I saw that Kazmania, but the Power of the Inter Conference OVERS was stronger than the Power of Lang. The last three Inter Conference plays all went OVER, making the second week 5 OVERS and 3 UNDERS for a profitable week of over 60% for anyone who stayed with these plays after what happened week one. Still behind but we cut the week 1 losses in half.
Based on info from xflrejects on how these OVER plays did all of last season, plus my record from week 9 to the end of the regular season, it's very likely what happened week one won't repeat. From the lack of replies about a better week 2, I wonder if at least some of you who were hurt playing week 1 didn't give up and played at least half units to get something back from week 2.
Things are looking up and week three has a lot of I C games to pick which ones you want to play, if you don't like all of them. Remember, if you like playing OVERS, a higher percentage of Inter Conference games go OVER than Intra Conference games.
YTD 5-7