Anyone else ever blindsided by a divorce?


New member
Jan 21, 2002
Has anyone heard from Intruder since this thread was started?

Still here, just really haven't logged on, and made myself very busy with work, connected with some friends....and just generally passed the time away.

Nothing to ad, same situation as before. Actually made a few bets last night, 1st since this happened.

I will say this, I didn't see it coming and still don't understand why it happened. It seems like I am just surviving right now, not living (if that makes sense)

The hardest part to get used to is not seeing my kids everyday, also my wife...I honestly loved her, I have no idea what happened...we came home from a vacation (which I thought was great) and she broke the news.

New member
Jan 21, 2002
...I just wanted to add, that if I didn't have my boys, and there were some sort of warning signs, it would be easier to tell her to goto Hell....I haven't said much to her either way except this isn't what I want.

I just don't know.....wouldn't wish this on anyone.

New member
Jan 21, 2002
How can the women just take the kids like it's her property? Fathers love and are devoted to their children and to treat men like second class parents is shameful. You wanted to leave bitch the kids don't want this.

I agree 100%
Jan 19, 2006
I have a friend with 3 kids all under 6. His wife kicked him out and told him she wanted a divorce. He loved his kids and was a good father so he begged and pleaded with her and she let him back. I think it was the way the kids reacted when he was gone and how happy they were to see him that she realized they would be better off together.

Can you play the angle that the kids miss you when you're gone and it's not good to split up your family when they are so young?

He begged and pleaded with someone who wanted no part of him anymore? I never understood why people do that.

Sep 21, 2001
I begged a pleaded with a girl that is chubby to get back together with me that I honestly did not think about when i was with her - and this was a long distance relationship where I saw the girl every couple of weeks for only 3-4 months and slept with numerous other girls while we allegedlely together - I told her I could not go on without her - HOW FUCKING PATHETIC IS THAT - right now I just want my pride back - I'm so ashamed of myself - I was just living under a constant anxiety attack and would do anything to make the pressure go away

Sep 21, 2001
When I have my ego 100% back I will post the emails I sent her - how fucking sorry - if I could go back in time I would have sent her pics of me with other girls

New member
Jan 21, 2002

Any updates?

Not much different today...I have been to a lawyer and have had talks (I actually have no clue what he was talking about, but at least my assets are hopefully somewhat protected)

She is very hostile for whatever reason (I can assure you I did nothing wrong). I haven't begged or anything like that...

Like I said before, each day is surviving, not living yet, but it is getting better-slowly.

I worry about my boys, don't want them to be a statistic. I love them deeply, and worry how good of a single parent I will be for them. I can assure you I will do whatever it takes. But I have doubts if I can offer them the same as if they had 2 parents.

Still not sure what happened, I truely love her and thought life was good.

Thanks for asking though, talking (typing) about it helps alot.
Jan 19, 2006
Any guesses as to what caused her to do this? maybe your mind is clearer now..

No warnings at all, you understand its really hard to believe there was nothing at all.

Dec 12, 2006
Sorry to hear you're going through this. I married my 1st wife in 92 and I divorced her in 96 because she was basically not interested in having kids. It was a easy divorce, it cost me only the filing fee of around $150.

I have been married to my 2nd wife now for 12 years and we have 4 kids. I couldn't imagine anything else worse in the world than losing my kids. People that don't have kids don't even begin to realize what they mean. Obviously, once the kids are at least teens or older it would be a little easier to go through a divorce than when they are young.

You need to do what you feel is right. It never hurts to listen to advice from anyone, but remember that you're the one in life who has to live with whatever decision you ultimately make.

If you're concerned about losing custody of the kids and you want to fight for them, have you considered hiring a private detective to follow her around? It might be too late considering that she already left, but maybe she's doing something on the side that would ultimately help you when it comes time for court.

Good luck to you...

Apr 14, 2006
I divorced in 2000 and have custody of my oldest and only child from that marriage. I went to court and fought for my son and won. It is not impossible. Most states follow a list of factors called the Albright factors, which were the result of a case called Albright vs. Albright.

You do not need a high powered expensive attorney, what you need is a pen and pad to document conversations, situations, things that happened, your role in the child's life, etc. Having an ex wife who is a fuck up definitely helps the cause as well. You also need to tell your attorney EVERYTHING. Getting bushwhacked in court is the worst thing that can happen to your attorney and ruins your credibility. Good luck if that's the route you choose.

New member
Jan 21, 2002
from limited conversations....she feels like her life should've been different....didn't ike the way it turned out. We did alot of things before the kids.....and not much after.

I worked alot to provide the best life I could, and in the process became boring.

Not much more to say, and in hindsight, not much I would've changed.

Suck, but it is what it is I guess.

New member
Jan 21, 2002
also, the fact she was in her later 30's when we had the 2nd probably caused her to lose her mind.

She comes from a family where they all divorce....mine....I'll be the 1st.

the bear is back biatches!! printing cancel....
Mar 31, 2006
read this earlier today and came to mind when i came across this thread

sorry to all for the pain of divorce sucks especially sucks when kids are involved

in the end marriage is a battle against our animal instincts...i think if couples discussed things like this and better understood each other there wouldn't be such a divorce problem........its also a product of our increasingly high paced, quick decision, greedy, me first, liberals run wild with lower moral standards society in general that has developed over the past 50 years or so....


Monogamy unnatural for our sexy species

By Christopher Ryan, Special to CNN
July 29, 2010 2:24 p.m. EDT

Editor's note: Christopher Ryan is a psychologist, teacher and the co-author, along with Cacilda Jethá, of "Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality," published by Harper Collins.
(CNN) -- Seismic cultural shifts about 10,000 years ago rendered the true story of human sexuality so subversive and threatening that for centuries, it has been silenced by religious authorities, pathologized by physicians, studiously ignored by scientists and covered up by moralizing therapists.
In recent decades, the debate over human sexual evolution has entertained only two options: Humans evolved to be either monogamists or polygamists. This tired debate generally devolves into an antagonistic stalemate where women are said to have evolved to seek male-provisioned domesticity while every man secretly yearns for his own harem. The battle between the sexes, we're told, is bred into our blood and bones.
Couples who turn to a therapist for guidance through the inevitable minefields of marriage are likely to receive the confusing message that long-term pair bonding comes naturally to our species, but marriage is still a lot of work.
Few mainstream therapists would contemplate trying to persuade a gay man or lesbian to "grow up, get real, and stop being gay." But most insist that long-term sexual monogamy is "normal," while the curiosity and novelty-seeking inherent in human sexuality are signs of pathology. Thus, couples are led to believe that waning sexual passion in enduring marriages or sexual interest in anyone but their partner portend a failed relationship, when in reality these things often signify nothing more than that we are Homo sapiens.
This is a problem because there is no reason to believe monogamy comes naturally to human beings. In fact, for millions of years, evolutionary forces have cultivated human libido to the point where ours is arguably the most sexual species on Earth.
Our ancestors evolved in small-scale, highly egalitarian foraging groups that shared almost everything. Anthropologists have demonstrated time and again that immediate-return hunter-gatherer societies are nearly universal in their so-called "fierce egalitarianism." Sharing is not just encouraged; it's mandatory.
Most foragers divide and distribute meat equitably, breast-feed one another's babies, have little or no privacy from one another, and depend upon each other every day for survival. Although our social world revolves around private property and individual responsibility, theirs spins toward interrelation and mutual dependence. This might sound like New Age idealism, but it's no more noble a system than any other insurance pool. Compulsory sharing is simply the best way to distribute risk to everyone's benefit in a foraging context. Pragmatic? Yes. Noble? Hardly.
For nomadic foragers who might walk hundreds of kilometers each month, personal property -- anything needed to be carried -- is kept to a minimum. Little thought is given to who owns the land, or the fish in the river, the clouds in the sky, or the kids underfoot. An individual male's "parental investment," in other words, tends to be diffuse in societies like those in which we evolved, not directed toward one particular woman -- or harem of women -- and her children, as conventional views of our sexual evolution insist.
But when people began living in settled agricultural communities, social reality shifted deeply and irrevocably. It became crucially important to know where your property ended and your neighbor's began. Remember the 10th Commandment: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that [is] thy neighbor's." With agriculture, the human female went from occupying a central, respected role to being just another possession for men to accumulate and defend, along with his house, slaves and asses.
The standard narrative posits that paternity certainty has always been of utmost importance to our species, whether expressed as monogamy or harem-based polygyny. Students are taught that our "selfish genes" lead us to organize our sexual lives around assuring paternity, but it wasn't until the shift to agriculture that land, livestock and other forms of wealth could be kept in the family. For the first time in the history of our species, biological paternity became a concern.
Our bodies, minds and sexual habits all reflect a highly sexual primate. Research from primatology, anthropology, anatomy and psychology points to the same conclusion: A nonpossessive, gregarious sexuality was the human norm until the rise of agriculture and private property just 10,000 years ago, about 5 percent of anatomically modern humans' existence on Earth.
The two primate species closest to us lend strong -- if blush-inducing -- support to this vision. Ovulating female chimps have intercourse dozens of times per day, with most or all of the willing males, and bonobos famously enjoy frequent group sex that leaves everyone relaxed and conflict-free.
The human body tells the same story. Men's testicles are far larger than those of any monogamous or polygynous primate, hanging vulnerably outside the body where cooler temperatures help preserve standby sperm cells for multiple ejaculations. Men sport the longest, thickest primate penis, as well as an embarrassing tendency to reach orgasm when the woman is just getting warmed up. These are all strong indications of so-called sperm competition in our species' past.
Women's pendulous breasts, impossible-to-ignore cries of sexual delight, or "female copulatory vocalization" to the clipboard-carrying crowd, and capacity for multiple orgasms also validate this story of prehistoric promiscuity.
"But we're not apes!" some might insist. But we are, in fact. Homo sapiens is one of four African great apes, along with chimps, bonobos and gorillas.
"OK, but we have the power to choose how to live," comes the reply. This is true. Just as we can choose to be vegans, we can decide to lead sexually monogamous lives. But newlyweds would be wise to remember that just because you've chosen to be vegan, it's utterly natural to yearn for an occasional bacon cheeseburger.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
He begged and pleaded with someone who wanted no part of him anymore? I never understood why people do that.

I can only guess gyno. I'm guessing he wanted to be around his kids even if it meant living with someone who didn't love him. Or perhaps he still loved her and held out the hope that she was just confused as to what she wanted or maybe he could change things so she would want to stay around and realize maybe she still loved him. Or perhaps this was a cry for intimacy much like those who attempt suicide don't want to die they just want attention. People who file for divorce maybe want to feel wanted so the spouse will fight to try to stay with them.

So you see there may be many reasons a person would want to stay with someone who has filed for divorce.

Dec 6, 2008
from limited conversations....she feels like her life should've been different....didn't ike the way it turned out. We did alot of things before the kids.....and not much after.

I worked alot to provide the best life I could, and in the process became boring.

Not much more to say, and in hindsight, not much I would've changed.

Suck, but it is what it is I guess.

I don't mean anything by this but if another guy came into the picture to cause this I don't think she would tell you being you would have the upper hand in divorce proceedings. Start looking into it a little ...check her cell if possible or call the cell phone co. to get a list of itemized calls. If you have a EZpass for her car check the EZpass web site it will tell you which tolls it went through. Call her doctor tell him she is acting funny ask him if he knows anything. Ask your kids friend's parents if they notice a change in her.....
Bottom line get your chin up, get out there and start being proactive on this thing. Dig up any dirt possible on her and if you do find it was another man it will be to your advantage. You won't have a second chance to do this again so GET THEM KIDS BACK!

Apr 14, 2006
also, the fact she was in her later 30's when we had the 2nd probably caused her to lose her mind.

She comes from a family where they all divorce....mine....I'll be the 1st.

BINGO Intruder. You are looking for answers, look no further. My first wife was the same way. Her entire family was divorced...I was the first in mine. I have custody of my son so it can be done.


May 16, 2006
If he is as good in bed as he is funny something tells me it wont be long before BillHill gets blindsided by divorce
Jan 19, 2006
from limited conversations....she feels like her life should've been different....didn't ike the way it turned out. We did alot of things before the kids.....and not much after.

I worked alot to provide the best life I could, and in the process became boring.

Not much more to say, and in hindsight, not much I would've changed.

Suck, but it is what it is I guess.

Things always appear to be greener on the other side, this will probably be a decision she regrets later on.. But nonetheless enjoy all your freedoms and be happy that you're healthy and you have a roof over your head and a paycheck. There are a lot of people who are envious of that situation.

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