Whats the deal with Costa Rica on here?


Active member
Jun 20, 2000
**VeNuS** said:
Phonebook, bullring...

forget about poor, cheap, disgusting CR and stay home, aight?

Trust me, none of us need you here, none of us want you here, so keep your comments to yourself and shut your big fat mouth.

Who the fuck asked if you like it here in the first place??? :finger:

OMG... I'm getting nasty
:monsters-HOLY momma MOLY!! I have never seen this side of the lovely gracious VEnus:monsters- :monsters-
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New member
Jan 1, 2001
if someone comes in and says I dont like this and that about Costa Rica, so be it, we can discuss it, we can mull over your "problem" as much as you want BUT.....

If someone comes in and says "it is not a place that morals and standards are held high" anyone here would agree thats just bullshit......

And you might not like the answer but its pretty much collective. You dont like it here? Theres a border to our north and one to our south. Theres a main airport in Alajuela and one in Liberia. There are numerous travel agencies where you can purchase a plane ticket and look for a place where morals and standards are held higher"

And if you want to stay and try to make things better so be it. We would also appreciate it if you posted under your regular handle.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
**VeNuS** said:
That's my boy :howdy:

How're you doing V ? :howdy:

That shit pissed me off, You know Im down to debate with you all, but these 2 are not trying to start a debate, a quick read to their first post will clear that out. " Who that fuck wants to live in Costa Rica?? " They didnt come here to debate...they started this thread to insult us....so fuck'em.

New member
Sep 4, 2005
I'd like to go to costa rica. So I can get off the plane, take a huge shit in the street and get back on another plane and go home.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Once again I want to argue the point that this is a posting forum and an area open to debate. So next time you tell someone to go back to the US(under water)to the land of the free(patriot act), to be under the lead of our wise president(corky thatcher) who only wants the best for us (WW3) realize that there are alot of us who do not want to be there.

And Dante, this never was Rubber Room material till you put it here...what gives?

New member
Jun 25, 2005
bullring said:
I'd like to go to costa rica. So I can get off the plane, take a huge shit in the street and get back on another plane and go home.

So Dime, is this the kinda of debate you're looking for bro...here's the one who came up with the great idea of starting this insulting thread...I suppose he ranked well in debate class, didnt he?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
GuinnessGal said:
Complete sense. Living in the now, doesn't mean trashing/disrespecting the place you live in currently. Looking for current solutions to fix problems of today and following through on those directly affects future generations.
Exactamente! Are you from the Nort West Guiness Girl, you seem to have the West Coast Perspective....but a little bit more clever than your average Cali Kid.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Dime Bag said:
Once again I want to argue the point that this is a posting forum and an area open to debate. So next time you tell someone to go back to the US(under water)to the land of the free(patriot act), to be under the lead of our wise president(corky thatcher) who only wants the best for us (WW3) realize that there are alot of us who do not want to be there.

And Dante, this never was Rubber Room material till you put it here...what gives?
Dimeage, when the word Mother fucker in a post like it was up above is used it becomes RR material.... sorry man ..you know I love all you guys but rules are rules

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Derek12 said:
So Dime, is this the kinda of debate you're looking for bro...here's the one who came up with the great idea of starting this insulting thread...I suppose he did rank well on debate class, didnt he?

No but I would hope that when one is defending their country that they would be a little more original and informative...

Like I said before, take a breath, count to ten and put a little thought into your arguments and people will be less likely to win the battle. If I were a judge of debate I would say that so far Phoney-bologne is winning just becuase he is the only one presenting any facts (a fact is anything that can be proven or disproven) I am taking no sides here, I am just presenting a point of view.


For the record I do not defend this cockwad Buttring or whatever his name is....

New member
Jun 25, 2005
Dante said:
Dimeage, when the word Mother fucker in a post like it was up above is used it becomes RR material.... sorry man ..you know I love all you guys but rules are rules

Dante Sir, I apologize for using that word, but they deserved it...and yes this thread is RR material.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
bullring said:
it's only friendly banter. take a chill pill.

YOU take the fucking chill pill and quit fucking around with people you dont know

New member
Jun 25, 2005
bullring said:
how bout you eat my ass out.

and how about you taking all your bullshit posts and shove'em up your ass.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
sensitive, is that what you think? sensitive is what i am when you tell me to get my head out of my ass. now i am sensitive MF. you tell me how i should react to your post. usually beacuase i am from the states i am more violent than most people and you are next door pal. but since i am trying to be more civil nowadays, i'll listen. Any ideas of how to make Costa Rica a place that we all want to live a raise our children? ANY ideas would be most appreciated.

Darwin I am aware that you are next door and I did not mean my post to be a direct insult. But the truth is that the post that you made did carry the hollow echo of one whos head is up there ass. I wish for one second that when a thread reaches debate level that someone could give an educated reply rather than telling me to get out, I would hope for more from someone with a more worldly view such as yourself. I want no problems with you buddy whether you were next door or not, I do let my mouth get the best of me but as you can see I am the only one here that can keep an argument up without an agenda. I speak freely as is my right to do. I hope you can accept my apology and no harm done.


New member
Jan 1, 2001
Dime, I think you take things from where they come.....

If you become a regular poster here and wish to voice your concerns about this place, you are probably welcome to do so......as long as you are civil, which you have always been. This will provoke normal answers from everyone. People will take the time to post a long thread voicing their concerns.

If on the other hand, if you are a "one post poster" and start off like this, it is very likely you are not going to get an effort out of anyone, beyond a basic and introductory "fu".......

That is in large part, the "problem" here..

i am not biased, I hate everyone.
Sep 23, 2004
no problem dime. as i stated i am trying to be peaceful. still waiting on someones answer to the problems we have here and pretty much everywhere. noone seems to be able to put forth any effort as to solving problems only pointing them out. i come from a very bad neighborhood, to me this is just like living in paradise and i don't want to go home.

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