It needed 60% to pass and got just under 58%. A majority of Floridians favor it but just not enough to get to 60%. It will be back on the ballot in 2 years and will probably pass. I would rather the state tax it and dispense it then have drug dealers profit from it.
I agree it will eventually pass....and over the next 2 years I hope they do a better job of laying out what EXACTLY passing this bill means. Right now, there would be minimal (if any) tax and the state would spend more money regulating it than actually gaining revenue. What's the benefit? So a bunch of pot heads can get BS "medical prescriptions" for it? Sure, there are some people who could use it as a medical benefit...but I live in the real world and I'm not buying it. This needs to be better conceived and right now, the way the bill was written, it was doomed for failure.