Billionaire Jeffery Epstein arrested on federal charges of child sex trafficking

Feb 6, 2007

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I think some here are reaching bigtime here for Trump being caught up in Epstein's mess.. unless I'm missing something that hasn't been explained here. ……. If anything having someone like Comey involved would help Trumps position... probably show more of a continuing overreach … smear campaigns have already happened and nothing new coming out is going to change anyone's mind about Trump , to have them jump ship ,unless we see substantial evidence of wrong doing...barring this predator from his own property years ago gives most of us the idea that Trump isn't involved.

it seems to me that Epstein has bigger problems to deal with that are far more damaging then what he could make up about Trump that will help him..
the only Trump smoking gun in this goes back to the "Katie Johnson" allegations where a girl said she was raped by Trump when she was 13 YO and was introduced at an Epstein NYC party hosted by Les Wexner. She alleged that both Trump and Epstein raped her that night along with a 12YO runaway from Connecticut and that Trump did it 3-4 more times in the summer of '94. But after she filed the suit she failed to show up to court or for any legal interviews and then dropped the lawsuit. not sure if she can refile on this since she didn't see it through 3 years ago
Feb 6, 2007
the only Trump smoking gun in this goes back to the "Katie Johnson" allegations where a girl said she was raped by Trump when she was 13 YO and was introduced at an Epstein NYC party hosted by Les Wexner. She alleged that both Trump and Epstein raped her that night along with a 12YO runaway from Connecticut and that Trump did it 3-4 more times in the summer of '94. But after she filed the suit she failed to show up to court or for any legal interviews and then dropped the lawsuit. not sure if she can refile on this since she didn't see it through 3 years ago

I think he might have been sucking off Sherrif Joe too.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
You know Mob, this thread was going fine till tou got here to set it Ablaze. Lol

Ihate to compare you to Enfuego and choptalk.. butttttt your doing a good job

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
the only Trump smoking gun in this goes back to the "Katie Johnson" allegations where a girl said she was raped by Trump when she was 13 YO and was introduced at an Epstein NYC party hosted by Les Wexner. She alleged that both Trump and Epstein raped her that night along with a 12YO runaway from Connecticut and that Trump did it 3-4 more times in the summer of '94. But after she filed the suit she failed to show up to court or for any legal interviews and then dropped the lawsuit. not sure if she can refile on this since she didn't see it through 3 years ago

And just like with Kavenaugh.. she wont say days or tumes, so that it wont Conflict with his insanely busy life... lol... they would be hazy cloudy accusations..
Feb 6, 2007
You know Mob, this thread was going fine till tou got here to set it Ablaze. Lol

Ihate to compare you to Enfuego and choptalk.. butttttt your doing a good job

Some old white guys just love little kids man. It is what it is. Must be liberalism with their sickness. What do you think?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
the only Trump smoking gun in this goes back to the "Katie Johnson" allegations where a girl said she was raped by Trump when she was 13 YO and was introduced at an Epstein NYC party hosted by Les Wexner. She alleged that both Trump and Epstein raped her that night along with a 12YO runaway from Connecticut and that Trump did it 3-4 more times in the summer of '94. But after she filed the suit she failed to show up to court or for any legal interviews and then dropped the lawsuit. not sure if she can refile on this since she didn't see it through 3 years ago

It would have to be substantiated to be taken seriously...Smear campaigns as we've been seeing recently have a way of backfiring ..

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
At worst, I think a lot of these people might have participated in an organized sex ring, with participants being well paid and willing. Stated differently, consensual sex albeit illegal prostitution

I doubt they're all pedophiles. I do believe Epstein is in some deep shit, and probably a few others

Am I missing something, or is the #metoo crowd eerily quite? Seems like they should be calling for everyone's heads, they don't need for the process to play out. Every name mentioned by any accuser is guilty guilty guilty in their world

Where's their outrage? Oh never-mind, rhetorical question. Or maybe they are outraged but it's just NOT getting any play in the media

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Mob loves to cite ludicrous arcane accusations created by biased sources intended to be consumed by gullible simpleminded people.

Essentially 9/11 conspiracy bullshit, just different

Twisted words, things taken out of context, create totally false / pretentious / irrelevant narratives and run run run

Zero balance, ignore any and all mitigating factors

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
you guys get what you deserve by watching a vid posted by the Mob...

back to the Epstein case:

MSM in a big-time deflection campaign this morning arguing why they needed to crowbar open the door to Epstein's mansion instead of waiting for a locksmith.... nice to see they're focused on the right things ;)

(some things never change)

....rooting for Jeff Sessions to come out there hero in all of this.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
given the royal family are all over Epstein's little black book it makes the timing for this sentence quite fitting. Anyone that watched Downton Abbey knows how high of a position a Butler is with the aristocracy.

<header class="article__header" style="box-sizing: border-box;"><section class="article__headline-section--offset article__headline-section" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-stretch: normal; font-family: TheSun-HeavyNarrow, "The Sun", TheSun, sans-serif; font-size: 40px; line-height: 45px; margin-bottom: 16px; margin-top: 0px;">Queen’s former butler jailed after molesting a child
  • 5 Jul 2019, 23:51
  • Updated: 6 Jul 2019, 0:10

THE Queen’s former butler has been jailed for abusing a young boy.

Andrew Lightwood was at Buckingham Palace from 1978 to 1984 before becoming a butler and manager at private estates in Britain and the US.

<figure class="article__media" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0px; margin: 3px 0px 16px; width: 620px; border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(173, 175, 176);"> 1

<figcaption class="article__media-caption" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 1.6rem; line-height: 2.2rem; font-weight: 700; padding: 8px 0px;">Andrew Lightwood, 57, worked for the Queen at Buckingham Palace </figcaption></figure>He was arrested in February after performing a sex act on himself in front of a child then molesting him in Bridgend, South Wales.

The victim said the incident lasted more than eight minutes, Cardiff crown court heard.
Lightwood, 57, of Bridgend, pleaded guilty and was jailed for two years and four months.


New member
Jan 11, 2015
Rolltide, that guy Epstein is white, right?

You still reading elementary school books?

Sep 17, 2010
the only Trump smoking gun in this goes back to the "Katie Johnson" allegations where a girl said she was raped by Trump when she was 13 YO and was introduced at an Epstein NYC party hosted by Les Wexner. She alleged that both Trump and Epstein raped her that night along with a 12YO runaway from Connecticut and that Trump did it 3-4 more times in the summer of '94. But after she filed the suit she failed to show up to court or for any legal interviews and then dropped the lawsuit. not sure if she can refile on this since she didn't see it through 3 years ago

These allegations will be blown up to epic proportions.
+ pictures of Trump with Epstein.
+ that Trump brought in Acosta to his cabinet.
Think what they did with absolutely NO evidence against Kavanaugh.
Now think what they can do with this stuff...
One morning, soon, the Dems and media & press & Hollywood will attack, using the same well coordinated script, the exact same buzzwords...

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
These allegations will be blown up to epic proportions.
+ pictures of Trump with Epstein.
+ that Trump brought in Acosta to his cabinet.
Think what they did with absolutely NO evidence against Kavanaugh.
Now think what they can do with this stuff...
One morning, soon, the Dems and media & press & Hollywood will attack, using the same well coordinated script, the exact same buzzwords...

Think !

Kavanaugh smear campaign backfired.. these things usually do if there is no truth to the allegations... just having pics of people standing next to each other has no bearing anymore then people posing with Cosby several years ago..

its all about the independents from here on out. Independents aren't buying into these smears. Their buying into solving issues..

overreacting here imo

Mar 6, 2019
Kavanaugh’s testimony was beyond pathetic. It was obvious he was blatantly lying throughout

Medium Rare
Mar 12, 2007
Kavanaugh trial was total witch hunt. imagine if all the drunk horny girls at frat parties started believe that they are getting assaulted each time they had sex with another equally drunk dude at the party.
Feb 6, 2007
Mob loves to cite ludicrous arcane accusations created by biased sources intended to be consumed by gullible simpleminded people.

Essentially 9/11 conspiracy bullshit, just different

Twisted words, things taken out of context, create totally false / pretentious / irrelevant narratives and run run run

Zero balance, ignore any and all mitigating factors

Bahahahhaha what????????

What are you talking about?

Roy Moore didn’t feel up some 13 year old girl? Lmfaooo okay. Since you liberals say so I will believe you.

Its a comedy skit by a legend. Your boy Jason Spencer lost his job because he fell for the bait. You want to talk about gullible??? That’s a poor choice of words in this situation. Your boy Joe Apraio said he’d let Trump suck his dick. How gullible can one be?

Bernie Sanders got up and left sort of like Roy Moore did. But Roy Moore had a good reason to get up....he didn’t want to be exposed as a pedo. His leg legit starts shaking, you can tell he’s getting nervous. Sweating like a rapist
Feb 6, 2007
Did you see the one where he tells a room full of Kingman, Arizona citizens that they are putting in a new state of the arc mosque in to make Kingman a hub for Muslim tourists....and everybody in the room starts acting and sounding like a lot of you guys here. LOL. Some classic shit

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