I agree with you that "capitalist swine" and "massive wealth that you built off their backs" is a bunch of bull shit but you act as though the government and infrastructure spending serve no purpose at all. That's simply not true.
Not true.
Men like Henry Ford built the USA. Ford did it all himself, including investing in the education of his workers out of his own company's pocket.
Government is necessary as the primary protector of our rights and liberties. Actually, the Constitution is very specific in laying out what the federal government can and can NOT do. The enumerated powers (Article 1, Section 8) spells out the role of the federal government in great detail.
The rest ("you didn't build that!" - Elizabeth Warren) is left wing socialist propaganda.
Not true.
Men like Henry Ford built the USA. Ford did it all himself, including investing in the education of his workers out of his own company's pocket.
Government is necessary as the primary protector of our rights and liberties. Actually, the Constitution is very specific in laying out what the federal government can and can NOT do. The enumerated powers (Article 1, Section 8) spells out the proper role of the federal government in great detail.
The rest ("you didn't build that!" - Elizabeth Warren) is left wing socialist propaganda.
What was amazing was the guys who invented the Internet off the government dime. The only reason why your voice is ever heard. Because in the real world, normal people would find you crazy.
Henry Ford didn't benefit from the government building roads? Henry Ford deserves all the credit in the world for his success, he did build it himself, but he still benefited from government spending whether you care to admit it or not.
Well, back in the day, leeches were used in medicine. Does that count?Did your really, REALLY smart English prof tell you that one?
You weren't around back then kiddo, but I was using email and private bulletin board systems with dial up long before "the government invented the Internet" :missingte
"capitalist swine!" - fratfraud
You brainwashed socialist freaks are as hopeless as you are useless. Absolutely nothing to offer society...unless parasites are useful.
miss scott L's ...avatar
Socialism supports free speech... I like that you pulled that one out of your ass