Anyone get a box yet? Still waiting.
Thank you for calling me and checking on status. I want to inform everybody the shipment of 500 boxes was delayed. Some already know because they are on the FB support page and some have been emailed. The ones who ordered the Savage and Beast box was shipped the Beast box right away. Unfortunately I can't control the Savage boxes like I can the Beast boxes. I was informed this past Monday they was shipping out today to California to our main distribution center and they will ship them to me in Texas. I am trying to see if I can have them direct ship boxes to you from California and if not, I will ship the boxes overnight via USPS as soon as I get them. I can ship you the Beast box as a loaner if you can't wait, text/PM me and let me know. If anybody wants their money back due to the shipment delay, I will refund them with no questions asked as well. You can reach me at 409-658-3593 and if I don't answer, please leave a message. I work full time in the refineries down here in Texas and can't have cell phones in units. Best time to contact me is after 5pm central time. Thank you