Well, well, well..look who isn't so dumb after all..


New member
Aug 28, 2012
They didn't, that's why they weren't hidden. Sarah Palin was one of the biggest jokes this country ever saw. Not surprised you think differently.

So what did she say that was so dumb? And that wasn't as dumb as what McCain, Biden or Obama has said? Please... educate me, do show me some of the dumb things she said.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
So what did she say that was so dumb? And that wasn't as dumb as what McCain, Biden or Obama has said? Please... educate me, do show me some of the dumb things she said.

You can see her interviews. There is a difference between making a mistake and just being flat out dumb. There's a reason why McCains team hid her from the public. Apparently you are one of the few that doesn't. Same reason why you don't believe we killed Osama. You have a warped mind.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
My favorite dumb politician quotes:

I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go (Obama)

But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies (Palin)

Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya (Biden - speaking to a guy in a wheelchair)

The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book (McCain)

New member
Aug 28, 2012
You can see her interviews. There is a difference between making a mistake and just being flat out dumb. There's a reason why McCains team hid her from the public. Apparently you are one of the few that doesn't. Same reason why you don't believe we killed Osama. You have a warped mind.

So, since I don't agree with you on how you view things, you constantly insult me... I can count at least a dozen times. Yet, have I insulted you or called you names once?

Wow, you are a very strange man. So if someone doesn't agree with your views, they are a loon, have a warped mind, etc...

What part do you belong to? Im very curious to know that. Cant be a Liberal/Democrat cause you guys are supposed to be the most compassionate and understanding.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
So, since I don't agree with you on how you view things, you constantly insult me... I can count at least a dozen times. Yet, have I insulted you or called you names once?

Wow, you are a very strange man. So if someone doesn't agree with your views, they are a loon, have a warped mind, etc...

What part do you belong to? Im very curious to know that. Cant be a Liberal/Democrat cause you guys are supposed to be the most compassionate and understanding.

I understand your motive. You are a dime a dozen. If you don't understand why people think Sarah Palin is dumb by now you never will . These arguments are 5 years old. Her own team kept her away from public. And it wasn't because gotcha moments or mistakes, it was because she truly is dumb.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I understand your motive. You are a dime a dozen. If you don't understand why people think Sarah Palin is dumb by now you never will . These arguments are 5 years old. Her own team kept her away from public. And it wasn't because gotcha moments or mistakes, it was because she truly is dumb.

And as I POINTED OUT, she is just as dumb as any other politician. They are ALL the same.... Try looking at politics from the outside for ones, instead of from the inside of your party. You will see its all the same, they all say dumb things, and they are all in it for themselves.

And yet, you come with another insult cause I don't agree lol. What party do you belong to btw?

Sep 21, 2004
My favorite dumb politician quotes:

I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go (Obama)

But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies (Palin)

Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya (Biden - speaking to a guy in a wheelchair)

The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book (McCain)

There's a difference between misstatement, which I'd characterize the 1st 2 as, silly nonsense, which #3 is, and Biden even made fun of himself for the stupid comment, and an honest self assessment, #4, vs Dumb statement, which Palin has made plenty of. The Couric Interview is laced with them. She couldn't name a magazine she reads, she couldn't identify a Supreme Court decision other than Roe V Wade that she disagreed with. Palin is just Dumb. Even her supporters around her in 2008 came to realize it and shield her form those tough interviewers, like Katie Coric. @):)

New member
Oct 19, 2007
And as I POINTED OUT, she is just as dumb as any other politician. They are ALL the same.... Try looking at politics from the outside for ones, instead of from the inside of your party. You will see its all the same, they all say dumb things, and they are all in it for themselves.

And yet, you come with another insult cause I don't agree lol. What party do you belong to btw?

Because this is a 5 year old argument. If you think Obama is dumber or just as dumb as Palin 5 years later there is no helping you. Your motive is clear. We have plenty of people like you around this site. You'll fit in well!

Sep 21, 2004
And as I POINTED OUT, she is just as dumb as any other politician. They are ALL the same.... Try looking at politics from the outside for ones, instead of from the inside of your party. You will see its all the same, they all say dumb things, and they are all in it for themselves.

And yet, you come with another insult cause I don't agree lol. What party do you belong to btw?

False equivalency. Palin brings dumb to a whole nother level.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
And I state that Politicians are just as dumb as anyone else. No politician now days is better then the rest. They are all the same person on the inside, just wearing different suits and supporting a different party name.

All the same, nothing different. They have their own agenda, which the American public has been so dumbed down to support for the past 20+ years.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
And I state that Politicians are just as dumb as anyone else. No politician now days is better then the rest. They are all the same person on the inside, just wearing different suits and supporting a different party name.

All the same, nothing different. They have their own agenda, which the American public has been so dumbed down to support for the past 20+ years.

They are not all the same at all. And many of them are highly educated. You're nothing but conjecture.

Sep 21, 2004
And I state that Politicians are just as dumb as anyone else. No politician now days is better then the rest. They are all the same person on the inside, just wearing different suits and supporting a different party name.

All the same, nothing different. They have their own agenda, which the American public has been so dumbed down to support for the past 20+ years.

The agenda part is true, but the rest, no. Obama is a Brilliant man. So is Ted Cruz. One's politics I'm moderately on the same side sometimes(Obama), the other I abhor in every way possible(Cruz), but to deny their brilliance is just wrong.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
The agenda part is true, but the rest, no. Obama is a Brilliant man. So is Ted Cruz. One's politics I'm moderately on the same side sometimes(Obama), the other I abhor in every way possible(Cruz), but to deny their brilliance is just wrong.

While I do disagree somewhat with what you are saying (if I am reading it correctly) it wouldn't matter if Cruz won in 2008 and 2012, we would still be in this exact same position. They work for themselves and the $$$. That's their #1 priority.

Doesn't matter if Obama is in the White, house, Or Bush, or Palin or Clinton (Hillary or Bill), its the same shit, over and over again. Nothing will "change", nothing will be "transparent" nothing will be "for the people".

It all revolves around the politicians, whats in it for them, and whats in it for the big $$ people they work for. And the hard working American people, get the shaft over and over again. And the really sad part is, we keep smiling and voting for the same thing over and over.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I would run for office if I stood a chance. But, guys like me don't. I wouldn't fall for the big $$ contributions, I wouldn't bow down to lining my own pocket. If I did get support from the mass of voters ands they rallied behind me, I would be assassinated before the election. That's just how it works.

You have to be a Lawyer, banker, business man, AND bow down to the big $$ donors to do their bidding to stand a chance. What people don't understand is HOW can a politician go into office, and within 4-8 years their net worth is almost 50x OR MORE of what it was before they went into office... how does that happen?

Our system is screwed, politicians know what to say to get support, but almost never follow through. THEN they play the "blame the other party game" to make the other party the failure. THEN in a few years, when its found out the fault was with the actual party doing the failures, then the other party gains power. Then Rinse and Repeat with the new party in power. Then rinse and repeat again.
both parties aren't to blame at all. The blame should be on the dumbing down of the American people for falling for this over and over again.

We root for parties like they are a sports team. When something goes wrong in the Republican party, they ignore it like it didn't happen... Same with the Democratic party. YET they are quick to bash and try to insult the other party when something happens. Guess what... that's what they want. American voters have become blind mindless zombies for their party, and its working out for those in Washington, and they are happy as hell about it.

Sep 21, 2004
While I do disagree somewhat with what you are saying (if I am reading it correctly) it wouldn't matter if Cruz won in 2008 and 2012, we would still be in this exact same position. They work for themselves and the $$$. That's their #1 priority.

Doesn't matter if Obama is in the White, house, Or Bush, or Palin or Clinton (Hillary or Bill), its the same shit, over and over again. Nothing will "change", nothing will be "transparent" nothing will be "for the people".

It all revolves around the politicians, whats in it for them, and whats in it for the big $$ people they work for. And the hard working American people, get the shaft over and over again. And the really sad part is, we keep smiling and voting for the same thing over and over.

While I somewhat share your cynicism, I'm not ready to say who is in the Presidency doesn't matter. If JFK wasn't assassinated, and served out his terms, we do not go into Vietnam nearly as deep, maybe not at all militarily other than the advisory role. If Reagan doesn't win in 1980, we aren't the virulent Anti Union and anti Gov't Country we've become. If Gore won in 2000, not only is it possible 9-11 doesn't happen, as he would have listened to Clarke, but even if it does, I seriously, seriously doubt he goes into Iraq. If Kerry wins in 2004, we're out of Iraq and Afghanistan much sooner. If McCain wins in 2008, we're still in Iraq, Afghanistan would never end, and we're probably in half a dozen other places. Who wins the Presidency DOES matter.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
While I somewhat share your cynicism, I'm not ready to say who is in the Presidency doesn't matter. If JFK wasn't assassinated, and served out his terms, we do not go into Vietnam nearly as deep, maybe not at all militarily other than the advisory role. If Reagan doesn't win in 1980, we aren't the virulent Anti Union and anti Gov't Country we've become. If Gore won in 2000, not only is it possible 9-11 doesn't happen, as he would have listened to Clarke, but even if it does, I seriously, seriously doubt he goes into Iraq. If Kerry wins in 2004, we're out of Iraq and Afghanistan much sooner. If McCain wins in 2008, we're still in Iraq, Afghanistan would never end, and we're probably in half a dozen other places. Who wins the Presidency DOES matter.

Ummm you left out the bad Democratic stuff that could have/ or would have happened lol, but I see you put in bad Republican stuff

Sep 21, 2004
Ummm you left out the bad Democratic stuff that could have/ or would have happened lol, but I see you put in bad Republican stuff

Lots of Republicans think it's Great that America is now anti Gov't and Anti Union. I also compared JFK to LBJ, both Democrats, and the bad result that happened with a Democrat.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Lots of Republicans think it's Great that America is now anti Gov't and Anti Union. I also compared JFK to LBJ, both Democrats, and the bad result that happened with a Democrat.

If Gore had been in office during 9/11, then we would have still went to the Middle East. He would have gotten the same Memo's the President, Senate and Congress got, when they overwhelmingly voted for it. It wouldn't matter who was President, the "Higher Ups *money* wanted us there. We would still be in debt, because of Clintons deregulating of the Glass-stengal and housing lending crisis of Fanny and Freddie.

Bush was a dumb President, and easy to manipulate, that's why he was chosen to be the winner of the elections early on. It didn't matter who ran against him, And then after they were done using the dummy Bush, they knew whoever they put to run on the Democrat side would win easily. Just to make sure and *fix" the elections, they promoted McCain and Palin, two of the worst they could have picked. All the while continuing the fix, they made sure that 90% of the Media outlets showed McCain and Palin in the worst light possible, and vetted their every waking minute, and their entire pass 24 hours a day.

Now this coming election in 2016, they already have Clinton winning, nothing the American people do to stop it, unless they think for themselves and look from outside the box. Which wont happen, cause people from both sides of the party lines (Republicans and Democrats) root for their team no matter who is running and do what the Media and *money* people tell them to do.

But, in 2020, if America is still around by then and not owned or invaded, we will see a Republican President again, because of the past 12 years of Obama and Clinton further ruining our country and taking from the Middle Class, while filling their own pockets. They will run an election just like Obama did. Blame, and promise of change... but how far has that gotten us in the past 6 years?

What has changed? The disparity between the middle class and rich has... it grew even FURTHER apart, the rich got richer, while we got poorer. The ACA (ObamaCare), is a disaster... no one who was paying for insurance before is saving $$, and it GUARANTEES $$ to the insurers (if they don't make a certain % then the government reimburses them), ... makes you wonder what was going on behind those closed doors.

Foreign leaders know whats going on in our country, as they are doing the same thing in their to stay in power. Putin knows Americans don't want another war, he knows Obama doesn't want to lose face by putting Americans in harms way, so here he is, doing what he wants. So what other foreign leaders is going to step up next? It will be before the end of the year when we find that out. BUT, do you know who is making $$ of all of this happening? Media owners, Bankers, Speculators, Corporations and the politicians themselves... who get kickbacks for voting certain ways, or passing bills to help them.

Its a vicious cycle we are trapped in, and hate to admit. But this doesn't look like the America that's standing head and shoulders above the rest of the world. Its a slowly sinking ship, where the captain and his crew are laughing and putting money into their pockets... and the passengers are cheering while its going down because its their captain and crew running the ship, because they are worried about the other ship who is trying to beat them to the port. And the other ship is exactly the same sinking ship, with a different captain and crew, with the same cheering passengers cheering them on and worried about the other ship.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Lots of Republicans think it's Great that America is now anti Gov't and Anti Union. I also compared JFK to LBJ, both Democrats, and the bad result that happened with a Democrat.

Im not anti government, we need government to protect this country through the military, secure its borders, protect and follow the constitution. I am for unions to a point, they are needed to keep businesses and labor in check... BUT to a point. When they blackmail businesses, picket when business WONT join a union and such, that's crossing the line for me.

We need Government and unions, but they need to be held in check, otherwise (like it is this century) they will run wild and out of control.

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