adios college football forum!


Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
LOL - I haven't heard anyone use the word tattle since grammar school back in the 50s.

I'm done here. Have great week Woarmoan - seriously.


OK. Snitching is more appropriate
Glad you came out to unveil your true colors as an unbiased objective moderator. No wonder this place is a joke and all the worthwhile sports bettors left!

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
For a placekicker you do alot of crying..Man up and do the 30 day bid..


just fell on the floor laughing

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
i do agree tho that the back and forth banter and sometimes very spirited banter is was makes these forums so much fun........... at least for an asshole like me

New member
Sep 21, 2004
OK. Snitching is more appropriate
Glad you came out to unveil your true colors as an unbiased objective moderator. No wonder this place is a joke and all the worthwhile sports bettors left!

Man, you are in serious melt-down mode. Just chill out and come back in 29 days. For someone who said they weren't losing any sleep over it you are coming across as someone about to pop an aneurysm.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
In all rubber room seriousness, I agree, although several times he flat out bashes posters after losses last year, there's no place for that if you don't put your own neck out on the line. I haven't seen him bash anyone's losses yet this year.

The reality is that that every single thread that has anything to do with the Pac 10 turns to shit. Whormoan isn't the only person that bashes the Pac 10 or feels the same way about the conference. Shit, I agree with him at times. But decent threads with good capping information are going wasteland...literally minutes after they get started.

At some point you have to contribute something positive other than just starting shit in a gambling forum. If its just staying out of the thread, so be it. He doesn't post plays, he rarely posts anything useful that relates to capping a game, and now that the season has started, it's time to get down to business, which I thought was capping. A guy like Chris Paradise talks a lot of shit...he also posts plays and more than anything, gives out valuable information regarding Tennesse/SEC football that someone on the west coast might never know. I try to read everything the guy posts about the SEC....even the comments from his distractors.

I don't know what the discussion was with Wil/Whormoan, if he had given him warnings in the past. If not, I don't think Whormoan should be banned. I'm guessing there was a warning. While I personally think the guy has absolutely nothing to offer, others have made it clear (such as QL above) that they enjoy his opinion. I'm certain there are folks that want to see me banned, maybe someday I will be blessed with that honor.

Off the soapbox, back to the rubber room.

Whorebored, I've never met a guy under the age of 40 who played division I football, and I've met hundreds, who wears another football players jersey and jocks a team/player as much as you.

I am certain you were a kicker.

I agree, he shouldn't be banished to the RR. Also that is funny as I am friends with an ex-NFL kicker.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Ok, I'm sorry - how about if I change it to - "for a weak side linebacker you cry a lot - man up and do the 30 day bid"..


In case anyone forgot this is the Rubber Room, even moderators can joke around.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
You guys create a fuss over a temporary banning from one sub-forum, but no one else is willing to rally for Roach, who was banned from the ENTIRE forum PERMANENTLY?


Bring back Roach.

New member
Jul 24, 2006
You guys create a fuss over a temporary banning from one sub-forum, but no one else is willing to rally for Roach, who was banned from the ENTIRE forum PERMANENTLY?


Bring back Roach.
i had a roach rally thread before. wtf did he do now. good poster.
Jan 19, 2006
You guys create a fuss over a temporary banning from one sub-forum, but no one else is willing to rally for Roach, who was banned from the ENTIRE forum PERMANENTLY?


Bring back Roach.

Roach is definitely missed. :drink:

New member
Jun 1, 2006
You guys create a fuss over a temporary banning from one sub-forum, but no one else is willing to rally for Roach, who was banned from the ENTIRE forum PERMANENTLY?


Bring back Roach.

Where's fucnluc at that too? Bring back the dead!
Sep 20, 2004
Wait Roach was banned? Why? Is this the same person with the creepy Magic Johnson avatar? I laughed so hard every time I saw that avatar.

Seriously I can't say Whor didn't have this coming. It is one thing to not care for a conference (although you claimed to be a fan). However it is another thing when any thread involving the Pac 10 turns to shit with him starting.

New member
Sep 26, 2005
lets be real

this is the best thing for whormoan. he likes to argue which is fine, and he can do that all he wants here. Hopefully in a month he will be comfortable in this forum and he will just stay away from the cf forum where people are trying to help each other with gambling info. He can stay here and tear down anyone he wants and people can come into this forum to defend themselves if they feel it nessecary. While people in the cf forum can try and help each other. In the end it will all work out better that way anyways.

New member
Jun 1, 2006
Wait Roach was banned? Why? Is this the same person with the creepy Magic Johnson avatar? I laughed so hard every time I saw that avatar.

Seriously I can't say Whor didn't have this coming. It is one thing to not care for a conference (although you claimed to be a fan). However it is another thing when any thread involving the Pac 10 turns to shit with him starting.

"I'd do her without a condom".

New member
Nov 20, 1998
Conan, on the other hand is another story. And FOR THE RECORD, the only warnings i got from anyone were from Conan warning me that he was going to go tell Wilheim to have me banned. As Gyno said, snitching is for pussies


Why don't you just quit the sniveling and begging everyone for a hankie.

I was a mod here and by default, I still take this place as a job that needs tending but I won't commit to full time babysitting because of the few who just don't get it. I'm not a snitch, I'm much worse than that. I'm your worst nightmare, an Rx mod in retirement. A cop as far as you're concerned. I started working here in 2000 but for the last few years, I only volunteer my time because I don't need or want the day-to-day responsibility. Grab your ankles and live with it.

LSU Pete left because of the flaming. Who will you drive off? And who gives you the right? What gives you the authority to decide these things in effect by ignoring simple decent netiquette standards in the sports forums? You? If you think so you are delusional. And that's not really an if waterboy. Misfit.

You were warned about your repulsive and negative attitude towards those who don't want to play the flame game in the sports forums the way you do. Your arguments are a droll. You are the gaggling societal misfit that lives by no rules and respects nothing that isn't your perfect model of the way whormoan says it should be. Nobody but the admins here have that right. FUCK! How can anyone be that stupid?

You are delusional. Your tiny fisted tantrums carry no weight here. You are the leprous rat spinning rabidly in the desert before the bite of the snake. A fate that you brought onto yourself but you are too dense to understand that simple truth. Anyone on the receiving end of your spew would agree unconditionally. Many just don't like seeing it. It drives them off. Hits go down, business and revenues go with it and you just sit there criticizing their business model, something that only an unprofessional unemployable societal misfit without a clue could do. Jerk. Liar.

Nobody taunts you with any kind of preemptive flaming or if that happens it's a 1 in 10 thing. 9 times out of 10 it's you. And you spread your insults liberally, yet as some strange example of sociopath, limited only to those on the west coast who follow the Pac-10.

And for what? To save the world from some "pompom waiving Pac-10 honks" who prefer to gamble on their local teams and conferences? And how do said Pac-10 honks differ from anyone else that posts about the teams they root for or follow from their own area? "I'm only trying to save everyone from losing." That sounds more like an off-the-cuff impromptu excuse you conjured to explain your morbid blather. You're not helping in the least way. You are a bigger fool than you think if you believe anyone buys into that bullshit motive as stated. Liar.

You are ruining threads that everyone has a right to participate in with common civility and netiquette. If you really wanted to help gamblers win, you'd post plays so they could or at least offer some information or make a pertinent argument that's relevant to the discussion and a side to play, not just one precarious semi annual "find". Woohoo. My prayers have been heard. What a crock of shit.

It has nothing to do with helping anyone but you and your asinine obsession with Pete Carroll and the Pac-10 and your personal need to vent your own rancorous feces. You don't express your views, you shit in people's threads and in people's faces, constantly. Can anyone possibly lead a more vulgar existence on this board than that? And did I mention that you lie?

Did I spell all the words right so far? I hope so because I know fukking well that you will proclaim me stupid in the very next post if I didn't. That is so weak it doesn't even deserve space on anyone's screen. Anyone who thinks I am exaggerating just look here (post #55.)

You are a walking insult. You are a mama's boy who never got spanked by daddy. Now you get spanked here instead. You are juvenile and irrelevant... a keyboard gansta attempting to elbow his way up some imaginary pecking order as if to vie for higher gangsta status... a made gambler. But you are not even that. You are bereft of simple social skills most of us take for granted. And did I mention that you lie?

What a cad you are to hide behind a lie like "nobody warned me". What a crock. More lies. Anyone who takes you at your word is a fool. But some of us learn, eventually. You are a lowly weasel, a misfit cornered by the consequence of your own deeds. It is impossible to count the number of threads you've ruined for people here who wanted nothing more than to have a civil discussion. Got another excuse that nobody cares about? Care to weasel your way out, yet again?

You claim that the only warning you ever had was from me. Do I smell more useless drivel, still yet another pejorative denial or another attempt to deflect the truth through your chattling teeth? More bullshit? I came in after Wilheim's SECOND warning to you defending what he did for the sake of this board and this company, explaining things to you as nicely and as courteously as I could, and you even laid low for 2 weeks afterwards. Now once more you digress. What a ***** for claiming that you were never warned by the staff here. You were warned not once but twice. Now anyone can see that you are a liar and your words are not worth the pixels they use on the screen.

Weasel your way out of the first warning you were given
(post #4)

and this, the second and final warning
(post #102)

Or how about just saying something really shitty about this post or me or my time spent doing this service for those who are not in the know and run away like a coward from the facts thrown in your face?

You know I'm only trying to help you win money.

Goodnight sweetcakes.
Have a wonderful sleep.

PS... I'm sure that the 30 days you got was for abusive posting beyond what was commonly seen these situations.

New member
Apr 30, 2005
Tokens that was worthy of being called a Dagger.

No shit. I'm exhausted!


Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001

Why don't you just quit the sniveling and begging everyone for a hankie.

I was a mod here and by default, I still take this place as a job that needs tending but I won't commit to full time babysitting because of the few who just don't get it. I'm not a snitch, I'm much worse than that. I'm your worst nightmare, an Rx mod in retirement. A cop as far as you're concerned. I started working here in 2000 but for the last few years, I only volunteer my time because I don't need or want the day-to-day responsibility. Grab your ankles and live with it.

LSU Pete left because of the flaming. Who will you drive off? And who gives you the right? What gives you the authority to decide these things in effect by ignoring simple decent netiquette standards in the sports forums? You? If you think so you are delusional. And that's not really an if waterboy. Misfit.

You were warned about your repulsive and negative attitude towards those who don't want to play the flame game in the sports forums the way you do. Your arguments are a droll. You are the gaggling societal misfit that lives by no rules and respects nothing that isn't your perfect model of the way whormoan says it should be. Nobody but the admins here have that right. FUCK! How can anyone be that stupid?

You are delusional. Your tiny fisted tantrums carry no weight here. You are the leprous rat spinning rabidly in the desert before the bite of the snake. A fate that you brought onto yourself but you are too dense to understand that simple truth. Anyone on the receiving end of your spew would agree unconditionally. Many just don't like seeing it. It drives them off. Hits go down, business and revenues go with it and you just sit there criticizing their business model, something that only an unprofessional unemployable societal misfit without a clue could do. Jerk. Liar.

Nobody taunts you with any kind of preemptive flaming or if that happens it's a 1 in 10 thing. 9 times out of 10 it's you. And you spread your insults liberally, yet as some strange example of sociopath, limited only to those on the west coast who follow the Pac-10.

And for what? To save the world from some "pompom waiving Pac-10 honks" who prefer to gamble on their local teams and conferences? And how do said Pac-10 honks differ from anyone else that posts about the teams they root for or follow from their own area? "I'm only trying to save everyone from losing." That sounds more like an off-the-cuff impromptu excuse you conjured to explain your morbid blather. You're not helping in the least way. You are a bigger fool than you think if you believe anyone buys into that bullshit motive as stated. Liar.

You are ruining threads that everyone has a right to participate in with common civility and netiquette. If you really wanted to help gamblers win, you'd post plays so they could or at least offer some information or make a pertinent argument that's relevant to the discussion and a side to play, not just one precarious semi annual "find". Woohoo. My prayers have been heard. What a crock of shit.

It has nothing to do with helping anyone but you and your asinine obsession with Pete Carroll and the Pac-10 and your personal need to vent your own rancorous feces. You don't express your views, you shit in people's threads and in people's faces, constantly. Can anyone possibly lead a more vulgar existence on this board than that? And did I mention that you lie?

Did I spell all the words right so far? I hope so because I know fukking well that you will proclaim me stupid in the very next post if I didn't. That is so weak it doesn't even deserve space on anyone's screen. Anyone who thinks I am exaggerating just look here (post #55.)

You are a walking insult. You are a mama's boy who never got spanked by daddy. Now you get spanked here instead. You are juvenile and irrelevant... a keyboard gansta attempting to elbow his way up some imaginary pecking order as if to vie for higher gangsta status... a made gambler. But you are not even that. You are bereft of simple social skills most of us take for granted. And did I mention that you lie?

What a cad you are to hide behind a lie like "nobody warned me". What a crock. More lies. Anyone who takes you at your word is a fool. But some of us learn, eventually. You are a lowly weasel, a misfit cornered by the consequence of your own deeds. It is impossible to count the number of threads you've ruined for people here who wanted nothing more than to have a civil discussion. Got another excuse that nobody cares about? Care to weasel your way out, yet again?

You claim that the only warning you ever had was from me. Do I smell more useless drivel, still yet another pejorative denial or another attempt to deflect the truth through your chattling teeth? More bullshit? I came in after Wilheim's SECOND warning to you defending what he did for the sake of this board and this company, explaining things to you as nicely and as courteously as I could, and you even laid low for 2 weeks afterwards. Now once more you digress. What a ***** for claiming that you were never warned by the staff here. You were warned not once but twice. Now anyone can see that you are a liar and your words are not worth the pixels they use on the screen.

Weasel your way out of the first warning you were given
(post #4)

and this, the second and final warning
(post #102)

Or how about just saying something really shitty about this post or me or my time spent doing this service for those who are not in the know and run away like a coward from the facts thrown in your face?

You know I'm only trying to help you win money.

Goodnight sweetcakes.
Have a wonderful sleep.

PS... I'm sure that the 30 days you got was for abusive posting beyond what was commonly seen these situations.

As I said, I can name that Rx snitch in one note. Snitching is for faggots and pussies and physicists. So the moral of the story is if you whoop Conan's ass in a debate non-stop he will tell on you. Wil's warnings which came as a result of your crying were a non-entity in my book. I honestly don't have the time to read the endless rants you write which take up half the page.
As for "your time spent doing this service"? Could anything be more laughable. Maybe we should have a Conan day at the Rx or block off the street and throw you a parade, or make a pin for us to wear on our blazers that honors your service. Don't flatter yourself martyr. This place wouldve and still would be far better off without your service. Were you not paid for your time? I sure hope you were and if not find a Make-A-Wish or a real service to donate your time not in the lab to.
You are right about one thing, you are incredibly stupid.

RX Senior
Jun 12, 2006
Your tiny fisted tantrums carry no weight here. You are the leprous rat spinning rabidly in the desert before the bite of the snake.

I thought I was reading the book version of a soundgarden video for there for a moment.

New member
Nov 20, 1998
As I said, I can name that Rx snitch in one note. Snitching is for faggots and pussies and physicists. So the moral of the story is if you whoop Conan's ass in a debate non-stop he will tell on you. Wil's warnings which came as a result of your crying were a non-entity in my book. I honestly don't have the time to read the endless rants you write which take up half the page.
As for "your time spent doing this service"? Could anything be more laughable. Maybe we should have a Conan day at the Rx or block off the street and throw you a parade, or make a pin for us to wear on our blazers that honors your service. Don't flatter yourself martyr. This place wouldve and still would be far better off without your service. Were you not paid for your time? I sure hope you were and if not find a Make-A-Wish or a real service to donate your time not in the lab to.
You are right about one thing, you are incredibly stupid.

:Sad Face:

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