Billionaire Jeffery Epstein arrested on federal charges of child sex trafficking


Sep 21, 2004
It's a badge of honor for a Democrat to be involved in some sort of illegal sex,just look at history,so disgusting

Sep 21, 2004
It's a badge of honor for a Democrat to be involved in some sort of illegal sex,just look at history,so disgusting

I agree. There has never been a Republican implicated in any scandal involving inappropriate behavior regarding sexual matters ever.
Feb 6, 2007

We need to bum this old Roy Moore thread that you guys had here.

There was a lot of defending going on here for him. I remember how mind blown I was.

Lmfao but we know why. We know why you all are bad mouthing Epstein, but supported Roy Moore. LMFAO. How sad and pathetic. Somebody bump that thread.


Sep 17, 2010
Think !

Kavanaugh smear campaign backfired.. these things usually do if there is no truth to the allegations... just having pics of people standing next to each other has no bearing anymore then people posing with Cosby several years ago..

its all about the independents from here on out. Independents aren't buying into these smears. Their buying into solving issues..

overreacting here imo

They had nothing with Kavanaugh except a psycho lying bitch. It was a Senate confirmation.

Big difference, this issue is voter perception. Voters are mostly not attuned to the fine nuances of these issues. They see a picture 100 times, hear things over and over...

Here, the Dems and corrupt media have things they can show the public. Trump & his "bud" Epstein. Acosta. The Katie Johnson allegations (they will find her, pay her, coach her to come back for more), and I am sure they will dig up some more deception, more lies that ignorant voters will fall for...


This is very different, it is an election issue, 140,000, 000 voters, not 100 Senators. The pedo allegation is about the worst possible, if they go all out. And tell me, when have the Dems NOT gone all out in their smears?
Feb 6, 2007
They hate when I do this.

They want to just bash whoever they want whenever they want....but only if Trump endorses it. Nahhh man. You can’t say Epstein is guilty, but then say Roy Moore didn’t do anything. Politics are fucking up your heads. Fucking idiots. It’s common sense now and way too easy with you guys.

Your perspective of life is distorted by politics. Which is really really fucking pathetic and sad. Seriously I 10000% mean that shit. Y’all need to turn off the news. Take your dog for a walk, watch some Sopranos, go join an old man softball league or something. I’m going to call out your bullshit don’t worry. I liked Obama as a person, but he made some mistakes as a president that I didn’t agree with. Mainly him believing a lot of the hype about himself. People around him told him shit and he ate it up and believed all of it.

But, I truly understand why y’all love Trump so much. He gives you guys power to feel unafraid to say things normally you wouldn’t say or agree with.

Do I believe any of y’all like little girls besides Vlad? Not really. I just think it’s Trumpism. It’s not patriotism I know that. It’s Trumpism. Whatever he says y’all suck off whatever he says. Just fact
Feb 6, 2007
When I watch the news it’s fuck those other stations. It’s sensitization over and over. The national news is designed to put you in fear. That’s how they get ratings and get morons to come back to them. Fuck that whack ass shit. CNN is probably the worst with the national Fox News right behind them. My pops is a trump supporter and loves Fox News but he lives in fear about everything, just like you guys here.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
They had nothing with Kavanaugh except a psycho lying bitch. It was a Senate confirmation.

Big difference, this issue is voter perception. Voters are mostly not attuned to the fine nuances of these issues. They see a picture 100 times, hear things over and over...

Here, the Dems and corrupt media have things they can show the public. Trump & his "bud" Epstein. Acosta. The Katie Johnson allegations (they will find her, pay her, coach her to come back for more), and I am sure they will dig up some more deception, more lies that ignorant voters will fall for...


This is very different, it is an election issue, 140,000, 000 voters, not 100 Senators. The pedo allegation is about the worst possible, if they go all out. And tell me, when have the Dems NOT gone all out in their smears?

You're way over THINKing again
Feb 6, 2007

Mar 6, 2019
They had nothing with Kavanaugh except a psycho lying bitch. It was a Senate confirmation.

Big difference, this issue is voter perception. Voters are mostly not attuned to the fine nuances of these issues. They see a picture 100 times, hear things over and over...

Here, the Dems and corrupt media have things they can show the public. Trump & his "bud" Epstein. Acosta. The Katie Johnson allegations (they will find her, pay her, coach her to come back for more), and I am sure they will dig up some more deception, more lies that ignorant voters will fall for...


This is very different, it is an election issue, 140,000, 000 voters, not 100 Senators. The pedo allegation is about the worst possible, if they go all out. And tell me, when have the Dems NOT gone all out in their smears?
Psycho lying bitch? Serious question did you even watch the confirmation hearings? There was only one psycho liar there, and it wasn’t her.
Also, she passed a polygraph test

Sep 21, 2004
The way the fake liberal news media is reporting this here troubling story,,

one, if they did not gooder, would think Trump was on trial !

Democrats are very disingenuous dudes! azzkick(&^azzkick(&^azzkick(&^


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Bahahahhaha what????????

What are you talking about?

Roy Moore didn’t feel up some 13 year old girl? Lmfaooo okay. Since you liberals say so I will believe you.

Its a comedy skit by a legend. Your boy Jason Spencer lost his job because he fell for the bait. You want to talk about gullible??? That’s a poor choice of words in this situation. Your boy Joe Apraio said he’d let Trump suck his dick. How gullible can one be?

Bernie Sanders got up and left sort of like Roy Moore did. But Roy Moore had a good reason to get up....he didn’t want to be exposed as a pedo. His leg legit starts shaking, you can tell he’s getting nervous. Sweating like a rapist

Oh boy, testing my long term memory here, but I'm pretty sure your "facts" are all fucked up, yet again.

Moore was never accused of sexually assaulting anyone until some 40 years later when he was running for the Senate. No police reports, no complaints, nobody came forward as he climbed the political ladder and he even was elected to the Alabama Supreme Court. But 40 years latter they all come forward to steal a Republican seat. The exact same game plan the democrats have used against Kavanaugh, Thomas, Cain and many others. I'm calling bullshit. Your ilk would have destroyed Justice Kavanaugh if he didn't maintain a contemporaneous calendar his entire life.

Moore was also accused of wanting to date young girls, I find those allegations at least somewhat plausible. In Alabama, a 16 year old girl can get married to this day. In rural Alabama back when Roy was young, it's an honor for a teenage girl to date a 30 year old attorney. Their parents would condone it. I'm pretty sure Roy married one of those much younger girls and he's still married to her today. That's simply not a crime, especially in rural Alabama in the 70's

I happen to be one that says Epstein gets his day in court, although I don't think it looks good for him. There have been numerous allegations of sexual misconduct against him over the years, he's even served jail time. The young accusers say he paid them $ 100,000 to have sex with him, and he paid them to recruit young friends. If true, that's even more hardcore evidence. BIG DIFFERENCE

Timely accusations, criminal reports, financial transactions.... EVIDENCE

PS: I don't cite misleading comedic skits as evidence, I laugh at that shit

Mar 6, 2019
A former colleague who worked with Moore at the Etowah County District Attorney's office from 1982 to 1985 stated, "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird [...] We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall".[SUP][37][/SUP][SUP][38][/SUP] At least four current and former residents of Etowah County have corroborated the colleague's story. One said, "These stories have been going around this town for 30 years ... Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet". Another said, "Him liking and dating young girls was never a secret in Gadsdenwhen we were all in high school ... In our neighborhoods up by Noccalula Falls we heard it all the time. Even people at the courthouse know it was a well-known secret ... It's just sad how these girls [who accused Moore] are getting hammered and called liars, especially Leigh [Corfman]."[SUP][39][/SUP]

Mar 6, 2019
On November 9, 2017, The Washington Postoutlined an account of a woman, Leigh Corfman, who said that Moore initiated a sexual encounter with her in 1979, when she was 14 and he was 32 years old.[SUP][13][/SUP] Corfman said that Moore met her and her mother in the hallway of the county courthouse, where Moore was working as an assistant district attorney, and offered to sit with Corfman while her mother went into a courtroom to testify.[SUP][13][/SUP]Corfman said that during that discussion he asked for her phone number, which she gave him, they later went on two dates, for each date he picked her up in his car around the corner from her house and drove her to his house, and on the first date he "told her how pretty she was and kissed her". On a second date, Moore allegedly "took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes ... touched her over her bra and underpants ... and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear".[SUP][13][/SUP]
The alleged sexual contact between Moore and the 14 year old would be a felony under Alabama law, punishable by up to ten years in prison.[SUP][14][/SUP][SUP][15][/SUP] In a November 2017 Today Showinterview, Corfman said she is proud that telling her story has encouraged others to do the same.[SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17]


Sep 21, 2004
it is unbelievable how people with different political affiliations can look at the
same set of facts and come up consistently with opposite conclusions.
even in cases that are almost the same, but the accused are from different
parties, most people end up believing the party line. this either means
that one political party is made of 100% geniuses and the other 100%
idiots ( I wish I knew which was which) or that people are so biased
by there political views that the media and politicians use that to their

Mar 6, 2019
Honestly it doesn’t have much to do with politics with me at all. More along the lines is having a moral compass. There are shitbags in all parties

Sep 21, 2004
unfortunately quite true LM. and shitbags will fight like hell
to keep whatever power and influence they have.

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