INFRACTIONS - Abusive Language Reporting Posts
You cant and never have answered the question. Just like louie! Thats Why YOURE DONE!But I’m done discussing it. You are the one that can’t have a normal discussion. It’s been shown in this thread multiple times
maybe you and louie are one and the same. You both post in each other threads to start arguments
Your delusional.boy!you cap your way, I’ll do it mine. Go fire back up that fake 900 number!!!
You never capped a game here yet! You cant post plays. You make sure to just be a jerk .
What matters is now right?
You and pal louie said it over and over.
I have so many winning years you have NONE!
Post your college plays. Its still embarrassing you for fading 2 straight years in Bowls when Ive gone 65% and kicked your fading ass.
Every time you bring up the past you forgot to tell everyone here that you have been crushed fading me. thats WHY you dont post games.
You dont even gamble because you went bankrupt all your life..
Now because You read my conversation with drKevin in the Newsletters page.
Youre jealous about that: LOL
Blow up the pic there and read the results that were in print which were documented through TIME Warner/HBO. dude.