Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps and using fpp/sbd's cliche, HE is the one in desperate panic mode, as he knows that I and the others really mean business this time around, and that

he will suffer consequences such as he is seeing now if he thinks he can simply sweep all of his failed predictions, lies and bullshit and start up

with new ones!!

Nov 11, 2007
One further thing to Lenbo and all:

Since I am obviously focused even more so than usual with fpp/sbd because of the July 4th failed prediction/bullshit and am now posting in his thread,

I will neither post anything nor provide a link to anything political nor respond to anything political in this thread until the Maricopa results have been tallied.

I intend to stay on course/focused with my goals and purpose both in this thread and the IVU Thread at this point, meaning that if it doesn't

involve fpp/sbd, I am not interested.

Obviously I do have to and will continue to expose him, which sometimes involves his failed predictions and other stuff which do involve politics, but the focus

will be on his failed predictions, accountability, etc. as it relates to him and him on;y!

I hope above is clear.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
That in itself leaves out a lot of ways that Trump and his folks could and probably did commit fraud.

Just look at all of the documented criminals and felons who have been indicted and who have served time, all buddies of Trump.

Also consider the legal problems he is facing now, and you think think that Trump is lily white and above cheating.

I stand by what I said in post 2137, and to use a fpp/sbd quote slightly altered but to really mean it, there is nothing which can change my opinion

about you at this juncture or for that matter and more impotantly, Trump!!

The fact that a majority of Biden voters voted absentee or by mail leaves a lot of ways Trump voters probably committed fraud ?

Good decision to stay away from posting political links and not having to give responses like that .


Nov 11, 2007
The fact that a majority of Biden voters voted absentee or by mail leaves a lot of ways Trump voters probably committed fraud ?

Good decision to stay away from posting political links and not having to give responses like that .


This is about you rather than politics so I will say it.

NOT a good decision on your part to hope for even stated that the four year of tenure of Biden is a failure and

that people and the country as a whole suffer because of it.

Out for lunch.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun

Jan. 20, 2017 at 12:19 p.m. EST

The effort to impeach President Donald John Trump is already underway.

At the moment the new commander in chief was sworn in, a campaign to build public support for his impeachment went live at, spearheaded by two liberal advocacy groups aiming to lay the groundwork for his eventual ejection from the White House.


Keep repeating your it’s for the good of the county bullshit and I’ll keep reposting this . From day one their goal was to remove Trump from office .

Nov 11, 2007
One thing for now, which I could have also posted in the IVU Thread but decided that since it involves analysis, it would be better to post it here.

Today fpp/sbd claims that he does not read my posts other than one which he claims some unnamed person forwarded to him leaving him

no choice.

Several things here:

Read over sbd's posts over the last few days, and I will leave it to you to decide whether he is telling the truth about never reading my posts or not.

Also and more importantly consider this:

Does it really matter from my/your point of view or not whether he reads he posts or not?

If fpp/sbd does not in fact read my posts as he claims, then the question is why not.

The biggest reason for me is that when he did read my posts and documentation, he never responded DIRECTLY OR SPECIFICALLY to what I posted in any case

because everything I stated was true and documented.

His "response" was and is to me and others nothing but name calling and insults but NEVER addressing the points made.

The other related matter is that if he is telling the truth about not reading my posts, is that because on some level they are painful to him,

in that he realizes that many other hundreds of people do read and believe them as they should, as they are 100% true.

Thus, the easiest and least painful way for him is to not read them at all, and imagine that they are not damaging to him in the sense that they make him

look bad in the eyes of others.

Now lets take a look at it from the other angle, namely that he is lying about not reading them(which I believe to be the case).

Why would he do this?

Well the answer is pretty obvious if you look at it.

By pretending that he does not read my posts, he can imply as he did today, that he can't/won't respond to my posts because he doesn't read them and

thus cannot respond because he doesn't know nor care what the posts are about.

And I am sure that will fly with some low intelligence people.

However, for older and very experienced folks like myself who as part of the profession of among other things exposed welfare fraud (for 34 years)

and seeking out evidence, clues and just "reading people," this is a no brainer as to what he is up to here.

It actually is no different that the sneaky, general and cryptic language he uses in making predictions and other assertions, which in essence allow

him to choose from many options and interpretations, using whichever one fits his narrative.

We saw evidence of this yesterday when he tried to weasel out and claim that July 4th had nothing to do with Trump's Return/Reinstatement, but never telling us

why when asked by me several times, then why did he say that July 4th of this year would be a date remembered for centuries.

Trust me when I tell you that some of the welfare fraud I cracked was a zillion times more difficult to do than exposing fpp/sbd, because as

I and the others had shown and documented, his narrative is so full of holes, leaks, etc., that if he was a ship, it would capsize within minutes.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump is in about as much trouble as Allen Weisselberg is, according to biographer Michael D'Antonio.

Speaking to CNN's Jim Acosta on Sunday, D'Antonio explained that the kinds of things that Weisselberg is accused of are similar to things that Ivanka Trump also did while working for the Trump Organization

Now Ivanka is in trouble too . More CNN propaganda .


Sep 5, 2010
I can end the arguement.

trump lost.

He is a whiner like his loser followers.

You lost, get over it.


Sep 5, 2010
President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump is in about as much trouble as Allen Weisselberg is, according to biographer Michael D'Antonio.

Speaking to CNN's Jim Acosta on Sunday, D'Antonio explained that the kinds of things that Weisselberg is accused of are similar to things that Ivanka Trump also did while working for the Trump Organization

Now Ivanka is in trouble too . More CNN propaganda .


Time will tell.

trump lost.


Delusional movie watcher.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Switch over to CNN to see what Fredo Cuomo is opening with .

Guess what ? The Capitol breach AGAIN .


Sep 5, 2010
trump still lost an is and always been a loser.

His followers are also losers.


Nov 11, 2007
Short and sweep, here is today's edition of "One Year Ago."

It is found on page 110 and is post 2734 in the IVU Thread and was posted on July 7, 2020.

If anyone knows the names of the folks who were allegedly arrested and when, please state.

"Sources say that NINE Hollywood producers/directors were arrested at the same time that this happened.

Being told the names are big and will be released when the timing is right."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Time will tell.

trump lost.


Delusional movie watcher.


On an episode of the podcast "The New Abnormal" released on Tuesday, Mary Trump told The Daily Beast's Molly Jong-Fast that it was plausible that Ivanka Trump, who was an executive vice president at the Trump Organization from 2005 to 2017, could provide prosecutors with evidence that could implicate her father.

Oh my ! Mary Trump thinks so too .

The walls are closing in . They really really got him this time .


Nov 11, 2007
As anyone who has been reading the IVU Thread over the last few days, you can see that my involvement is much higher to what it is to over here,

where I used to post a lot of the same stuff I am now posting over there-that will continue.

As state previously, until further notice all you are going to see in this thread is my daily "One Year Ago" segment as well as some commentary/analysis

re" fpp/sbd which I simply decided belongs to be in this thread rather than the IVU Thread.

Nov 11, 2007
In order to bring at least some equal time over to this thread as opposed to posting the last few days, I decided to take fpp/sbd's post 12488 from his thread

in its entirety along with some commentary, line by line.

Here you go:


"Libtards are 100% clueless."

Really says who, fpp/sbd because they don't agree with the undocumented bullshit and lies as well as exposing and documenting his

too many to count FAILED predictions!!

"They are nothing more than brainwashed sheep."

If libtards are "brainwashed sheep," then what in turn do we call folks who have followed/believed fpp/sbd and his Qanons over the last 16 months with 99.9%

FAILED predictions and unproven and undocumented accusations, perhaps followers an disciples of the truth!!

"They lack independent and critical thinking.:


Is the definition of above researching and documenting fpp's lies, failed predictions gossip, etc., OR does perhaps he mean the definition should be simply

believing everything fpp/sbd says!!

"Very LOW IQs."

Although I myself am from a libtard myself and actually quite moderate in my beliefs, I am very grateful for both my god given intelligence, education,

highly respected professional career as well as my ability to express myself with documentation to expose folks like fpp/snd.

Perhaps he should worry about his own iq and improving his manner of expressing himself and presenting a narrative which flows smoothly

At the moment as I and others have shown over the last 16 months, it is a total disaster!!

"Their "research" is limited to "google"."

Hmm-using an example today of the 900% increase in alleged Gitmo flights with prisoners of late with his "source" no one has ever heard on,

"Before its News," his implication is that we shouldn't bother to google but rather just accept his assertion that what they say is true.

Interesting to say the least!! lol

"Whatever the first link is that pops up is their "evidence" if it supports their narrative."

I pretty much answered this above.

Is the inference here that that the first and for that matter ONLY link one should click on is this thread and and accept everything fpp/sbd and his

"sources" say as gospel-yeah right!!

"They spend their time trying to discredit truth through lies and disinformation."

Fpp/sbd's definition of truth is his UNDOCUMENTED OPINION of what the "truth" is, and that DOCUMENTATION of his multiple

failures and all of the other bullshit we have DOCUMENTED over the last 16 months are what constitute lies and disinformation.

I will let you folks to decide who is correct here.

"Simply because they don't have the intellectual capacity to do real research."

This is just a rehash of the bullshit which he posted earlier and which I have addressed already-no need to repeat.

"If they did they would post irrefutable evidence like official/legal documents."

We have a combination here of both begging the question and poisoning the well.

In essence it is a generalized statement which says nothing other than the implication that we should follow his "sources" and his "sources" only.

I defy him to cite specifically the "official and legal documents" he mentions and to show how what the conclusions are and why we should accept them.

"They never do because they can't."

This refers to last quote, and I just addressed it in any case.

"The election fraud is a perfect example."

"They believe there was no fraud."

"This, in itself, proves how delusional they are."

Again a clear example on his part of begging the question and poisoning the well.

For starters, if it was a fraudulent Election, then how come Trump's legal team was shot down over 70 times and didn't even get to first base and most

importantly with the SCOTUS after multiple attempts?

Are these folks all "delusional" also?

"However, they have yet to provide anything beyond fake news links that supports their claims and beliefs."

Once again like above and so many instances overt he last 16 months, fpp/sbd shows his total incompetence and inability to present something which

is NOT full of holes.

Again he uses the crutch of "fake news" as does his mentor/deity, Donald Trump, that anything you can't rationally explain anyway should be dismissed as "fake


I will let intelligent and objective folks decide where the REAL "fake news" emanates from.

"Meanwhile, this thread is filled with one proof after the next supporting the fraud is real."

No comment here other than it is generalized statement of bullshit which says NOTHING and which provides ZERO actual proof of ANYTHING.

Some of fellow dull(that is being polite) might buy into this but not intelligent and objective folks who have read what fpp/sbd has posted over any

significant period of time.

"And yet they believe those that provide these facts and evidence are delusional."

This is just a rehash/another way of repeating what he just said before this, and does nothing to further his case.

"These libtards aren't just delusional, they are borderline psychosis."

I will let you folks decide who is delusional/psychotic-a person has made 99.9% DOCUMENTED FAILED PREDICTIONS over the last 16 months,

and as a good example, a person who believes that Trump WON ALL 50 STATES AND RECEIVED OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE

OR those who believe that it is bullshit and an indication of a VERY psychologically and emotionally disturbed individual!!

That's it.

Thanks to all who took the trouble to read this!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


A BLM flag is seen outside the US Embassy in Cambodia on Tuesday. The seven-page State Department document gave authorization to 'diplomatic and consular posts' to fly the organization's flag and use its name in messages and speeches

What a disgrace !

In a fiery Fourth of July Facebook post, Utah’s Black Lives Matter Chapter declared the American flag "a symbol of hatred."

But the Biden State Dept. loves theirs .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


A BLM flag is seen outside the US Embassy in Cambodia on Tuesday. The seven-page State Department document gave authorization to 'diplomatic and consular posts' to fly the organization's flag and use its name in messages and speeches

What a disgrace !


Nov 11, 2007
Today's edition of "One Year Ago" takes us back to July 8, 2020.

There were a lot of posts as usual which were/are pure fantasy, lies, projections on the part of fpp/sbd.

I chose the most obvious one about re: who would be calling the shots, ie actually NOT nor NEVER allegedly calling the shots as POTUS.

It is post 2749 and is found on page 110 of the IVU Thread:

Joe Biden

Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health.

On my first day as President, I will rejoin the @WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage.

4:44 PM · Jul 7, 2020



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