Nobody likes you dude. Like seriously. And you contribute nothing to this forum. All you do is just dick ride and stalk the forums. You're a literal cancer that everyone rejoiced when you were shown the door. Because in here just like in real life, you don't matter. Your words and your ideas don't have any impact on anyone. If anything people just love to hate you. Why you keep bringing up my blog is beyond me. I think I have 45k views and that's not counting my own IP. I also have been asked to contribute on two other sites so it can't be all that bad. You're a loser who constantly loses ban bets can't produce winners and if that wasn't enough get banned for being a shithead. You're making a case for the NBA being better now because of athleticism. LOL. And you're one of 3 people here that think Lebron is on par with Jordan. Go back to your bed and get underneath that dick and stay cucked. Stop wasting bandwidth
Youre playing the "nobody likes you" card. Lmao. What are you 8 years old.
What do you contribute here? Ranting like a loon and using three paragraphs to make a point that could be made with one sentence?
do you even gamble or do you troll online daily?
45k views?....lmao....any thread here with Vitterd in the title beats that
i forgot more about NBA basketball yesterday than you will ever know. "The golden year"...for christ sake