Arizona sues federal government for failure to secure border
Going on the offensive, Arizona sued the federal government on Thursday, charging it has failed to meet its legal responsibility to secure the border.
Kentucky Against Illegal Immigration
Bill Denying Birthright Citizenship in Arizona Will Come to a Vote Next Week An Arizona lawmaker says he intends to seek a committee vote next week on his challenge to automatic U.S. citizenship for children of illegal immigrants — even if it means the measure is defeated.
There is another class of worker visa that needs to be totally eliminated. Several large technical firms like Microsoft, Sun, Apple, and others lobbied the federal government claiming that they could not find enough "technical" workers. I think there is some truth in this IF we are talking about that top 1% of people in really tough fields like electronics, physics, etc.
But, that isn't what these technology firms were after. What they really wanted was to be able to bring in foreigners who will work for 1/2 to 1/3 what Americans make for repetitive technical jobs like being a database administrator, or a systems operator, or a junior level programmer.
Fast forward a few years and what we see is a Visa program that is supposed to be capped at 150,000. But that isn't how it works. The "cap" is only applied to NEW immigration visas, renewals do not fall within the cap. A person cannot extend the visa renewal beyond seven years so what this means is that the H1 and H2 programs allow 1.05 MILLION foreign workers who are taking American jobs in the technology field. Now, these people are NOT the top 1% geniuses. They are low level programmers, system administrators, DBAs, etc. The H1 and H2 programs need to be abolished immediately and all these foreigners sent home. Americans can do these jobs better. I have worked with these Indians and they are ridiculous. They know very little, will not follow directions from an American without "verifying" the directions with an Indian, and have a person and national agenda which they put ahead of any loyalty or company agenda. Eliminate the H1 and H2 programs and send these foreigners home and hire Americans to do these jobs.
[FONT=arial, helvetica]Alert! HR 692 Seeks End to Chain Migration![/FONT]With the enormous debate about illegal immigration, we must not overlook that massive legal immigration places a great strain on our economy, environment, and infrastructure, and drives up unemployment rates during this recession.
HR 692, the Nuclear Family Priority Act, by Phil Gingrey (R-GA), would eliminate chain migration while expediting the reunification of married couples and parents with their young children. It would eliminate the categories of adult siblings and adult children, providing an annual decrease in immigration of over 110,000 per year. The reduction would be larger over time as there would be fewer new immigrants to sponsor additional relatives.