Whats the deal with Costa Rica on here?


Scattered, Covered, and Smothered
Jan 21, 2005
Some people are here because they have no choice.... Not my case, but just thought I would share...

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"OHHH the ever so perfect Tico answer to this question....If you dont like it here, leave."

I think I speak for everyone when I say that people here are obviously interested in decent debate on how to make this a better place, its just that from your post it doesn't look like you have any enlighted idea.

Also, I haven't found that place where morals and "standards" (whatever you define as a standard) are held high, can you post directions to it? Thanks

Almost there...
Aug 19, 2005
slim, do u know who it is? well let me refrase that do we know who it is?

New member
Sep 27, 2004
wolfie_cr said:
Also, I haven't found that place where morals and "standards" (whatever you define as a standard) are held high, can you post directions to it? Thanks
La Fortuna! The best place in the world,but just my opinion!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
wolfie_cr said:
"OHHH the ever so perfect Tico answer to this question....If you dont like it here, leave."

I think I speak for everyone when I say that people here are obviously interested in decent debate on how to make this a better place, its just that from your post it doesn't look like you have any enlighted idea.

Also, I haven't found that place where morals and "standards" (whatever you define as a standard) are held high, can you post directions to it? Thanks

I have found that people here are not interested in decent debate wolfie, a foreigner with a concern or complaint about their surroungings is usually insulted first(insert bush comment here) and told "if you dont like it, then leave". Myself I love it here, I enjoy the people and the lifestyle, but I say progress is minimal and most people would rather swerve around a pothole then figure out how to get it fixed. Just my two cents.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Thats part of the problem dime, the other part is "this is horrible , everything is so corrupted" and five secs later "how much do you want?" , if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem and certainly both foreigners (legal and illegal) and locals are part of the corruption that goes on...........

its always "someone elses fault SO I do it too" , it has to stop at some point if things are suposed to change and that goes (again) for locals and foreigners (legal and illegal)

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Nobody in CR, US or anywhere wants to deal with overpopulation issues and the excessive problems that creates. I mean , look at Escazu or Santa Ana or any major US city and you can see that noone planned 30 years ago for today's problems.

Almost there...
Aug 19, 2005
wolfie_cr said:
"OHHH the ever so perfect Tico answer to this question....If you dont like it here, leave."

I think I speak for everyone when I say that people here are obviously interested in decent debate on how to make this a better place, its just that from your post it doesn't look like you have any enlighted idea.

Also, I haven't found that place where morals and "standards" (whatever you define as a standard) are held high, can you post directions to it? Thanks

damn, man u so unhappy with ur life u see only whats bad around u, take a minute or two and see the good.
if ur unhappy here go somewhere else, get a hobby or something.:103631605

New member
Aug 28, 2005
From top to bottom there are problems in every country. I see that the only thing different is that other countries step up and face them, not turn their backs on them. When a Flood or Earthquake hits Limon, you see broken down buildings and destroyed streets for years to come. If something like this happens in another country the problem is dealt with and things are put back on track within a timely fashion.

Same thing with poverty and drug addiction that have hit this country so hard. Food stamps and welfare programs are offered in other countries, yet here they are just tucked into a part of San Jose that is less visited. On Christmas the country gives a little just to feel good about themselves.

It makes me sick sometimes to go to these areas in Costa Rica where the people are limited to live in shacks and abandoned by the Pura Vida country that is "so beautiful" and should start resorting some of the resources towards helping themselves as a country as opposed to individuals.

I always find it funny to see this generation of youth in CR. I honestly think that it is cable TV and sportsbooks that have inspired an attitude problem that CR now has with its 20-30 yr olds. You see people driving around with spinners on their rides and bumpin 50 cent in their new speakers. You see the latest fashion of clothing from the states and new cell phones to kick. But when will CR step up and change the things that REALLY mean taking it to a new level? Improve their way of life in the outside world.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Phonebook said:
I always find it funny to see this generation of youth in CR. I honestly think that it is cable TV and sportsbooks that have inspired an attitude problem that CR now has with its 20-30 yr olds. You see people driving around with spinners on their rides and bumpin 50 cent in their new speakers. You see the latest fashion of clothing from the states and new cell phones to kick. But when will CR step up and change the things that REALLY mean taking it to a new level? Improve their way of life in the outside world.

This is the only part that I will completely back you up on there Phony, trendiness often is more important than social changes here. Change requires a little self sacrifice in the name of the common good. I cant speak for everyone but as for myself if Im down to my last sandwich I am not above sharing it with my neighbor.


Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
Phonebook, bullring...

forget about poor, cheap, disgusting CR and stay home, aight?

Trust me, none of us need you here, none of us want you here, so keep your comments to yourself and shut your big fat mouth.

Who the fuck asked if you like it here in the first place??? :finger:

OMG... I'm getting nasty

New member
Sep 21, 2004
**VeNuS** said:
Phonebook, bullring...

forget about poor, cheap, disgusting CR and stay home, aight?

Trust me, none of us need you here, none of us want you here, so keep your comments to yourself and shut your big fat mouth.

Who the fuck asked if you like it here in the first place??? :finger:

OMG... I'm getting nasty


You know I love you kid, but you are more intelligent than to resort to the same typical response that we are talking about. Close your eyes and count to ten, respond with your mind and not with your patriotic heart. There is a change on the horizon and not just in CR. We are the generation that is supposed to become aware, so open up your eyes and realize that things can be better and they will start to be.

New member
Aug 28, 2005
Sorry Venus....I'm already here.

And I have to say....MANY MANY MANY of the people here are thankful for this. I can honestly say that I have done more for this country than many ticos I know. I do provide for these people that this country will not help. I do give to charities and will continue to. I have invested more money into this country than some will do in a lifetime here. That along with being here for Many years, speaking the language regularly, I still find it funny when I get a ride from the Mas X Menos to my house and the cab driver tells me 5000 colones when it is only 1000 colones.

The bottom line is that this life that most Ticos have made for themselves will not change and continue down a path that leads to where it has gotten them now. Hard to say, but if i were to leave here and come back in 10 years, houses would still be coming up with bars and barb wire all around them. Well guess what....if you plant apple seeds, you get apples. Yet another thing that I will still never figure out about this pais.

i am not biased, I hate everyone.
Sep 23, 2004
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You know i was going to be nice about it. But all of you who do not like it here, do not care to speak the language, do not care about the people who live here, well, all i can say is Get the F*** Out. Is that clear enough. Just like the people who were not from Miami , said what a sewer it was, how bad it was to live there, so we posted a sign off of i-95, if you don't like get your ass out. same goes here my friends.


i am not biased, I hate everyone.
Sep 23, 2004
al i hear is negativity, and never anyone who offers solutions. if anyone has a solution to solve some of the problems please speak up.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"Hard to say, but if i were to leave here and come back in 10 years, houses would still be coming up with bars and barb wire all around them."

thats another mistery to me, why people that have $ to invest, help their neighbors etc and enjoy the freedom of choosing where to live continue coming here and then ranting on and on and on as to why things are the way they are

do people that say "hey I want to live in Costa Rica" even know how things are here? have they ever lived outside their native country?

I am 100% Costa Rican yet sometimes its hard for me to figure out why people come to live/retire here at all and then rant about the way things are, granted, its normally ranting about things that shouldnt be that way but its like me moving to the States and then complain about why does it snow 4 months a year

New member
Sep 27, 2004
I think everybody should kick back, have a cold beer of choice and enjoy Florida State and Miami tonight in a game that is always good! Get out and enjoy this beautiful day, if even for a few minutes, and be thankful for how good we have it. Life is short but can be very sweet if you just take the time to appreciate it! Good Luck To All!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You know i was going to be nice about it. But all of you who do not like it here, do not care to speak the language, do not care about the people who live here, well, all i can say is Get the F*** Out. Is that clear enough. Just like the people who were not from Miami , said what a sewer it was, how bad it was to live there, so we posted a sign off of i-95, if you don't like get your ass out. same goes here my friends.

Way to prove us wrong Darwin, quit being sensitive and realize that all problems are also the worlds problem so get your head out of your ass. This is about improving the world not about patriotic bullshit. You think I want to go home to a country ruled by a money hungry war monger ruling by fear and not by respect? I can admit my country and government is fucked cant you for once second admit that things need to change here.

Doesnt it piss you off when all the well paved roads lead up to las casas de los diputados, and that one day your kids will have to run across six lanes of interstate to get back home from school? This is not the way that things were intended to be. Dont tell me to get out, why dont we work together to make this world a better place...Is that such a crazy idea? El hombre lo hizo las fronteras, no Dios.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
wolfie_cr said:
I am 100% Costa Rican yet sometimes its hard for me to figure out why people come to live/retire here at all and then rant about the way things are, granted, its normally ranting about things that shouldnt be that way but its like me moving to the States and then complain about why does it snow 4 months a year

People do complain about the snow, especially the latinos that live there. Believe me, no matter where you live you will see things that need change. Turns out a German Governor is making some nice changes to the sunny state of California....Go figure.


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