Except there is no actual legal scholarship.
Which you can't refute.
And, there isn't a single thing Obama has done in the last 5 years that would indicate he is "intelligent"
Which you can't refute.
Keep in mind Guesser only defends Obama when he has done something wrong (which is all of the time). Anyone who defends Obama on the basis that he is "extremely intelligent" is extremely dumb. Also keep in mind that for that and many other reasons Guesser can refute anyone anytime. Like I said about Obama, actions speak louder than words. When Palin sees something coming and Obama does not then that's about all you need to know. Kerry avoiding Fox (hardball questions ?) tells you all you need to know. I think they were going to blame it on a video anyways. Oops already used that one. Intelligence does not make one a leader and that is becoming clearer each and every day. He was smart enough to get out of town when Benghazi came down. LOL