If an NBA team could pick pick the 15 best white players in the NBA and put them all on one team does anyone think that team could win a playoff series?
I think it's stupid to call Blake Griffin black.
If Blake Griffin is black because he's got some black blood in him, then 99% of the NBA is white, because most of those black men
have some white somewhere in their ancestry.
Blake Griffin with his red hair and freckles, and people are going to call him black? Bzzzzt.
Can we at least all agree that the all-white team would play garbage defense at just about every position that isn't C? Rubio's become a good defender but he's not CP3. No D at SG. No D at PF. Average at best D at SF depending on your opinion of Dunleavy (if he even starts). Yikes.
I think it's stupid to call Blake Griffin black.
If Blake Griffin is black because he's got some black blood in him, then 99% of the NBA is white, because most of those black men
have some white somewhere in their ancestry.
Blake Griffin with his red hair and freckles, and people are going to call him black? Bzzzzt.
LOL "some black blood in him"
Blake Griffin's dad: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhcRl9WIIAEPAb_.jpg
Blake Griffin would never call himself white. Is that hard to understand that there are people who are multiracial? There are over 10 million multiracial people in the US. Tiger Woods. Barack Obama. Halle Berry. Mariah Carey. Derek Jeter.
Of course he's multiracial, no one is denying that. I'll bet there are a lot more than 10 million multiracial people in the US. All I'm saying is that my personal opinion is that it's stupid to look at a guy that looks 100% white, and call him black - when chances are he's more than 50% white. People are discussing black vs. white pro basketball players, and Griffin gets put on the "black" team. Why? He's more than likely more white than black.
I wouldn't put Blake on the black team. But I 100% wouldn't put him on the white team. And I think my estimate of about 10 million people in the US is correct. It's less than you might think because interracial marriage was only legalized in a lot of states about 50 years ago.