Joe Soto vs. Wilson Reis
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Round 1
Reis seems tentative to engage and is showing Soto unexpected respect early. Soto lands a hard shot to Reis' chin, dropping him to the canvas for a second. Reis quickly gets back to his feet. Reis throws punches that comes nowhere near Soto, as he continue punching while moving backward. Reis lands a quick leg kick then starts to circle again. Soto continues to stalk, finally slipping a shot onto Reis' chin. Each fighter exchanges blows and Reis tries to take it to the ground. Soto scrambles and they are back to the middle of the cage. Soto grabs a front headlock and nails Reis with a knee to the head. Reis continues to fight at a distance. Soto almost grabs Reis in a choke, a slip by Reis, then back up and the fighters exchange more blows, with Reis landing a strike that momentarily stuns Soto. Soto recovers quickly and the fighter exchange wild blows. The bell sounds to end the round.
Soto clearly gets the round. Hard to give a round to a fighter that spends 5 minutes backpeddling.
Round 2
The fighters come out, sizing each other up again. Reis quickly tries to shoot in, but Soto blocks the attempt. Reis narrowly misses with a leg kick to the head. Soto pushes the pace and advances on Reis. Reis pushes the action back, but misses with a few punches. Reis continues to fight at a distance, seemingly scared to throw down. Soto lands a couple of shots and the fighters exchange several hard blows as Reis circles out and backpeddles again. Soto lands another sound exchange of punches. Soto scores with another hard right and Reis scrambles away from Soto again. Reis leg kicks onto Soto's side, Soto responds with a hard jab and punch back. Soto is now pushing the action, hard shots to Reis' face, and Reis is on his back for a few seconds, but gets back up. The fighters start circling again, with Soto looking to advance. Reis lands a left leg kick at the bell.
Soto wins another round solidly, as Reis musters no offense throughout the round.
Round 3
Bell sounds, fighters advance quickly, circle, left then right. Soto tries a side takedown, Reis denies it. Leg kick by Reis lands solid. Dancing, Reis tries to size Soto up and gets a blow to the face in return. Missing with another leg kick, Reis pushes, but Soto lands a blow to knock Reis down. Reis still rises to his feet quite quickly. Fighters keep swinging with a majority of them missing. Reis shoots, Soto almost drops but maintains his balance and stays up. Again, trading shots by both that are wild and Soto almost lands a finishing blow, but misses. Reis is beginning to pick up the pace, realizing he is behind on the judges cards. Reis grabs Soto's leg, attempts a take down, but Soto slips out and stays up. The fighters throw a couple blows that land, Reis tries two leg kicks to the head that miss and the bell for Round 3 sounds to end the fight.
Very close round, but a slight edge goes Soto due to the knockdown blow.
Official Result
Soto by unanimous decision of 30-27 on all three judges cards.
Boxing RTD : 20-5 +102.62 units
MMA YTD : 93-49 + 93.27 units
I have lost all my confidence betting on MMA , another loss .