Billionaire Jeffery Epstein arrested on federal charges of child sex trafficking


New member
Apr 7, 2016
Psycho lying bitch? Serious question did you even watch the confirmation hearings? There was only one psycho liar there, and it wasn’t her.
Also, she passed a polygraph test
only.. a idiot... couldn't see that she was lying...and qualify

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
HaHa...And yet years ago people were celebrating countdown clocks for Olsen twins,Brittany Spears,Miley Cyrus etc...

New member
Jan 11, 2015
it is unbelievable how people with different political affiliations can look at the
same set of facts and come up consistently with opposite conclusions.
even in cases that are almost the same, but the accused are from different
parties, most people end up believing the party line. this either means
that one political party is made of 100% geniuses and the other 100%
idiots ( I wish I knew which was which) or that people are so biased
by there political views that the media and politicians use that to their

Amazing how anybody can look at this shit and actually believe it happened.


<small class="time"> </small>
So much for 'conspiracy theorist tin foil hats'

Mar 6, 2019
HaHa...And yet years ago people were celebrating countdown clocks for Olsen twins,Brittany Spears,Miley Cyrus etc...
Who are these people you speak of? Weird old white dudes who haven’t found the ability to forge relationships with adult women their entire life, so they live to express their odd fantasies anonymously on the internet like TGO?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Is there really no difference between Moore and Epstein? Seriously?

Moore; No timely accusations, no police reports, no charges, no arrests... , only salacious accusations 40 years later that can't be proven but can be used to destroy a politician during a high profile political event

Epstein; Timely accusations, complete with police reports, state charges, jail time and now arrested on federal charges with the federal prosecution requesting no bail and the accused presently sitting in a jail cell (again)

Epstein will have another day in court, more facts will come out and a judge or jury will render a verdict. But do people really think there's no difference in circumstances?

Just another example of false equivalencies, actually created by political bias (oh the irony, I know)
Feb 6, 2007
Lmao but you know there are many ways to go about slandering somebody’s name and diminishing their chances at re election. Right? There are many things you can make up..... 14 year old girl gets felt up by a 32 year old Roy Moore and you think it’s a lie? You know how hilarious that is right? You keep making my case for me. Anything for Trump.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
There was a comedian, one of his opening jokes used to be. "I love having sex with 14,15,16 year olds,,,(pauses for effect). When I was 17!!! Whats wrong with you??"
Biologically it is true nature, wants man to mate with a women shortly after shes started her period. This is our biology, SOCIALLY, we have changed and as a society we dont see that as ADVANTAGOUS to our species. Therefore it is taboo.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Lmao but you know there are many ways to go about slandering somebody’s name and diminishing their chances at re election. Right? There are many things you can make up..... 14 year old girl gets felt up by a 32 year old Roy Moore and you think it’s a lie? You know how hilarious that is right? You keep making my case for me. Anything for Trump.

We just don't see eye to eye, and that's not my problem. You don't even realize you're begging the question to begin with, and you totally believe those 14 year old girls never told authorities, never filed a report, never called the police, never outed these transgressions for 40 years as he climbed up the political ladder. Didn't even talk about the incident when he presided over one of their divorce cases............, but once he runs for the Senate and they're part of the resist resist resist movement, they start talking. Yep, perfectly normal behavior to me (that's sarcasm, I know I need to take baby steps with you). They can't prove any allegations, they have no specifics about anything, and he can't disprove anything (especially since they have no detail)

Mob is a man attorneys love, he'd be picked for jury duty every chance they get. They're looking for minds they can fill, especially when they don't have anything to support their positions.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
so the libs will buy Trump guilt hook-line-sinker and completely ignore what the victims' lawyer said about Trump 10 years ago? just more proof that the liberal mind was created by hating facts in lieu of wild rumors that fit the narrative pushed on them by MSM. You wackos are so blinded by hate an an ever-moving moral compass that you can never see the truth.

fact is that a girl did file a complaint alleging trump and epstein raped her but then never came back to get interviewed or have her day in court. trump should absolutely go down, if involved, but the facts aren't showing it today

the other fact is that Trump threw Epstein out of his resort for approaching a teenage girl and then when he heard about Epstein's accusers in Florida he picked up the phone and gave that lawyer all the details he knew. Their own lawyer, in a interview you can watch anywhere, said the subpoenas sent to all high-profile individuals connected to Epstein were ignored by all but one man, Trump:

[FONT=lucida_granderegular]Edwards: The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is [/FONT]the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful[FONT=lucida_granderegular], in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.[/FONT]

Dec 12, 2006
LargeMarge is a fan and emulates Epstein? Sounds about right.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
looks like the first scapegoat will be Alex Acosta

in an interview today where Acosta said he's happy the Epstein case is getting reopened it came out that the reason he gave him a slap on the wrist is that he was told Epstein worked for the Intelligence Agency and should not be taken down by this case and to leave it alone, charging him with a single prostitution count...that Epstein was untouchable as an Intelligence operative.

...while all this plays out to deflect attention you have to watch and see what bills and laws get passed in the shadows
Nov 8, 2012
looks like the first scapegoat will be Alex Acosta

in an interview today where Acosta said he's happy the Epstein case is getting reopened it came out that the reason he gave him a slap on the wrist is that he was told Epstein worked for the Intelligence Agency and should not be taken down by this case and to leave it alone, charging him with a single prostitution count...that Epstein was untouchable as an Intelligence operative.

...while all this plays out to deflect attention you have to watch and see what bills and laws get passed in the shadows

The Orange Man and his Red Herrings!!!

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
from ullllllttttrrrraaaaa Liberal site, Vox. Hell, dailykos is right of Vox and even they don't believe the Johnson story get their little sheeple will...that's what the MSM is all about:

The Katie Johnson lawsuit: This is the only accusation against Trump for Epstein-related wrongdoing. An anonymous woman sued Trump in 2016, claiming that in 1994, he violently raped her at an orgy hosted by Epstein. She said she was 13 years old at the time, and accused Epstein of raping her as well. She first filed suit in California under the name “Katie Johnson,” and when it was thrown out there for technical reasons, she filed it in New York under “Jane Doe.”

But many journalists were wary about this claim. There was no corroborating evidence offered (except for affidavits from two anonymous people claiming to have been told of or witnessed it), and the suit appeared “to have been orchestrated by an eccentric anti-Trump campaigner with a record of making outlandish claims about celebrities,” the Guardian’s Jon Swaine wrote. Jezebel’s Anna Merlan tried for some time to get to the bottom of what was going on and concluded in June 2016, “The facts speak less to a scandal and more, perhaps, to an attempt at a smear.”

Trump himself said, “The allegations are not only categorically false, but disgusting at the highest level and clearly framed to solicit media attention or, perhaps, are simply politically motivated.”


Mar 6, 2019
Again Willie, you claim multiple women’s accounts of being kiddie-fiddled are unfounded just because they were 14, and didn’t immediately report the abuse which was perpetrated on them by a weirdo in the DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE in bumfuck Alabama in 1979. Think about that for a minute. You think the climate for this stuff was the same as it is now? You don’t believe all the numerous accounts of this freak being into kids? It’s all just a vast conspiracy right? No arrest, so it didn’t happen? How old are your kids? Would you let an underage daughter hang out with Moore alone?
Nine separate women all lying? You think they get paid off by the DNC for creating smear stories? You sound like the village idiot Runmaker

Shortly after the allegations first surfaced, Moore said in a radio interview with Sean Hannity that he did not know Corfman but that he remembered Gibson as well as Gloria Thacker Deason, who had told The Post that she dated Moore when she was 18. He called each one "a good girl" and said that he did not remember dating them.
But at two campaign events in recent days, Moore has backtracked.At a Nov. 27 campaign event in the north Alabama town of Henagar, Moore said: "The allegations are completely false. They are malicious. Specifically, I do not know any of these women."At a Nov. 29 rally at a church in the south Alabama town of Theodore, Moore said, "Let me state once again: I do not know any of these women, did not date any of these women and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone."


Mar 6, 2019
Donald Trump once hosted a party with a guest list made up of just himself, Jeffrey Epstein, and “28 girls,” according to The New York Times, and ignored an organizer’s warning about Epstein’s conduct. The “calendar girl” event is reported to have taken place at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in 1992. George Houraney, who ran American Dream Enterprise, claimed in an interview that he organized the event after a request from Trump. “I arranged to have some contestants fly in,” said Houraney. “At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein.” Houraney added that he warned Trump about his friend’s conduct, recalling: “I said, ‘Look, Donald, I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls.’... He said, ‘Look I’m putting my name on this. I wouldn’t put my name on it and have a scandal.’” The Times report also claims Epstein has told people since the election that he was the one who introduced the president to his third wife, first lady Melania Trump. The White House didn’t respond to the newspaper’s request for comment.

Sep 5, 2005
Best part about this story is that it gives the Jerry Sandusky/Joe Paterno fans another chance to make their case for why those two guys are not pedophiles. Now is your chance Hitler apologists...jump on in here. I can hear Bill Clinton's defense testimony now..."It all depends on what your definition of child molester is." Hillary can contribute, "I stand by my man just like I stood by while he raped anything that moved." Tump and Pence in the White House, Clintons and Sandusky in the big house and Paterno still dead...all good to me.
Feb 6, 2007
Again Willie, you claim multiple women’s accounts of being kiddie-fiddled are unfounded just because they were 14, and didn’t immediately report the abuse which was perpetrated on them by a weirdo in the DISTRICT ATTORNEY’S OFFICE in bumfuck Alabama in 1979. Think about that for a minute. You think the climate for this stuff was the same as it is now? You don’t believe all the numerous accounts of this freak being into kids? It’s all just a vast conspiracy right? No arrest, so it didn’t happen? How old are your kids? Would you let an underage daughter hang out with Moore alone?
Nine separate women all lying? You think they get paid off by the DNC for creating smear stories? You sound like the village idiot Runmaker

Shortly after the allegations first surfaced, Moore said in a radio interview with Sean Hannity that he did not know Corfman but that he remembered Gibson as well as Gloria Thacker Deason, who had told The Post that she dated Moore when she was 18. He called each one "a good girl" and said that he did not remember dating them.
But at two campaign events in recent days, Moore has backtracked.At a Nov. 27 campaign event in the north Alabama town of Henagar, Moore said: "The allegations are completely false. They are malicious. Specifically, I do not know any of these women."At a Nov. 29 rally at a church in the south Alabama town of Theodore, Moore said, "Let me state once again: I do not know any of these women, did not date any of these women and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone."

Best thing for Vlad, Willie, and others like him here is to just go into hiding.

Nobody else is stupid enough to argue Roy being innocent or sufficient evidence.

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