Too many stupid babies for your liking, huh?
And why do you suppose that is?
State support for single parents luring poor and stupid (mostly black) women out of their parents homes to have babies out of wedlock.
Politicians and social planners seem impervious to the basic time-honored economic lesson: if you subsidize something (like illegitimacy or laziness) you get more of it -- the basic reward-and-punishment theory.
Of course, all of these economically draining and socially disastrous policies are great for the Big Government Party, but horrible for everyone else, including the holy "collective" the left can't stop whining about.
You are including in the large group of degenerates who should not be reproducing in our country, lol. Poor people reproduce at a higher rate regardless of your stupid "social planner" theory. The government does not control peoples lives as much as you think. You are just a nut job who has an irrational fear of government.