This is one of the most arrogant, assinine (sp), elitist comments i have ever read....usc didnt put auburn anywhere they got to where they are plenty of times by losing to miss st, ole miss, gt, arkansas....i could keep going but you know what i mean. it was proven that auburn was not better than everyone else long before usc showed up into town. So your whole basis that auburn was elite until usc dropped them twice is pretty stupid. I never claimed that Auburn was an SEC hero..and yes if any sec team played usc any given year they would lose and they would all go into this pile of former elite teams you talk of. Here is where you and I differ on sides..When I refer to "Elite," I am speaking of a team in one season of college football..not a snapshot of 5 years of 20 years. You think sec homers are trying to spin this whole auburn thing that they were an elite program every year before they played usc and every year after the 2002/2003 seasons..i dont think anyone is saying that and if they are they are morons. I am sorry friend but the sad truth is auburn is usually a better than average sec team with an elite year here and 02 and 03 they werent elite..even if usc was not on their schedule it still wouldnt have set them up to be "elite" had usc beat them in 2004 then hell yes usc beat an elite auburn sec team. you are too funny m8, good conversation though
First of all, I don't see why a team in retrospect should be considered less than "elite" if they win their division of the conference the year before as Auburn did before their game with USC. 20-20 hindsight years after the fact is not how to rate a team the day the game is played. Perhaps it goes to SOS later on when the poll points are tabulated but not necessarily at the time a game is played. Elite is nothing more than a fuzzy distinction anyway. How often are pre-season polls proven to be mistaken by the end of the year? That's a useless way to determine "elite" but you have to go by it anyway.
Look, if you are saying that there are only one possibly 2 elite teams in the SEC then we have no argument. I cannot stand hearing about all the larger than life teams everyone has to play in that conference year after year. You'd think the whole conference has a monopoly on good football in the country. There are plenty of arrogant asinine homers in your camp that make the rest of you look like a bunch of "better than thou" homies. If I was you, I'd do everything I could to separate yourself from that kind of support and don't don't buy into all of the excuses. If you want to be the best, you have to play the best and the best is out there, not just in the SEC. It would be a big mistake to assume that the SEC is all the challenge any team needs to prove itself worthy of a NC bid. That is arrogance. Nobody buys it. It's a put down of the entire sport everywhere else.
I think EVERY SEC team can be beat on a given Saturday by numerous teams in many places. Some may be exceptionally hot at the time and they may not be so vulnerable and it may take a stellar game by someone to beat them. But the same goes for every conference. I still maintain that the ONLY thing that puts the SEC on a higher level than the rest is the presence of one or two more quality teams. It DOES NOT RUN TOP TO BOTTOM. That top to bottom mantra is as glib and brainless as it gets.
But the main point I am here to make is that the SEC underschedules its games as a whole and that does not help prove anything or support any claim to superiority. You cannot say we'll see when the bowl games are played because that's ignoring a large part of the season and ignoring many opportunities to either get beat or win where it counts. That avoidance costs the conference a lot of credibility because the easy road is not the way champions should handle that distinction if that's what they wish to claim.
Look at what just happened to USC, surpassing UGA for the very reasons I've been pointing out. SOS is very important and that INCLUDES ALL GAMES not just 3 or 4 cherry picked opponents in conference play every year. If that ends up costing LSU a shot at the NC this year, the LSU fans have nobody but their own college president to blame for scheduling sissies. Don't go crying to the BCS or whine about the pollsters who got it wrong. You had your chance to put your best foot forward and flaked out with 4 of the worst teams they could have possibly scheduled and I don't care if they go undefeated. If 3 teams go undefeated, LSU should be out for that reason. (in theory)
I just hope that when they come up with a playoff formula (some day they will), I hope they require NC hopefulls to play hard schedules all season long as much as they can and that includes the preseason and/or non-conf schedule.
In the meantime, most of the SEC is just spoofing everyone because they play too many sissies along with their 3-4 hard conference opponents. To me there's no glory in that and anything to the contrary in suport of what they are doing is an EXCUSE. There are no excuses.