BAS Stiff Update


Still not loving police...
Jul 8, 2021
It's impossible to please everyone

At other forums they are complaining of over-moderating

Here some argue the opposite
I think it really is just how our world is really bad because of teaching/brainwashing/institutionalizing the bad culture of reporting your problems to some sort of authorities and automatically have those authorities get vengeance for you...whether it's your neighbors calling the cops to accuse you of being a suspicious person or of being too loud with your music - they just using the authorities to get back at you which is the same bad culture the Communist in China taught even going as far as to teach people to report their own parents and that the government should be more important that your parents...

The government/authorities want to be your parents.

Anyways, on forums because we just posting words at each other, there is not the same possibility of physical danger or possibility or any real danger of any instead of wanting to ban/penalize/report things which would just turn free forums like this into nazi police state forums like SBR where their elite group of pet posters get to talk shit to others but others get banned/penalized/reported for doing the same - in other words a pompous country club of protected pet posters that get to sneer down their snotty noses at all the other posters they reported and got banned, all the while too scared to leave their little protected country club to post in the real world with their helicopter moderators to protect them.

Internet forums are just like the real world in that if get kicked out of a restaurant or don't like the atmosphere at a certain restaurant you can simply take your business elsewhere - no need to report anyone or call the cops or make mountains or of molehills.

I think post history is the most important thing to preserve at internet forums because it is a free and open accessible historical record available to anyone that wants to review the truth of what was posted - that's important to keep impeccably unaltered just for historical accuracy of not for anything else.

Anyways, I'll always vote for less moderator and encouraging people to learn how to use the ignore button rather than the rat/report button - because I'd rather endure being called names etc rather than turn this forum into an elitist club where I and others could get banned from one day, I like places to stay as free as possible.

Out of all the forums I like TheRx best just because there is less policing and deleting/editing posts/threads and banning etc which makes for more free speech and freedoms here, as well the new computerized record tracking is pretty cool, and looks like there gonna be lots of free contests etc - plus the staff here are really looking like they care about doing the right thing by paying Defying back for BAS, and the RxGirls(admin) have been really nice to everyone including me as far as I have seen?

Oct 31, 2004
It's impossible to please everyone

At other forums they are complaining of over-moderating

Here some argue the opposite
Your job is not to please everyone

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
What is his job?

Can we see an official TheRX Forum moderator job description? TIA
The problem is we have a bunch of egotistical pusssies on here that can’t accept others have a difference of opinion. And with that comes insecurities so they lash out and project their hatred of themselves on to others.

How fucking exhausting? Hard to believe it’s grown ass men going back and forth at times. My teenage nephews have more maturity.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The problem is we have a bunch of egotistical pusssies on here that can’t accept others have a difference of opinion. And with that comes insecurities so they lash out and project their hatred of themselves on to others.

How fucking exhausting? Hard to believe it’s grown ass men going back and forth at times. My teenage nephews have more maturity.

Sigmund Freud OVAH here.....

Dude is exhausted reading a forum.....blahahaha

Oct 13, 2021
Glad BAS being a piece of shit has come to light…Karma always does…

Glad the new bosses made it right…classy good will move…

Bring back Mobdeeper
Bring back Greenbacks
Facts. All facts!

Oct 13, 2021
You should really get in touch with why you spread so much hate. Gets annoying to tell the truth.

I used to have a seriously negative thinking pattern like yours too. It is nothing to do with the people I was projecting on, but everything to do with me.

Maybe take a good hard look in the mirror. We get it, you don’t like VD and a few others. Get the fuck over it, how old are you?

Ive met VD he is a good dude. I’ve met BAS too, another good dude. Not sure why everyone is always worrled about someone else’s business. If you had nothing to do with it then stay the fuck out and mind your own. It’s pretty simple.
This is a very honest and factual statement. These people that hate have some other deep seeded issues and it has nothing to do with minorities or gays or Liberals etc. They are unhappy and perhaps have some serious unresolved issues.

I mean some of these people on this site have some serious mental issues or they are just plain unhappy with their lives and need a target to project on.

I think you're also the poster that has commented on ''men'' on this site acting like girls with the trolling and hating. Hey! Include me if you want but I'm not so much hating as I am calling them out for their despicable behavior but at least I'm self aware. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Having said that, most of these angry haters are like twice, maybe triple my age. What's that say about them?

The worse offenders are festerinzit, magking1, sheriffjoe, gasman, and a couple of others. Even willie99 is a just as big of a seething hating unhappy individual but tries to be subtle about it. But he fails miserably. hit the nail on the head. Something seriously wrong with them. Include me in the list if you want haha. But I'm less than half their age and I'm happy and mostly just doing it to call them on their unhappy, hypocritical, illogical pattern of thinking/hating.

You know...for a party that likes to boast taking ownership...the republicunts sure blame all their problems on Liberals a lot. Lol.

Think about it. I lost the election! Blame it on the Liberals! They cheated! I can't get a job! Blame the Liberals! I have no money. Blame the Liberals! Something hundreds of miles away from me happened that doesn't even remotely affect me but I'm angry about it! Blame the Liberals!

Lol. Done.

Oct 13, 2021
Standard LIB reply.....always looking to tell others what they should and should not discuss

Its ALL politics one way or another Cruddy Baby

You're a running joke with that avatar of a daughter fucker, 4 year term served loser and a draft dodger LOL. You're a clown.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You think an underprivileged woman is happy to get off a fat old man the age of her grandfather?

No, I wasn't talking about pedophilia. I'm talking about a disgusting person that takes advantage of young women living in poverty with almost no career choice.

Fuck anyone okay with this. They have no moral compass.

What's your solution for the victims you're talking about?

Is it possible you might be embellishing? What do you know about their lives?

If they're feeding their families, is it better to let them starve?

I'm just making the point that there are multiple arguments for every story. It's not black and white. And yes, people LIKE money. It's a different culture

I have enough trouble trying to live my own life. I don't try to live other peoples' lives, nor do I think government is the solution for any problems

Opportunity is the solution, Americans don't know how blessed they are

Jun 4, 2018
What's your solution for the victims you're talking about?

Is it possible you might be embellishing? What do you know about their lives?

If they're feeding their families, is it better to let them starve?

I'm just making the point that there are multiple arguments for every story. It's not black and white. And yes, people LIKE money. It's a different culture

I have enough trouble trying to live my own life. I don't try to live other peoples' lives, nor do I think government is the solution for any problems

Opportunity is the solution, Americans don't know how blessed they are
@Willie99 , you could also make that argument for guys going to Thailand or Haiti or anywhere else having sex with children

" I was just helping the families .... they need to eat " it's B.S , it's WRONG & it's disgusting .

Oct 31, 2004
It’s amazing how off topic literally every thread in this forum gets .

Oct 13, 2021
@Willie99 , you could also make that argument for guys going to Thailand or Haiti or anywhere else having sex with children

" I was just helping the families .... they need to eat " it's B.S , it's WRONG & it's disgusting .
lilwillie isn't the brightest bulb. He makes up logic and moral compass as he goes/as it fits his messed up evil agenda.

Can he put a number on the age of girls it's ok to take advantage of or in his words, to have a business transaction with? 15? 16 years old? Let me guess. 18!. Yeah. That makes it alright. Lol. Wrong is wrong.

Lilwillie can backtrack or explain his way out of this or use some nonsensical circular logic all he wants but I know what this little snake called lilwillie is all about. Lol. He acts so subtle and decent but is the biggest snake here and the one that seethes the most deep inside, unlike others that have the guts to at least say it blatantly and openly. It usually goes that way with snakes.

Meh. Moving on...

Oct 13, 2021
Betallsports is a piece of shit and those trying to make excuses for him or say he was good up until a certain point are either naive or moronic. To do something like that, you always had it in you. Had nothing to do with him falling on hard times or anything.

BAS is and always was a piece of shit from what I've read on the situation. Try to twist it all you want but that's the bottom line.

Jun 12, 2008
What's your solution for the victims you're talking about?

Is it possible you might be embellishing? What do you know about their lives?

If they're feeding their families, is it better to let them starve?

I'm just making the point that there are multiple arguments for every story. It's not black and white. And yes, people LIKE money. It's a different culture

I have enough trouble trying to live my own life. I don't try to live other peoples' lives, nor do I think government is the solution for any problems

Opportunity is the solution, Americans don't know how blessed they are
I don't have a solution for poverty in Thailand and neither do you.

I don't know a thing about about the victims lives. You come across as though being a young hooker to get off old men is actually something they would choose if given a choice.

Of course it is not better to let their families starve and you know this.

It is extremely black and white that these young girls do not have much of a choice and enter this lifestyle out of necessity. Only a fucking moron would suggest that these girls turned down other opportunities in order to be constantly abused.

I completely agree with your last two points.

Sep 21, 2004
You think an underprivileged woman is happy to get off a fat old man the age of her grandfather?

No, I wasn't talking about pedophilia. I'm talking about a disgusting person that takes advantage of young women living in poverty with almost no career choice.

Fuck anyone okay with this. They have no moral compass.
Get off your high horse you hypocrite. Everybody on this forum including you has bought shoes, clothes, cell phones manufactured by forced child labor in other countries. You ever bought any diamond rings in your life?

Also adult workers that are forced to work in dangerous deplorable conditions because if they don't work they don't eat. You think they are happy to work in those conditions.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
It’s amazing how off topic literally every thread in this forum gets .

I'm defending VD. Shocked by the animosity towards him, presumably because he's a liberal

To a lesser extent giving BAS cover because of a serious stroke and we don't know the whole story. Although it doesn't look good for him.

I think everything Defying has said is true. But I don't think he knows the whole story about BAS either

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