Phillipe Nover vs. Kyle Bradley
Round 1
Both are cautious to begin the contest. Nover tries to clinch, but Bradley shoves him to the ground. Bradley lands a huge right hand and hurts Nover. Nover rolls over and Bradley lands some moderately-sharp right hands. Nover slips onto his face, trying to grab a leg. Referee Yves Lavigne steps in and stops it but Nover rolls over again. Yves backs away but then Bradley lands some more glancing blows. Nover springs right up and there is confusion while Lavigne waves his arms. The fight is over and Nover doesn't look hurt. The crowd boos rabidly. Replays show Nover wasn’t hurt. Massive gaffe by Lavigne.
Round 1
Both are cautious to begin the contest. Nover tries to clinch, but Bradley shoves him to the ground. Bradley lands a huge right hand and hurts Nover. Nover rolls over and Bradley lands some moderately-sharp right hands. Nover slips onto his face, trying to grab a leg. Referee Yves Lavigne steps in and stops it but Nover rolls over again. Yves backs away but then Bradley lands some more glancing blows. Nover springs right up and there is confusion while Lavigne waves his arms. The fight is over and Nover doesn't look hurt. The crowd boos rabidly. Replays show Nover wasn’t hurt. Massive gaffe by Lavigne.