Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Maybe that devastating fringe benefits case the vindictive bitch of an AG who campaigned on getting Trump and the DA put together will be a road block .


I’ll repeat once again . DeSantis steps aside if Trump makes it official . His time will come

Book it lightweight !

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe that devastating fringe benefits case the vindictive bitch of an AG who campaigned on getting Trump and the DA put together will be a road block .


I’ll repeat once again . DeSantis steps aside if Trump makes it official . His time will come

Book it lightweight !

You are full of shit, and so are obsessed with Trump that you can't get out of your own skin and realize that lots and lots of folks don't see things

the way you do.

I will also repeat:-Trump has a 5% chance of being the nominee by my criterion and Desantis at least 50%,

Book it, you delusional Trump dick sucking Ahole!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You are full of shit, and so are obsessed with Trump that you can't get out of your own skin and realize that lots and lots of folks don't see things

the way you do.

I will also repeat:-Trump has a 5% chance of being the nominee by my criterion and Desantis at least 50%,

Book it, you delusional Trump dick sucking Ahole!!

You wanna wager another month ban Trump and DeSantis don’t run head to head lightweight ?

Nov 11, 2007
You wanna wager another month ban Trump and DeSantis don’t run head to head lightweight ?

What a stupid fucking proposed wager!

If Trump isn't able to run and/or decides not to run, then what??

As usual I have proven to be too smart for you because you are unable to respond directly to the points I made about Trump's candidacy.

I am not going to play games with you, Ahole, in any event and especially so since you are such a piece of dirt that

you openly admitted that you would rather see the country suffer because it is so important to you to see Biden fail.

And to add icing on the coke, you are so in love with Trump and suck on his dick so much, that you won't admit that Trump told EVEN

ONE LIE during his four years let alone more than 30,000 DOUCUMENTED ONES!!!

If years from now some youngster wants to know what the term basket of deplorables means in the history books re: the 2020 Election and an example,

I would hope that someone would direct them to the archives of this thread if available and direct them to read the posts of Lenbo!!

That's it until later on tonight, because as the old saying goes loosely translated, that if you hand around with lowlifes long enough/too

many times, you will become one them!!

Tell me what you side orders are going to be for you tonight when you sit down to dinner and devour Trump's external organ which lies below

the belt.

Until then, have a nice evening, cretin!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
What a stupid fucking proposed wager!

If Trump isn't able to run and/or decides not to run, then what??

As usual I have proven to be too smart for you because you are unable to respond directly to the points I made about Trump's candidacy.

I am not going to play games with you, Ahole, in any event and especially so since you are such a piece of dirt that

you openly admitted that you would rather see the country suffer because it is so important to you to see Biden fail.

And to add icing on the coke, you are so in love with Trump and suck on his dick so much, that you won't admit that Trump told EVEN

ONE LIE during his four years let alone more than 30,000 DOUCUMENTED ONES!!!

If years from now some youngster wants to know what the term basket of deplorables means in the history books re: the 2020 Election and an example,

I would hope that someone would direct them to the archives of this thread if available and direct them to read the posts of Lenbo!!

That's it until later on tonight, because as the old saying goes loosely translated, that if you hand around with lowlifes long enough/too

many times, you will become one them!!

Tell me what you side orders are going to be for you tonight when you sit down to dinner and devour Trump's external organ which lies below

the belt.

Until then, have a nice evening, cretin!!


DeSantis steps aside if Trump makes it official . His time will come

Book it lightweight !

The answer to your question is above in bold dumb ass . I shit smarter than you . The if means it’s a bet .

If he runs and you think DeSantis opposes him then put up or shut up you illiterate CNN watching mental midget .

Now run away little bitch . I haven’t even begun to turn up the heat yet .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Can’t be any more clear . If Trump doesn’t run he can’t run opposed by DeSantis and there’s no bet .

Duh !

Nov 11, 2007
A quick time out with some comments before I resume my enjoyment of the evening:

To Lenbo I will accept your proposed wager IF AND ONLY IF you accept mine, which is simply that Trump will NOT be the Republican nominee for POTUS in


As far as fpp/sbd's comments in his IVU thread post 12270 are concerned:

1) Here is the documentation to some of those 30,000 plus lies told by Trump.

And the fact that some of these lives were repeated hundred of times by Trump doesn't change anything about the number.

In fact repeating the same lie over and over again is actually worse than if all of the lies were different as

it shows very little confidence in them on his part and/or even worse, he has repeated them so many times,

that he has actually come to believe they are true.

Above is interesting and telling because that is EXACTLY what his protege fpp/sbd does!!

Also if he questions my sources, then all I can say is that they are lot more trusted than sites like bullshit and DOCUMENTED satirical sites he uses like

Rea Raw News and Disclosure TV which very few people have even heard of let alone trust.

Here you go:

Tracking all of President Trump’s false or misleading claims - Washington Post

2) Regarding the "trafficked wife" tape comments, all I can say is meeting my wife through the FIRST and still most respected type of Matchmaking

Agency out there which matches up people from foreign counties, is the best INVESTMENT I ever made, even better that the investing firm which has helped

to make my net worth in the significant seven digits!!

If this is what sbd refers to as "wife trafficking, after 15 years of happy marriage I will take it 101 times out of 100.

It is also interesting that while fpp/sbd has attacked my wife several times, he has NOT ONCE/NEVER told us about his own insignificant

other(with the HUGE and I mean HUGE assumption that he has one), and no his right hand doesn't qualify as a significant other. lol

Perhaps he can tell us about his wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend or whatever.

And one thing before I post the link to this truly magnificent matchmaking site, in case someone else might be interested:

I noticed that he referred to me in his post using the past tense word using the word "was."

Does that mean that I am a poster/double and that the real savage was secretly shipped off to GITMO like "all of the other folks"

to stand trial and then be executed? lol

Lastly I thank God to give me an opportunity/reason to post the link to this truly wonderful matchmaking site, so that perhaps some other folks can fulfill

their lives:

Russian Women - Asian Women - Dating Service - Love Me

Nov 11, 2007
July 4th, which is not only Independence Day, but the day which fpp/sbd has promised numerous times including today

to be the date where Trump is officially reinstated, will be here in two days.

If you don't know already, it will also mark the REAL RETURN, which is for me to establish some badly needed accountability over there re:

what will be yet another failed prediction for July 4th and other related matters.

I intend to do everything in my power to make it and days following it to be what Waterloo Day was to Napoleon, and I

invite anyone else so inclined to join the fray.

With that said today's "One Year Ago" take us back to July 2, 2020 and is found on page 2683 on page 108.

My only comment after reading it and looking back in retrospect can be summed up in one word, REALLY??? lol

Here you go:

"This thread has made many "predictions" that have all come true.

You are watching others materialize now.

The ones materializing now are not only the biggest events and scandals in history but will lead to massive arrests including death penalty sentences.


And then there's the human trafficking and Pedo rings which many of these same people are a part of.

As I have stated and maintained IT WILL BE A MIC DROP!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here is last and only meaningful line from fpp/sbd's post 12289:


Actually he forgot to complete the sentence and state date of July 4th which is his alleged date of "Trump's Return."

As it applies to me and others in the group who have already left him bloodied almost beyond recognition over the last 16 months,

the term as used by and it applies to him him means that he won't be able to stop the intensified onslaught which will begin on July 4th

rather quietly as we have to wait until end of day on July 4th to see if Trump is actually reinstated on that date(lol)

as fpp/sbd has predicted time and time again.

However lets just say if no Trump reinstated by end of day on July 4th, beginning on July 5th, things will be far from quiet

and will increase exponentially each day until/if/when things are resolved in a satisfactory manner!!!


Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
Since Disclose TV is one of fpp(fantast prone personality)/sbd's major go to sources for "reliable information," I think at the very least you should consider this review:

n review, the users of Disclose TV publish news stories that are often conspiratorial and sometimes just fake. They also publish some legitimate articles as well. Disclose TV frequently publishes news about aliens and UFOs such as this: UFO sighing in the Philippines. They also promote stories regarding chemtrails, anti-vaccination propaganda as well as false flag conspiracies. In general, this is an over the top conspiracy and pseudoscience website.
<center style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline;"><amp-ad width="100vw" height="320" type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6505602311060910" data-ad-slot="4871456643" data-auto-format="rspv" data-full-width="">
A factual search reveals 10+ failed fact checks. Further, Disclose TV is also on Politifact’s Fake News List.
<amp-ad width="100vw" height="320" type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6505602311060910" data-ad-slot="4570050223" data-auto-format="rspv" data-full-width="">
Overall, we rate Disclose TV a Tin Foil Hat conspiracy website that is low in factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and a lack of transparency. (D. Van Zandt 7/22/2016) Updated (8/11/2019)

<center style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 17.008px; line-height: inherit; font-family: Roboto; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><amp-ad width="100vw" height="320" type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6505602311060910" data-ad-slot="8046731662" data-auto-format="rspv" data-full-width="">
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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Maybe someday, some prosecutorial Ahab will manage to ensnare Moby Trump. For now, though, by turning Allen Weisselberg into the latest Paul Manafort — the sap in whom everyone knows prosecutors would have no interest were it not for his connection to the Big Fish — all Democrats are doing is fueling Trump’s persecution narrative.

More importantly, they are angering fair-minded people who can’t help but see a two-tiered society, with its two-tiered justice system, in which Democrats and the radicals with whom they sympathize have immunity, while no infraction by a Republican — and especially, a Trump supporter — is too trivial for a good drawing and quartering.

Andy McCarthy

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe someday, some prosecutorial Ahab will manage to ensnare Moby Trump. For now, though, by turning Allen Weisselberg into the latest Paul Manafort — the sap in whom everyone knows prosecutors would have no interest were it not for his connection to the Big Fish — all Democrats are doing is fueling Trump’s persecution narrative.

More importantly, they are angering fair-minded people who can’t help but see a two-tiered society, with its two-tiered justice system, in which Democrats and the radicals with whom they sympathize have immunity, while no infraction by a Republican — and especially, a Trump supporter — is too trivial for a good drawing and quartering.

Andy McCarthy

From last night:

To Lenbo I will accept your proposed wager IF AND ONLY IF you accept mine, which is simply that Trump will NOT be the Republican nominee for POTUS in


Yes or no?

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
From last night:

To Lenbo I will accept your proposed wager IF AND ONLY IF you accept mine, which is simply that Trump will NOT be the Republican nominee for POTUS in 2024 .

Yes or no?


So if he doesn’t run you win .


DeSantis doesn’t run against Trump. (I win )

Someone else beats Trump without DeSantis in the race ( You win )

End result a wash .

Correct ?

Nov 11, 2007

If I understand you correctly, you originally said the bet is that in a Trump vs. Desantis runoff.

To me that means if they don't go up against one another, it is a wash.

If they do compete for nomination and Trump gets it, you win.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

If I understand you correctly, you originally said the bet is that in a Trump vs. Desantis runoff.

To me that means if they don't go up against oned another, it is a wash.

No didn’t say that . But to avoid the confusion make the bet Trump is or isn’t the Republican nominee .

After the Hannity interview he’s running in my opinion . Which means DeSantis isn’t opposing him so it’s Trump vs . unknown at this point .

Nov 11, 2007
No didn’t say that . But to avoid the confusion make the bet Trump is or isn’t the Republican nominee .

After the Hannity interview he’s running in my opinion . Which means DeSantis isn’t opposing him so it’s Trump vs . unknown at this point .

This is what you said:

"You wanna wager another month ban Trump and DeSantis don’t run head to head lightweight ?"

Perhaps I interpreted it differently.

More importantly though, yes I agree with you.

Lets keep it to one bet only, namely that Trump will be or will not be the nominee of the Republican Party in 2024.

You say yes and I say no with the self ban for one month in effect for the loser.

Do you agree to that?

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This is what you said:

"You wanna wager another month ban Trump and DeSantis don’t run head to head lightweight ?"

Perhaps I interpreted it differently.

More importantly though, yes I agree with you.

Lets keep it to one bet only, namely that Trump will be or will not be the nominee of the Republican Party in 2024.

You say yes and I say no with the self ban for one month in effect for the loser.

Do you agree to that?


Nov 11, 2007

So can I assume that the bet is on and won't be decided until the Republican Convention in 2024?

Also does the ban bet mean we can't post anything just of a political nature or are we allowed to post sports stuff like my NC Sports Thread?

I would prefer to keep the ban in political section and rubber room only.

It goes without saying that if one of us dies between now and then, all bets are off. lol

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