adios college football forum!


morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Guess what sucker. I wrote that back in 1998 and posted it here in around '01 for the benefit of a likeminded douchbag as yourself, maybe once or twice elsewhere and it's now all over the internet. I am a writer. Why couldn't you figure that out? Can't you tell that the writing style is like everything else I write but with more detail? I am linked 2000 times at least. People here who know me will tell you that. I was surprised to see how many ways it has been morphed by so many people who have picked it up. Check the link. That's probably one of the dozens out there and it is similar to what you got but not the same. Nice try moron. One day you might get something right. Park it. You haven't got a chance.

(NO BS Chris)

This is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. That "The Ultimate Flame" has been going around in emails forever, that website even lists the author of it who posted it in 1997 on the bottom and the link to when he posted it. Not 1998, or 2001, and time stamped.

So unless your name is Guy Macon you can quit the joke. The better approach to cover yourself would have been "I know it's copied, duh".

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Now we're talking as early as 1996

Seems origins are deeper:

...are partly taken from an oft-bitten flame written originally by Netrek Berkeley Golden Bear and master scoutbomber Felix Gallo aka sunscreamer. It was posted on November 8, 1996 to, widely known as the hottest gas-fire on Usenet. The original, masterful flame may be found here: This flame was reposted two days later to by Tom Youderian (also a Netrek hall-of-famer), and was used at the end of 1996 as a catch-all spammer flame, much like the version you read in the link above, by someone named Guy Macon in the first instance of the plagiarizing of "the perfect flame". A cursory Google search on "You puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meatslapper" reveals nearly 2,000 unauthorized uses of the above mentioned flame. Credit where credit is due... Rob Chauncey Netrek SC bomber formerly known as Noogin Retired (like his hero, sunscreamer, because of RSDs in the wrist)</PRE>​

Bottom line, there is no way you originated that on the Rx, and it's hilarious that you claim to.

Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
Now we're talking as early as 1996

Seems origins are deeper:

...are partly taken from an oft-bitten flame written originally by Netrek Berkeley Golden Bear and master scoutbomber Felix Gallo aka sunscreamer. It was posted on November 8, 1996 to, widely known as the hottest gas-fire on Usenet. The original, masterful flame may be found here: This flame was reposted two days later to by Tom Youderian (also a Netrek hall-of-famer), and was used at the end of 1996 as a catch-all spammer flame, much like the version you read in the link above, by someone named Guy Macon in the first instance of the plagiarizing of "the perfect flame". A cursory Google search on "You puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meatslapper" reveals nearly 2,000 unauthorized uses of the above mentioned flame. Credit where credit is due... Rob Chauncey Netrek SC bomber formerly known as Noogin Retired (like his hero, sunscreamer, because of RSDs in the wrist)
Bottom line, there is no way you originated that on the Rx, and it's hilarious that you claim to.

And he calls me a liar. This is as credible as claiming he bets on his "posted plays" or that he won 60% of his selections. OK. Or that he didn't snitch like a little bitch about getting his ass wiped on a daily basis in the college football forum.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
I didn't say I made up every phrase. I borrowed some expressions from people in everyday conversation, some came from a chat room I was into at the time. Some of what I wrote I had heard from friends, some on TV and some was originated by me. I changed 1/2 of what didn't sound right to me and the way I fixed it has stuck. It comes up on the internet now in I don't know how many forms.

I met my lawyer shortly before I started getting involved with this and wrote my original version and that was in '97 the same year. I worked it some more in '98.

Aside from numerous numerous edits that I originally made, I added perhaps 40% of the content myself and some of that was what I had heard in my travelings. Do you really think I made up the joke about pouring piss out of a boot? That one is a classic and I don't know where it originally came from. The leprous desert rat and a few other instances were perfect and I didn't change a word. The version that I wrote here is about 40% or 50% my own rant. The rest my own collaboration and edit. What I posted here hasn't changed much since 1997. I did a couple of edits in '01 here.

Nothing I had found came from the source posted. But a couple of concurrent paragraphs in the beginning of that version were obviously not written by me and I didn't start my rant there, however I remember doing some polishing then I included them later. I don't recognize that forum. The sequence and content of the paragraphs there are similar to what I originally read but most of the rest came from all over the place, even my uncle (Phillip the NASA physicist) who partied with me at a family gathering. We both contributed. I found more "stupid" material elsewhere and made up some myself.

I have not seen too many versions of this rant without at least 80% of my version in it because the first place I posted my long verbose version in '97 was in a huge forum with 50,000 members that played online games. I wouldn't doubt that 500 people copied it and many of them used it somewhere and did their thing to it too. The link that Chris posted may have originated from there but it looks very evolved in its own sense. Hard to tell.

There's could be 100 versions of this out there by now and I've seen at least 10 of them that are significantly different with a bunch of crap that doesn't work for me. But I haven't seen any that didn't have about 75% or more of my original collaboration and rant included. But who knows, maybe someone else picked up on it and turned it into a book by now?

I could write another insult with more shit from a hundred more places where I picked up on something I liked, from friends too. Anyone could. Try it. You will start to spin off your own shit after a while. It's not that hard when something gets you going (like a genuine dweeb.) People like me who like to write get into all kinds of shit. This happened to be one of mine.

Anyway, all this bullshit aside about who did what and when I managed to put this all together, I find the accuracy of it amazing.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
i dont know i just masterbated and ate an apple...........but a plagerizer i am not

New member
Nov 20, 1998
Your message board incompetence is an inspiration to botched lobotomy patients everywhere. Dullard, do yourself and everyone else a favor: disconnect your computer from the Internet.

The Anti-Moron™ software on my PC went crazy when I started to read your post. It's truly amazing the way you never let an idea interrupt the flow of your typing, but then, making sense isn't your area of expertise, is it? If you knew what you're talking about, you'd be dangerous. You bring to mind a quote from Josh Billing: "Doesn't know much, but leads the league in nostril hair."

Reading your post is less interesting than watching paint dry. If wit was spit, your mouth would be drier than a shallow well in an African heat wave. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't an 'idiot savant' without the 'savant' part; if your weren't so fat that when you stand on the weighing scale, it reads: "Sorry, we don't weigh livestock.", or if you didn't have a face that makes your pillow cry itself to sleep every night. Who am I kidding? You would.

In future, wake up the dozy peglegged hamster operating that wheel-powered brain of yours before you start typing.

nice one :103631605

Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
I didn't say I made up every phrase. I borrowed some expressions from people in everyday conversation, some came from a chat room I was into at the time. Some of what I wrote I had heard from friends, some on TV and some was originated by me. I changed 1/2 of what didn't sound right to me and the way I fixed it has stuck. It comes up on the internet now in I don't know how many forms.

I met my lawyer shortly before I started getting involved with this and wrote my original version and that was in '97 the same year. I worked it some more in '98.

Aside from numerous numerous edits that I originally made, I added perhaps 40% of the content myself and some of that was what I had heard in my travelings. Do you really think I made up the joke about pouring piss out of a boot? That one is a classic and I don't know where it originally came from. The leprous desert rat and a few other instances were perfect and I didn't change a word. The version that I wrote here is about 40% or 50% my own rant. The rest my own collaboration and edit. What I posted here hasn't changed much since 1997. I did a couple of edits in '01 here.

Nothing I had found came from the source posted. But a couple of concurrent paragraphs in the beginning of that version were obviously not written by me and I didn't start my rant there, however I remember doing some polishing then I included them later. I don't recognize that forum. The sequence and content of the paragraphs there are similar to what I originally read but most of the rest came from all over the place, even my uncle (Phillip the NASA physicist) who partied with me at a family gathering. We both contributed. I found more "stupid" material elsewhere and made up some myself.

I have not seen too many versions of this rant without at least 80% of my version in it because the first place I posted my long verbose version in '97 was in a huge forum with 50,000 members that played online games. I wouldn't doubt that 500 people copied it and many of them used it somewhere and did their thing to it too. The link that Chris posted may have originated from there but it looks very evolved in its own sense. Hard to tell.

There's could be 100 versions of this out there by now and I've seen at least 10 of them that are significantly different with a bunch of crap that doesn't work for me. But I haven't seen any that didn't have about 75% or more of my original collaboration and rant included. But who knows, maybe someone else picked up on it and turned it into a book by now?

I could write another insult with more shit from a hundred more places where I picked up on something I liked, from friends too. Anyone could. Try it. You will start to spin off your own shit after a while. It's not that hard when something gets you going (like a genuine dweeb.) People like me who like to write get into all kinds of shit. This happened to be one of mine.

Anyway, all this bullshit aside about who did what and when I managed to put this all together, I find the accuracy of it amazing.

And had you not been called to the carpet on plagiarizing, you tried to come off as some eloquent raving psycho. You probably plagiarize the picks you post too (since you don't even bet).

So you're a plagiarizer and a snitch. Nice combination. So dignified that you "like to write". You also like to copy and paste. Try going to the beach or the gym or a ballgame sometime.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
<TABLE class=tborder id=post4436070 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>steak tartar<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_4436070", true); </SCRIPT>
RX Senior

Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: california
Posts: 4,015

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_4436070 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->i dont know i just masterbated and ate an apple...........but a plagerizer i am not
<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Fuck, that's weird. That was my EXACT itinerary for the day.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
what the fuck happened here

I didn't say I made up every phrase.... What I posted here hasn't changed much since 1997. I did a couple of edits in '01 here.

D, I was answering the plagiarism accusation. I didn't intend that for what I said about posting it here in '01 to be taken as if that's where this originally came from so I ran down how it happened. I worked it a little more. Hell, I'm inspired.

And had you not been called to the carpet on plagiarizing, you tried to come off as some eloquent raving psycho. You probably plagiarize the picks you post too (since you don't even bet).

So you're a plagiarizer and a snitch. Nice combination. So dignified that you "like to write". You also like to copy and paste. Try going to the beach or the gym or a ballgame sometime.

Whormoan, will you marry me?

New member
Sep 16, 2005
I just wanted to be able to say I posted in this thread.



Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
Willing to bet that as much as whormoan hates snitches, he probably doesn't have one friend that would be loyal to him push come to shove; they'd all snitch on his ass for sure, who wouldn't on that guy?


I don't think you are right, but if push came to shove and that happened, that would be a reflection on them, not on me (see Michael Vick's "friends"). However, my circle is VERY loyal. They wouldn't be friends otherwise.

There is no lower form of life than a snitch, except a snitch a snitch who denies snitching and a PLAGIARIZER

New member
Nov 20, 1998
Hey whormoan, the next time you go purse snatching at Qualcom can I watch?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
you couldn't afford the bus ticket to San Diego let alone a Chargers ticket

I'll walk there when Pete Carroll gets the job.
Can you bring 2 water buckets and try to get me in with you?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
They don't allow snitches in Qualcom Stadium.

Funny how you always single me out. You've dumped more shit in so many people's threads, and been the dog on his back in so many gang bangs, what makes you think at least 1/2 dozen different posters didn't fatten your supersize file as Wilheim points out for the PAST 2 YEARS. Are you trying to set some kind of record for the longest rap sheet in Rx history or what?

New member
Nov 20, 1998
I don't think you are right, but if push came to shove and that happened, that would be a reflection on them, not on me (see Michael Vick's "friends"). However, my circle is VERY loyal. They wouldn't be friends otherwise.

There is no lower form of life than a snitch, except a snitch a snitch who denies snitching and a PLAGIARIZER

Listen bud, just for the record, someone in or near your circle who claims to have an acquaintance said the guy he thinks is you went to Italy. He has been a lurker here in the past. I don't know if it's true or not but if it is, you'd be in deep shit if I was dangerous. But as it is, I have no desire to do dig. I wouldn't even discuss it with my Pac-10 buds if I did learn something. Privacy is a line I refuse to cross.

Again just for the record. As a former mod, I can tell you about some scary wierdos who do dig. In my case an offshore agent in NY or Jersey that didn't appreciate me fucking with his offshore interests by exposing his thievery. His BM in CR had a rep for working people over (right in the office.) I quit a few months later. I was getting pretty burnt out anyway.

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