Whats the deal with Costa Rica on here?


Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
Sorry, Dime, but I'm not happy with this Sh*t, if they don't like it and keep whining about our country, then better: back off!!

And sorry, I'm not taking anything back and I'm not rational today, they can all kiss my booty!

New member
Sep 27, 2004
**VeNuS** said:
And sorry, I'm not taking anything back and I'm not rational today, they can all kiss my booty!
I'm sure you'd have a lot of guys (maybe some girls too) that would love to Venus, and I'd be first in line!

Almost there...
Aug 19, 2005
:monsters- PHONEBOOK please drop it .

i may agree with dime on somethings im not saying ur totally wrong, but it's our country we live in it theres good there's bad like any where else, and u can leave anytime but since ur all ready here like u said, why r u here? couldn't make it back home.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
ABACO said:
:monsters- PHONEBOOK please drop it .

i may agree with dime on somethings im not saying ur totally wrong, but it's our country we live in it theres good there's bad like any where else, and u can leave anytime but since ur all ready here like u said, why r u here? couldn't make it back home.

Don't you find yourself complaining about the same things that Phonebook is saying? I will it admit that its a given that you dont want to hear it from visitors, but the facts still remain. If the locals would get on top of the politicians that are slacking on their duties with the same fierceness that you use to speak up against the Gringos who have the sames complaints as you do, maybe we could bring about change. Please learn to debate guys, it is a necessary skill in life.


Life is short, play hard!
Nov 20, 2004
Phonebook said:
I might be mistaken, but last time I checked Costa Rica wasnt doing anything about the problems that plauge thier country. The streets, the poverty, the crime, and overall corruption that comes from lack of stepping up to problems will continue to hold this country down from becoming something better. I still cant figure out why some people here still cant get that through thier heads.

For a simple reason that your head can't process, I particulary don't want to look at the negative things, rather to see how wealthy people drive their awesome cars and go to the same places I choose to go, how a few good political desicions give the professionals the oportunity to build up their own bussiness, or allows the Multi-nationals companies to provide great job oportunities.
Even when I lived in the US, rather to see all the great things they have as and industrialized country instead of all the numerous defects you can find in that society.

New member
Aug 28, 2005
Someone mentioned that they wanted solutions. IM IN!!!

I will tell ya what. Every time that I get pulled over from now on I will make the officer give me the just punishment. I will no longer let them shake me down for a 10k bribe, I will no longer let them tell me that I can get a warning this time and let me go as long as I give them my cigarettes and a sweater that is in my back seat. LOL.

Some may laugh but I have been stopped countless times in this country and have always gotten off with a 5-10k colone bribe.

Lets go run around the round abouts and spray paint swastikas all over the mall and street so the police will not be corrupt. LOL. I think that would be a better cause than marching against the mandatory car inspection that happened last time or the TLC. I kinda find it funny that people think that the car inspection is a bad thing. It is just trying to bring some standard to this country. Great idea in my opinion.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
azg04 said:
For a simple reason that your head can't process, I particulary don't want to look at the negative things, rather to see how wealthy people drive their awesome cars and go to the same places I choose to go, how a few good political desicions give the professionals the oportunity to build up their own bussiness, or allows the Multi-nationals companies to provide great job oportunities.
Even when I lived in the US, rather to see all the great things they have as and industrialized country instead of all the numerous defects you can find in that society.

Avoiding the issues inhibits change which occurs through social unrest. Are you completely content with the way things are going? I understand and agree that it is great to cling on to the things that are good, appreciate them, and preserve them for future generations. But as far as the bad things go, corruption depends on the fact that most people would rather look away than address the issues, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. I for one am up for change and do my part to make the world a better place(not to say that I dont do my share of bad)... but little by little we can make a difference, little by liittle we can become aware of the impact we make on this world. I for one believe that we can take the power back.


Life is short, play hard!
Nov 20, 2004
bullring said:
Who the fuck wants to live in Costa Rica???

And who the fuck wants to live in Canada for Christ sakes, :lolBIG:

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
I just think this guy should get laid and chill, he is bitter and negative as hell.

And today I'm extra sensitive, dunno why... :sad3:

And No, Judge, this is not PMS
And no one wants to kiss my booty, Capn.

i am not biased, I hate everyone.
Sep 23, 2004
I think everybody should kick back, have a cold beer of choice and enjoy Florida State and Miami tonight in a game that is always good! Get out and enjoy this beautiful day, if even for a few minutes, and be thankful for how good we have it. Life is short but can be very sweet if you just take the time to appreciate it! Good Luck To All!

I agree. We should just relax a little Pura Vida style you know. And tonight's game is especially meaningful for me on a personal level. Life is short and sweet, and we should all just take time to enjoy day to day, thank god we woke up to enjoy another day above ground.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
Bullring and Phonebook Who the FUCK are you motherfuckers???

You've been part of the RX for what? less than a month and all you 2 cocksuckers could come up with is how bad our country is...you think you dont have homeless, crime and all kind of shit like we do back in your own fucking country....go back and give to charitys and help your own people. We dont need your arrogant sense of superiority coming down on us GO home and dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. :finger: <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2152153", true); </SCRIPT>

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
Derek12 said:
Bullring and Phonebook Who the FUCK are you motherfuckers???

You've been part of the RX for what? less than a month and all you 2 cocksuckers could come up with is how bad our country is...you think you dont have homeless, crime and all kind of shit like we do back in your own fucking country....go back and give to charitys and help your own people. We dont need your arrogant sense of superiority coming down on us GO home and dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. :finger:<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2152153", true); </SCRIPT>

That's my boy :howdy:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
"Some may laugh but I have been stopped countless times in this country and have always gotten off with a 5-10k colone bribe. "

well with such an impressive display of moral and values and all that BS no wonder they all try to get away with it

keep it up, anymore of those smart ideas?

Now you know why they stop all gringos (and non gringos too) and expect that to be the status quo.

Scattered, Covered, and Smothered
Jan 21, 2005
I think everybody should kick back, have a cold beer of choice and enjoy Florida State and Miami tonight in a game that is always good! Get out and enjoy this beautiful day, if even for a few minutes, and be thankful for how good we have it. Life is short but can be very sweet if you just take the time to appreciate it! Good Luck To All!

I agree with you 100%!!! :103631605

Life is too short to spend all your time bitching about something. If you don't like it, then do something to fix it. It's all about living in the now!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Im with you on living in the now, but what we do "in the now" directly influences future generations ability to live in their "now". So the idea is to live in the now but to tread lightly for future generations. Does that make sense?


Life is short, play hard!
Nov 20, 2004
Dime Bag said:
Avoiding the issues inhibits change which occurs through social unrest. Are you completely content with the way things are going? I understand and agree that it is great to cling on to the things that are good, appreciate them, and preserve them for future generations. But as far as the bad things go, corruption depends on the fact that most people would rather look away than address the issues, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. I for one am up for change and do my part to make the world a better place(not to say that I dont do my share of bad)... but little by little we can make a difference, little by liittle we can become aware of the impact we make on this world. I for one believe that we can take the power back.


Obviously you are making the wrong conclusions, and I will recommend you to first get to know better someone before falling into it. You have no idea what I have done for my local comunity and for my familly and how that has affected the town I have lived most of my life. I do address the issues but in completely different way instead of only criticize them.

Scattered, Covered, and Smothered
Jan 21, 2005
Complete sense. Living in the now, doesn't mean trashing/disrespecting the place you live in currently. Looking for current solutions to fix problems of today and following through on those directly affects future generations.

i am not biased, I hate everyone.
Sep 23, 2004
Dime Bag said:
Way to prove us wrong Darwin, quit being sensitive and realize that all problems are also the worlds problem so get your head out of your ass. This is about improving the world not about patriotic bullshit. You think I want to go home to a country ruled by a money hungry war monger ruling by fear and not by respect? I can admit my country and government is fucked cant you for once second admit that things need to change here.

Doesnt it piss you off when all the well paved roads lead up to las casas de los diputados, and that one day your kids will have to run across six lanes of interstate to get back home from school? This is not the way that things were intended to be. Dont tell me to get out, why dont we work together to make this world a better place...Is that such a crazy idea? El hombre lo hizo las fronteras, no Dios.

sensitive, is that what you think? sensitive is what i am when you tell me to get my head out of my ass. now i am sensitive MF. you tell me how i should react to your post. usually beacuase i am from the states i am more violent than most people and you are next door pal. but since i am trying to be more civil nowadays, i'll listen. Any ideas of how to make Costa Rica a place that we all want to live a raise our children? ANY ideas would be most appreciated.

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