What will you do if your employer mandates taking the vaccine when available?

Feb 20, 2002
I do find the irony amusing. We have a group insisting on masking and lockdowns, also using the good of the public as the narrative for a vaccine that they absolutely have no way of proving is safe. And clearly it won't be possible until time elapses. How long is anyone's guess.

By the time the vast majority of people get a chance to get a C-19 vaccine millions at highest risk will have already been vaccinated. Which will tell us, with yet more testing on human subjects, how effective the various vaccines are.

"I understand why people might think that this process has been rushed, because in the past vaccines have taken years to develop, but it actually has not been rushed, at all, with the design of the vaccine or with respect to the safety and efficacy trials (all these phase 1-3 trials). "

Feb 20, 2002
If you new someone like I did that got this and suffered for two weeks before dying you would not make such uninformed and unintelligent remark. The only problem you will have with the vaccine is an allergic reaction.

More died by lightning strikes than from vaccines. Which are statistically insignificant.

I have to laugh at people (largely conspiracy nut job covidiots) who are more afraid of a vaccine than the health destroying C-19.

Keep hiding under your bed from getting a needle jab ;
Feb 20, 2002
Because i have done research on the subject. I also believe the information that has been presented to me. I do not believe in conspiracy theories. You probably believe that the govt. did 911, the earth is flat and we did not land on the moon.

There's a lot of conspiracy theory nut jobs here.

"Few measures in public health can compare with the impact of vaccines. Vaccinations have reduced disease, disability, and death from a variety of infectious diseases. For example, in the United States, children are recommended to be vaccinated against 16 diseases (1). Table 1 highlights the impact in the United States of immunization against nine vaccine-preventable diseases, including smallpox and a complication of one of those diseases, congenital rubella syndrome, showing representative annual numbers of cases in the 20th century compared with 2016 reported cases (2, 3). All of the diseases have been reduced by more than 90% and many have either been eliminated or reductions of 99% or more have been achieved. A recent analysis of vaccines to protect against 13 diseases estimated that for a single birth cohort nearly 20 million cases of diseases were prevented, including over 40,000 deaths (4). In addition to saving the lives of our children, vaccination has resulted in net economic benefits to society amounting to almost $69 billion in the United States alone. A recent economic analysis of 10 vaccines for 94 low- and middle-income countries estimated that an investment of $34 billion for the immunization programs resulted in savings of $586 billion in reducing costs of illness and $1.53 trillion when broader economic benefits were included (5). The only human disease ever eradicated, smallpox, was eradicated using a vaccine, and a second, polio, is near eradication, also using vaccines (6, 7).

Simply put: Vaccination saves lives

"Are vaccine ingredients safe?" This opinion says yes:

"When it comes to myths about vaccines online, misinformation about vaccine ingredients is often at the forefront. Contrary to what you might read on blogs or social media, vaccines don’t contain toxins. In fact, many of the chemicals and substances found in vaccines are not only safe, they’re crucial to boosting your immune system against diseases, protect vaccines from contamination, and ensure they stay potent during storage and handling.


"What’s in Vaccines?":


""CDC Study: Flu Vaccine Saved 40,000 Lives During 9 Year Period...." in the USA alone:


"Findings from vaccine safety monitoring systems and scientific studies have shown that the flu vaccines have a favorable safety profile. Hundreds of millions of Americans have safely received flu vaccines for more than 50 years and the body of scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports their safety."

[h=3]Safety Information for Influenza (Flu) Vaccines | CDC[/h]The latest safety information from CDC on flu vaccines: safety studies, common side effects, vaccine schedule, vaccine package inserts, and more.


Nov 7, 2008
More died by lightning strikes than from vaccines. Which are statistically insignificant.

I have to laugh at people (largely conspiracy nut job covidiots) who are more afraid of a vaccine than the health destroying C-19.

Keep hiding under your bed from getting a needle jab ;

Name one vaccine ingredient and how it’s beneficial for your health.
Feb 20, 2002
It’s not like the program was called Warp Speed

Irrelevant. No vaccine is called by that name. Read this:

"The development of Covid-19 vaccines has not been rushed, a World Health Organisation (WHO) spokesperson has said.
“Corners haven’t been cut,” Dr Margaret Harris told RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland.
Dr Harris said much of the science needed to develop the vaccines was already there from the time of SARS and MERS epidemics.
The regulatory authorities were kept up to date during the development process so they were able to move swiftly on seeing the final data, she said.
Feb 20, 2002
Name one vaccine ingredient and how it’s beneficial for your health.

Read this:

"Few measures in public health can compare with the impact of vaccines. Vaccinations have reduced disease, disability, and death from a variety of infectious diseases. For example, in the United States, children are recommended to be vaccinated against 16 diseases (1). Table 1 highlights the impact in the United States of immunization against nine vaccine-preventable diseases, including smallpox and a complication of one of those diseases, congenital rubella syndrome, showing representative annual numbers of cases in the 20th century compared with 2016 reported cases (2, 3). All of the diseases have been reduced by more than 90% and many have either been eliminated or reductions of 99% or more have been achieved. A recent analysis of vaccines to protect against 13 diseases estimated that for a single birth cohort nearly 20 million cases of diseases were prevented, including over 40,000 deaths (4). In addition to saving the lives of our children, vaccination has resulted in net economic benefits to society amounting to almost $69 billion in the United States alone. A recent economic analysis of 10 vaccines for 94 low- and middle-income countries estimated that an investment of $34 billion for the immunization programs resulted in savings of $586 billion in reducing costs of illness and $1.53 trillion when broader economic benefits were included (5). The only human disease ever eradicated, smallpox, was eradicated using a vaccine, and a second, polio, is near eradication, also using vaccines (6, 7).

Simply put: Vaccination saves lives

"Are vaccine ingredients safe?" This opinion says yes:

"When it comes to myths about vaccines online, misinformation about vaccine ingredients is often at the forefront. Contrary to what you might read on blogs or social media, vaccines don’t contain toxins. In fact, many of the chemicals and substances found in vaccines are not only safe, they’re crucial to boosting your immune system against diseases, protect vaccines from contamination, and ensure they stay potent during storage and handling.


"What’s in Vaccines?":


""CDC Study: Flu Vaccine Saved 40,000 Lives During 9 Year Period...." in the USA alone:


"Findings from vaccine safety monitoring systems and scientific studies have shown that the flu vaccines have a favorable safety profile. Hundreds of millions of Americans have safely received flu vaccines for more than 50 years and the body of scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports their safety."

Safety Information for Influenza (Flu) Vaccines | CDC

The latest safety information from CDC on flu vaccines: safety studies, common side effects, vaccine schedule, vaccine package inserts, and more.

Feb 20, 2002
99% of people that get this under the age of 70 never even hit the hospital. Much less die.

Nice research.

So what? That is common knowledge. Most people under 70 haven't been infected yet, either. Read this:

"I was infected with coronavirus in March, six months on I’m still unwell

Charlie Russell, 27, is one of an estimated 600,000 people with post-Covid illness, a condition that may give an insight into ME


"Another Reason to Wear a Mask: COVID-19 May Cause Erectile Dysfunction":


"What Young, Healthy People Have to Fear From COVID-19

The White House’s new science adviser says: nothing. The science disagrees.


"COVID-19 now likely leading cause of death among 25-44's in USA":

"...Based on the study findings, the team concluded that COVID-19 has likely become the leading cause of death among young adults in some areas of the U.S. during the pandemic. The team also noted that in these regions, the COVID-19 related mortality is similar to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic at its peak in the country between 1994 and 1995.


<article class="message-body js-selectToQuote" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 10px; margin: 0px;">What is obviously clear is due to lockdowns:

1) serious vehicular accidents & deaths are way way down
2) flu deaths & serious complications have decreased tremendously
3) C-19 ill health & deaths are far less due to the lockdowns
4) likewise probably other communicable diseases (e.g. tuberculosis, HIV) have been greatly reduced by the extreme safety measures in place
5) street crimes have probably been highly reduced.
6) families have been able to spend more time together enjoying each others company while free from the slavery of that 4 letter word "work" that the vast majority hate. Giving more time for quality of life activities like sex & various entertainments.
7) abortions (child murder) are probably down.


C-19 dead lose an average of 10 years of life


Thankfully the online keyboard warrior amateur after-the-fact commentating covidiots, conspiracy nut jobs, hoax advocates, C-19 existence deniers & "it's just a flu, what's all the fuss about" folks weren't in charge. Then all hell would have broken loose (think Armageddon like) & it wouldn't be just a couple million dead, but more like 20,000,000, to say nothing of those suffering from "long covid" & the longterm economic impact of that. Good job, health experts. Hallelujah!

"Locking down travel, limiting indoor transmission, and a much better infrastructure to disseminate information has imo saved millions of lives. We can never figure out how many due to too many factors but the way this runs ranpant when left unchecked(and even when checked) leads me to think a 10 times present numbers is not unreasonable.

"There were multiple reliable studies based on scientific data in agreement suggesting had preventive measures not been taken worldwide the numbers of cases would be in the hundreds of millions and the deaths being in the tens of Millions.


Unfortunately you do not understand nor believe these studies based on scientific data, it's also why you still do not understand how shutdowns are effective as a tool to limit the rate of transmission of the Coronavirus and necessary at a certain point.

It's not even that far fetched when already with preventive measures in place for the most part we experienced 66Mln+ Cases and 1.5Mln+ deaths. Again these numbers are with preventive measures in place. Imagine if nothing was done with a virus that is highly contagious, the exponential increase would have been out of this world.
Lenny is actually underreporting the studies. Of course posters like above do not believe any of this.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
In a matter of a couple of hours, X-HOLE the Google Scholar has the most posts and offers the least knowledge in every COVID thread
Feb 20, 2002
In a matter of a couple of hours, X-HOLE the Google Scholar has the most posts and offers the least knowledge in every COVID thread

Hey Pinocchio.

Nobody around here bashes anyone more than I do, nobody pushes more buttons than me,


The "we" refers ONLY to incredibly stupid people like yourself who don't have either the genes or the intelligence needed to understand/accept the truth

and DOCUMENTED facts expressed so well by X-Files.

The relatively few objective folks who read and post here get, understand and appreciate the great and useful information

he provides here day in and day out!

I tried to after reading this, but I received a message about spreading karma around to other posters.

Keep fighting the good fight X. Willie and others like him would be bored without your contributions here.

X-Files, thanks to your service to the RX forum, Willie will have something to discuss during his unwinding celebrations later this month.

RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010
Nobody here has any clue about the vaccine. I know I don't. Whether it's about how dangerous it is or the long term effects. I get it you are skeptical the govt is going to poison you and you're going to end up with long term health problems. If you don't want to take it that's up to you. Enough people fortunately will take it and hopefully we get rid of this thing.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005


It's much much much much worse than COVID-19, it's essentially about everything they think

Our media molds too many minds about too many issues, something I can't even comprehend

Jan 16, 2010
Nobody here has any clue about the vaccine. I know I don't. Whether it's about how dangerous it is or the long term effects. I get it you are skeptical the govt is going to poison you and you're going to end up with long term health problems. If you don't want to take it that's up to you. Enough people fortunately will take it and hopefully we get rid of this thing.

I don't think they're gonna poison me at all, I just simply don't need it. Period.

So you have no clue about the vaccine, but it is fortunate enough people will take it? lol Sounds reasonable...

Nov 17, 2004
So you have no clue about the vaccine, but it is fortunate enough people will take it? lol Sounds reasonable...

Yep, was thinking the same thing. And of course, when you can't use reasoning, use condescending and sarcastic bullshit.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Originally Posted by bodyforlife

Go away now

Originally Posted by pathologist

...sadly thread will be ruined now with endless drivel

Originally Posted by Dr. Love

Whoever ultimately runs this place really must not give a shit about it to let this nut job continue to spam numerous threads with the same bullshit. Day after day.

Originally Posted by T Hawk

Dude, you are such a lying piece of shit!!

Originally Posted by HarryCaray

X hole stfu

Originally Posted by
posters here don't believe a word you say. That's sad

Originally Posted by T Hawk

He needs a blanket party

Originally Posted by T Hawk

Goebbels keep repeating a lie enough times and it will become the truth..
If nothing else shows this piece of shit is a Communist
Who the fuck do you think you are? You are nobody!!!

Originally Posted by JavyBaez9
Little beta cucks X-Files

Originally Posted by hehateme82
hacks like Xfiles is disgusting , a fucking disgrace. Fuck you X-Files.

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
spamming your ignorance around

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
don't read what you post, its waste of time.

Originally Posted by HarryCaray
X-Files the biggest loser on the internet. By far.
Imagine that life.

Originally Posted by Dr. Love
Legitimate mental illness.

Originally Posted by Willie99
Does anyone read what he posts? Seriously?
I don't think so

Originally Posted by Enfuego
Eat a grenade you fucktard.

Originally Posted by Enfuego
He doesn't understand basic mathematics. He's a liberal Canadian that is hell bent on hiding in his basement with Karen Rovell.

Originally Posted by brendanjack
You are a fucking joke.

Originally Posted by T Hawk
You are a fraud and not very intelligent as all you can do is copy and paste like a good communist.

Not one genuine thought from you ever, showing what a vapid soul you are

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
This X-files character needs to start believing in the science and statistics....

Don't be a Covidiot dude!

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
Whole bunch of nonsense....

The Atlantic and the Guardian???

Originally Posted by Dr. Love
Why do people continue to interact with this nut job? I don’t get it.

Just let the freak talk to himself all day.

Originally Posted by MattyMatt
I can clearly understand one thing, you can't even begin to think for yourself, but carry on with your copy and pasting nonsense...

Originally Posted by smallhatchet, post: 6892338, member: 301955

Fuck off and live in fear in your basement

Originally Posted by baseballdave
You just might be the biggest douche bag I have ever seen on the internet

You are such an asshole.

Originally Posted by T Hawk
XFiles is the most vile piece of shit human on this site
People like him are a detriment to society, they should be minimized or more...

Originally Posted by roadreeler57

X-Files videos are bullshit

Originally Posted by PatsFanatic
You are the most miserable person at this place .
You America hating miserable pathetic waste of a human being.....

Originally Posted by SportsBookData

Again, you are just not smart!

Originally Posted by SportsBookData
It must really suck to be so uninformed and to be consumed by so much fear.

Originally Posted by Sherwood Blount
Spreading lies from the MSM...you’re basically a criminal

Originally Posted by PoundFoolish
X, does your husband get sick of your crap or is it just us?

Originally Posted by devocr
X-F@g 100% nut job

Originally Posted by JavyBaez9
The new reliable study that showed there was no difference in spike amounts from heavy lock downs and zero lockdown areas must have driven this poor bitch into a pit of despair. Sad.

I would suggest emploring tens of people in your neighborhood to put a foot up your ignorant commie ass!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Joe

X-Files and his neverending China virus hysteria...another complete waste of bandwidth.

yep. Biggest fucking waste of space here

Originally Posted by Willie99
X-Hole, a pathetic soul , The epitome of a loser


RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010
I don't think they're gonna poison me at all, I just simply don't need it. Period.

So you have no clue about the vaccine, but it is fortunate enough people will take it? lol Sounds reasonable...

So who needs it then? How does the coronavirus disappear?

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