people will find ways to commit mass murders if that's their intent
but lets apply your logic in a different matter, do people's rights to not be racially profiled outweigh society's interest to prevent mass shootings?
one instance addresses a root cause, the other just encourages a different path
But the point Willie is this, with access to only a handgun or shotgun, you can't kill 49 people in one night in a night club. Yes, you will kill but not that number.
For the life of me, I don't see any reason whatsoever for a person other than a cop or a military member to own an AR-15. There is no conceivable reason as to why a human needs the weapon under any circumstance.
Now, ACEBB brings up a good point...they're out on the street. I get that but at a certain point you have to ban them then begin the long arduous process to eliminate them. It wouldn't be easy but what is the repercussion if you don't try something?
I feel for the victims and in no way am I going on a rant about gun control. I'll leave that to forum stooge Vitertard.