Billionaire Jeffery Epstein arrested on federal charges of child sex trafficking


Sep 21, 2004
This behavior is wrong and bad and should not be tolerated. With that said, I believe this is a political

strategy by the Democrats and the fake news liberal media, to harm President Trump, by innuendo,

and give the liberal candidates a forum to express their disingenuous outrage while lobbying for the

women's vote!

I say F... the Democrats and the liberal fake news media! azzkick(&^ azzkick(&^ azzkick(&^

Jul 4, 2012

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
previously got off light on state's charges but now it's federal

who's he taking down with him? Trump, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Dershowitz, Alexander Acosta, every Harvard Law Professor?

this could me a monster story.....

Not to mention 90% of hollywood,,

Heres the thing to remember, President Trump Banned Epstein from Mar lago Years ago,,, sooooo Maybe thats because HE found out the type of filth this guy was?

I am NOT an apologist for anyone, ONLY Proposing a LOGICAL view of what seems to be Trump realizing this guy is Bad News, and BEFORE he ran for president, not wanting to be around him,

WE ALLLLLL have FRINGE friends,,, we ALLLL know how far we can go (HANG WITH) them,,, I never get in a car with certain friends, but if there at a party, I can tell jokes and have fun,, (I know also those Idiots have warrents, and probably a Bag of Coke in their car!) lolol

I am VERYYY curious to see how this goes,,

Also of note,, Pence was brought Back to the white house 1 day before all this sht hit the fan,, I WONDER if Pence is involved??? His state is KNOWN for HUGE child trafficking groups.

Pence also did receive an Envelope at the Bush Funeral,,,
Dec 11, 2006
No way in hell Pence is involved.

Everybody loves to slander that guy. He is squeaky clean like a 10 year old altar boy.

I'll give anyone 2-1 on $500.00. (My 1000.00 to your 500) that Pence's name is never legitimately associated with any Lolita Express wrongdoing.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
I've got to believe ole Billy Boy has lawyered up already.

The skirt chasing SOB is up to his crooked dick in this one.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
No way in hell Pence is involved.

Everybody loves to slander that guy. He is squeaky clean like a 10 year old altar boy.

I'll give anyone 2-1 on $500.00. (My 1000.00 to your 500) that Pence's name is never legitimately associated with any Lolita Express wrongdoing.

I hear ya man, just trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle,,

I like money
Dec 13, 2006
This has too much coverage for the "billionaire slap on the wrist". He already got that once.
Bullet points:

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is accused of operating a sex trafficking ring and paying young girls to engage in sex acts with him.
In an indictment that was unsealed today, prosecutors outline charges that carry a 45-year maximum sentence if Epstein is convicted.
What we know about the arrest:

  • Epstein was arrested on Saturday at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey after his private plane landed from Paris, France.
  • He is currently being held at Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

What the court documents say:

  • The crimes took place between 2002 and 2005 at Epstein's Upper East Side home and his estate in Palm Beach, the indictment said.
  • Epstein allegedly knew some of the girls were underage because they told him how old they were.
  • Girls were brought to a room with a massage table and told to give Epstein a massage, the indictment said. Before they started, they were instructed to be nude or semi-nude.
  • Epstein escalated the encounters by asking victims to touch him while he masturbated and touched the victim's genitals, according to the indictment.
  • Sometimes Epstein would personally reach out to girls to set up appointments, and other times he would ask his employees to schedule appointments for him, the indictment said.
  • Epstein allegedly would pay girls hundreds of dollars in cash to engage in sex acts with him. He would also give money to girls if they recruited new girls to come to Epstein’s residence, the indictment said.
  • He was able to create a “vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit, often on a daily basis,” according the US attorney’s office.

What prosecutors said so far:

  • Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman said prosecutors are asking Epstein be detained until trial. They are arguing Epstein is a “significant flight risk” because of his wealth and access to planes.
  • Prosecutors are calling for other victims or people with information to come forward.
  • Berman said the victims are "entitled to their day in court."

Sep 17, 2010
The media will smear Trump all over the place and ignore Clinton, et al, unless there is breaking news that highlights irrefutable absolute proof against Clinton and other Dem scumbags.

Yes, we all know Trump apparently cooperated with the law on the initial investigation, but, think, wouldn't that make Epstein more likely to want to burn Trump somehow? Will the media explain that Trump cooperated with the original investigation? (nope)

Yes, we know Trump banned Epstein from his hotels after Epstein fired on an underage employee. Will the media present this? (nope)

Comey's daughter is the goddam prosecutor... don't you think this is possibly yet another setup?

Sure, I hope all that are guilty rot in jail, and I suspect a lot of top Dems are in the fray... but I am not optimistic that what we hope will happen against scumbag Dems will come to fruition. I worry it will be flipped towards Trump, images of him standing with Epstein, the claim against Trump by a minor in Epstein's home, the hiring of a cabinet member who oversaw the original case...just like so many other big happenings have.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004

  • Manhattan US Attorney Geoffrey Berman said prosecutors are asking Epstein be detained until trial. They are arguing Epstein is a “significant flight risk” because of his wealth and access to planes.
I'll be surprised if he's denied bail. I remember that super rich fella, Strauss-Kahn (sp? ... was head of world bank) made bail in NYC and he was arrested after being pulled off a plane :) ... rich dudes live under much diff rules

weird how many deep state folks this touches and how all of their networks intersect no matter party affiliation, actor, etc. super rich just plan in their own world

.... So you have:

  • Alex Acosta as the guy that gave Epstein the slap on the wrist and is now Secretary of Labor
  • Robert Mueller as the guy that led the FBI on the original Epstein charges and signed off on the plea to one prostitution charge
  • Epstein hired by Donald Barr to teach at the Dalton School in Manhattan...Donald is the father of AG, William Barr
  • Jane Doe #3 introduced to Epstein by her father, a maintenance chief at a Trump property
  • Huge selection of Trump haters in entertainment with long ties to Epstein and appearing many times on the Lolita manifest

... and the dude on page 1 that believes 14 year old shouldn't be a minor because she has big tits? that's definitely some take you got there, fella. seek help if you're turned on by large breasted children

......what they found at the house today:

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
I'll be surprised if he's denied bail. I remember that super rich fella, Strauss-Kahn (sp? ... was head of world bank) made bail in NYC and he was arrested after being pulled off a plane :) ... rich dudes live under much diff rules

weird how many deep state folks this touches and how all of their networks intersect no matter party affiliation, actor, etc. super rich just plan in their own world

.... So you have:

  • Alex Acosta as the guy that gave Epstein the slap on the wrist and is now Secretary of Labor
  • Robert Mueller as the guy that led the FBI on the original Epstein charges and signed off on the plea to one prostitution charge
  • Epstein hired by Donald Barr to teach at the Dalton School in Manhattan...Donald is the father of AG, William Barr
  • Jane Doe #3 introduced to Epstein by her father, a maintenance chief at a Trump property
  • Huge selection of Trump haters in entertainment with long ties to Epstein and appearing many times on the Lolita manifest

... and the dude on page 1 that believes 14 year old shouldn't be a minor because she has big tits? that's definitely some take you got there, fella. seek help if you're turned on by large breasted children

......what they found at the house today:

I think I may be able to cancel my Cable tv, cause this shits gonna get Krazy,,

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I think some here are reaching bigtime here for Trump being caught up in Epstein's mess.. unless I'm missing something that hasn't been explained here. ……. If anything having someone like Comey involved would help Trumps position... probably show more of a continuing overreach … smear campaigns have already happened and nothing new coming out is going to change anyone's mind about Trump , to have them jump ship ,unless we see substantial evidence of wrong doing...barring this predator from his own property years ago gives most of us the idea that Trump isn't involved.

it seems to me that Epstein has bigger problems to deal with that are far more damaging then what he could make up about Trump that will help him..

Mar 6, 2019
Guys that say they are not attracted to 16 year old girls are full of shit.

if a girl is a 34 C, she isn’t a kid.

rip on me all you want. You know I don’t care

but it’s the truth

but for those that do shit to infants. No amount of therapy or jail or community service or home detention will fix that. Stop being politically correct and put those types in camps
Least surprising thing of the day that this dude is a pedo as well. No doubt because adult women have been repulsed by him his entire life
Feb 6, 2007
Guys that say they are not attracted to 16 year old girls are full of shit.

if a girl is a 34 C, she isn’t a kid.

rip on me all you want. You know I don’t care

but it’s the truth

but for those that do shit to infants. No amount of therapy or jail or community service or home detention will fix that. Stop being politically correct and put those types in camps

Lmfao Loser!@#0face)(*^%

16 bro? Lmfaooooooooo. Unreal. You like underage kids.

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