...thats when I realized that the taxi driver wasnt Dsethi at all but was actually Skinsraj wearing Dsethi's face skin and turns out he wasnt a taxi driver/proctologist after all. I decided right then and there that I would never again would I.....
I hitched up my pants and set out once more, pondering the events of the day and the decisions I had made. As I tucked in my testicles and rounded the corner, I saw Jack Herer. I looked on in horror as I noticed that he was...
Run! Run away and don't look back. So I started to run, but so did my anal leakage. As I grabbed my ass and turned the corner, I tripped. So there I lay in my own ass soup on the sidewalk, my thoughts were racing as I....
...remembered it was time for Family Guy. So I called a friend to ask them to Tivo it for me. However, I dialed the wrong number. To my surprise, whom should answer the phone? None other than...
..Mother, Im a grown man now, and if I want to marinate in feces then God Dammit Im gonna marinate in feces so shut your fucking pie-hole and bring me a.....
But suddenly up above i saw a hot air balloon slowing dropping towards me. When i heard a voice scream out "grab the rope you fat fuck". Without hesitation i reached up and...
....flipped the bird to the bastard driving it. That fucking wizard always fucks with me when Im tripping on acid and its really starting to piss me off. So I put my friends back in my pocket and swallowed the rainbow I was chasing right before the....