, either on (38%) or before (30%) Election Day.

It was the Biden voters who showed up at the polls claims lightweight .


That in itself leaves out a lot of ways that Trump and his folks could and probably did commit fraud.

Just look at all of the documented criminals and felons who have been indicted and who have served time, all buddies of Trump.

Also consider the legal problems he is facing now, and you think think that Trump is lily white and above cheating.

I stand by what I said in post 2137, and to use a fpp/sbd quote slightly altered but to really mean it, there is nothing which can change my opinion

about you at this juncture or for that matter and more impotantly, Trump!!

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing, Lenbo, and it is essentially the same as I said before:

I am far from a political person day in and day out and especially in this case, when we are talking about Election which was held eight months ago with

the verdict sealed back in November.

If it weren't for the presence of Trump, in all of this-I couldn't care less.

My life continues and has always continued in all of my years on this planet no matter who was elected and whether I voted for him or now.

You see things differently and want to dwell on the Election results forever-if that is what floats your boat, then fine.

If Trump had won on Election Day I would have accepted the results even if I suspected foul play once it was certified.

The overall conclusion is that even though I will respond to what you say, my personal life continues no matter what.

If I wanted to get into a back and forth battle bashing/defending about Trump and Bide, you would find me in the Political Section, rather than my leaving

the thread for good six months ago on January 6th.

As you can see my real attention is and has always been with sbd and especially now after his July 4th Return of Trump went up in flames.

That's it- this time while I may post something about fpp/sbd later on today, I GUARANTEE that I will not respond to anything you say until

at least late tonight.


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