Here are my thoughts on last night's awards. First off, I don't think they change anything with regards to who will/could win next Sunday, as in recent years, these awards haven't been very accurate predictors. In each of the last two years, they have been 1 out of 4 predicting the Oscars.
As for Depp, I had given him a 10% chance of winning this award, and, with the added, demonstrated support, I might be upping that number to about 15%.
As for the rest of them, my opinion hasn't changed. I think Keaton is out, with Keisha a very possible spoiler. I think that Robbins is as close to a lock, in the acting categories, as there is. I would now move him up to about 60%, with Baldwin the spoiler at about 25% to 30%, with nobody else having much of a shot.
I still firmly believe that Murray and Aghdashloo will win in their respective categories. Remember that Aghdashloo has only faced Zellwegger ONCE, in a very minor precursor award and, Aghdashloo came out on top. Aghdashloo's performance was more universally praised than Renee's, who's performance was divisive.
I really don't think too much has changed since last week. We shall see, though.