Well guys, I wont be around much for long while...........

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Aug 1, 2005
Animals are better than most people. Anyone who tries to diminish their role in our world is an idiot. I feel as sorry for the animals who suffered as I do the people. Anyone who disagrees should be banned.

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Sep 21, 2003
bucsfan67 said:
thanks for your critique of my comments, however the fact that you want them removed, doesnt really matter, i have a rigth to express my opinion, just like anyone else.....And i stand by what i said.....With all the despair that has happened down there, someone's priority of going to a kinkos to enter contest picks, and make posts about their guitars, playstations, and let us know they have 8 cars, 3 houses, etc....seems very odd....and to make a point to let everyone know that you packed the "material" things, and left behind the living/breathing creatures, still smacks of selfishness, anyway you slice it....if u dont like my comment, dont read it.....I dont criticize yours, and have a right to mine.....If i packed up my whole family, and everything i had, and headed out, only to find out i lost my house, i simply CAN'T see myself saying "honey, you and the kids stay here in the motel room, I need to run to Kinkos and get my contest picks in, and make some posts"......

I never stated, i didnt BELIEVE it happened, i just think the whole story is odd.......And for you remark about a mod "locking the thread"...I moved the thread as soon as PO69 and Seymour started going at it, and it got moved back, by another mod........

what is bucs talking about here? I dont see another post made by bucs in this thread, am I blind?:icon_conf

Sep 20, 2004
I think he was talking about moving the thread to the RR for a time...I am confused as well.

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Sep 21, 2003
maybe it was comments that were made in another thread? anyway. I am lost, am sure somone will clarify...

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Aug 16, 2005
SportSavant said:
what is bucs talking about here? I dont see another post made by bucs in this thread, am I blind?:icon_conf

Sport Savant...got your glasses on?? Didn't you get that laser eye thing?:lolBIG: JK
Page 2 half way down, quoted someone else

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Sep 21, 2003
ThumperDragon said:
Sport Savant...got your glasses on?? Didn't you get that laser eye thing?:lolBIG: JK
Page 2 half way down, quoted someone else


im gonna go get me 2000$ back!!!!!

I see it now, post # 43...

Sep 20, 2004
If i packed up my whole family, and everything i had, and headed out, only to find out i lost my house, i simply CAN'T see myself saying "honey, you and the kids stay here in the motel room, I need to run to Kinkos and get my contest picks in, and make some posts. :lolBIG:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
PO69 originated the post and and gave us details. Obviously, some of his choices will be questioned/defended by individuals all with differrent values.

I've just spent last 20 minutes reading/absorbing this thread.

My .02: I have little sympathy for PO69 and others who make simliar choices regarding material things. Hope his children aren't affected too much if they cared about the pets, maybe they didn't care as all pet owners have differrent levels of caring.

You live in a severe weather area and very recent history showed everyone the power. To say "we thought it wouldn't be bad", but then leave and pack some of many cars with material distractions is a contradiction or very poor judgment. But like many of us there is a feeling of "it won't happen to me" Well, it can,does and will. I get feelong PO69 is material dude without much sense. As one poster mentioned, the animals could have been placed at one of the family's other homes at higher ground not too far away.

Lastly, PO69, hope all goes well going forward. Perhaps you're nearby family(in-laws, siblings, whatever) can help you out over next few months.

And thats why they play the game.
Sep 26, 2002
Still alot of conclusion jumping here and people not realizing that everyone is different....

Opposing viewpoints maybe....

1. The guitars were family heirlooms, or had some sentimental value.. or a high monatary value and he thought it meant more to him than his pets....some people do not hold a cat/dog/fish to the high standard as others. Believe it or not a client of ours has a violin with a 3 mil net worth

The PS2...are you serious? I do not even have kids, but when packing things up i would surely want something for them to keep occupied with. And these things are pretty small for the amount of time they could keep busy with it.

2. Maybe PO 69 has a job that requires the use or the internet/email etc...or maybe he wanted to send updates to his contacts and was easily done by a mass email...many reason one would want to get online these days. So he stopped by a posted a message for his forum buddies (as others have done) and placed a few wagers. That takes a total of 10-15 minutes. We all know people who are addicted to this site, posting, and/or gambling. Placing a wager and/or entering a contest helps distract your attention at least while the game is on.

Not saying who is right or wrong here, but people have different priorties....why jump to negetive ones? Either way...he lossed his house or its extremely damaged.....isnt that enough?

Its understood that some posted would not part with there pets...but guess what some posters WOULD.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

Two Rx. golf shirts in the mail today. I hope they help even just a little bit.


New member
Sep 21, 2003
Line Tamer said:
Still alot of conclusion jumping here and people not realizing that everyone is different....

Opposing viewpoints maybe....

1. The guitars were family heirlooms, or had some sentimental value.. or a high monatary value and he thought it meant more to him than his pets....some people do not hold a cat/dog/fish to the high standard as others. Believe it or not a client of ours has a violin with a 3 mil net worth

The PS2...are you serious? I do not even have kids, but when packing things up i would surely want something for them to keep occupied with. And these things are pretty small for the amount of time they could keep busy with it.

2. Maybe PO 69 has a job that requires the use or the internet/email etc...or maybe he wanted to send updates to his contacts and was easily done by a mass email...many reason one would want to get online these days. So he stopped by a posted a message for his forum buddies (as others have done) and placed a few wagers. That takes a total of 10-15 minutes. We all know people who are addicted to this site, posting, and/or gambling. Placing a wager and/or entering a contest helps distract your attention at least while the game is on.

Not saying who is right or wrong here, but people have different priorties....why jump to negetive ones? Either way...he lossed his house or its extremely damaged.....isnt that enough?

Its understood that some posted would not part with there pets...but guess what some posters WOULD.

very good poist Line Tamer, as many say, when you make ASSumptions you make an 'ASS' out of yourself....

It is very possible that Po69 had to get to a computer to send messages to family about his situation or maybe he needs the computer for his job etc etc.... stopping by the forum..... not that weird really.... heck, I think I would probably do it too to update my forum buddies....

I will never agree with his decision on the dogs.... but again, to each their own.....

Obviously PO69 is not the only one that left animals at home.... did you guys not see all the stray animals stuck in homes etc & wanderin the streets as a result of KATRINA? many many left their pets at home aswell.... (although I feel they were wrong also).

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Line Tamer said:
Still alot of conclusion jumping here and people not realizing that everyone is different....

Opposing viewpoints maybe....

1. The guitars were family heirlooms, or had some sentimental value.. or a high monatary value and he thought it meant more to him than his pets....some people do not hold a cat/dog/fish to the high standard as others. Believe it or not a client of ours has a violin with a 3 mil net worth

The PS2...are you serious? I do not even have kids, but when packing things up i would surely want something for them to keep occupied with. And these things are pretty small for the amount of time they could keep busy with it.

2. Maybe PO 69 has a job that requires the use or the internet/email etc...or maybe he wanted to send updates to his contacts and was easily done by a mass email...many reason one would want to get online these days. So he stopped by a posted a message for his forum buddies (as others have done) and placed a few wagers. That takes a total of 10-15 minutes. We all know people who are addicted to this site, posting, and/or gambling. Placing a wager and/or entering a contest helps distract your attention at least while the game is on.

Not saying who is right or wrong here, but people have different priorties....why jump to negetive ones? Either way...he lossed his house or its extremely damaged.....isnt that enough?

Its understood that some posted would not part with there pets...but guess what some posters WOULD.

The most sensible post here. Guys, do not judge others. Who knows what YOU will do or how you will react in a similiar situation. It is all good and well to sit in your comfortable chair in front your computer pretending to be judge and jury without considering the extenuating circumstances.
anyway...may he and his family find comfort somewhere else...
and unless proven otherwise, I choose to believe him.

Nov 20, 2004
Man i hate to judge people, but "players only69" i dont feel sorry for you one stinkin bit and its people like you that really make me sick. I have to agree with Seymour here, how could you leave your pets behind to die? That is truly a disgusting selfish act on your part.

Its one thing to make a choice to save human lives over pets in an immediate emergency situation, but from what i read in your post, that wasnt the case. You had time and chose to pack up tv's, play station, 50 dvd's, medical equiptment, guitars, etc, etc, etc into 4 cars, but couldnt find room for your pets? Really what kind of rotton person are you, to chose a bunch of material possessions, over your pets, which if you loved, were part of your family.
And dont give me that crap, you packed up things to keep your son and family occupied, because if you are able to own 4 cars, am sure you have money in your bank account, and have plenty of credit cards to buy those things when you got to safety, where you were going. Am sure you could have used your own funds until the insurance company paid you back.
From reading your post, it wasnt a life and death thing, you just chose to pick what you wanted to take. People like you dont deserve to have pets and i hope to God that you never get any again, cause you are a downright cruel bastard and i can only hope that when its time for you to die in this world, you suffer the exact same kind of pain your pets suffered, because pets look to us for their survival and you clearly let yours down. I also hope if their is GOD in this world, when you have to meet him, his wrath comes down on you for choosing material objects over life, which you took the responsibilty to care for and protect, when you took them into your family.
An what even disgusts me more, is the fact that thru all this, you are so damn worried about getting to kinkos to get on the internet and make bets, along with worrying about getting your next computer. Disgusting.
Like i said i dont like to judge people, but after reading your story, i dont know how 1 person could have even 1 drop of sympathy for you, that is unless they are evil bastards like you.
I really dont know how you can look at yourself in the mirror anymore, because i know for damn sure if i was escaping a hurricane with 4 cars, those cars would be packed with my family, pets and necessties to live, not firggin guitars and dvd's.
Stories like this make me hope and wish that funds i donated to these causes, go to the truly deserving people, and not people like you.
What comes around in life goes around, and if you think this hurricane is the end of your miserery in life, think again you will get more.
Man i still cant believe it, you chose material objects over pets, not people over pets.
Well thats all for me and this really wasnt as harsh as i wanted it to be, because i truly did have some more words for you, but i wont say them.

Do you like my new avatar?
Oct 21, 2002
My only pay off for reading this entire thread would be to see a picture of PO69 wearing his RX shirt while riding on the roof of his house as it floats down the shirt....

OK, OK, sick joke...

Simply the best
Sep 20, 2001
cd329 said:
Man i still cant believe it, you chose material objects over pets, not people over pets.

Maybe those smelly fuggin texas goats just refused to ride in a car with a bunch of whiney kids fussin over what DVD to watch.


New member
Aug 20, 2001
cd329 said:
Man i hate to judge people, but "players only69" i dont feel sorry for you one stinkin bit and its people like you that really make me sick. I have to agree with Seymour here, how could you leave your pets behind to die? That is truly a disgusting selfish act on your part.

Its one thing to make a choice to save human lives over pets in an immediate emergency situation, but from what i read in your post, that wasnt the case. You had time and chose to pack up tv's, play station, 50 dvd's, medical equiptment, guitars, etc, etc, etc into 4 cars, but couldnt find room for your pets? Really what kind of rotton person are you, to chose a bunch of material possessions, over your pets, which if you loved, were part of your family.
And dont give me that crap, you packed up things to keep your son and family occupied, because if you are able to own 4 cars, am sure you have money in your bank account, and have plenty of credit cards to buy those things when you got to safety, where you were going. Am sure you could have used your own funds until the insurance company paid you back.
From reading your post, it wasnt a life and death thing, you just chose to pick what you wanted to take. People like you dont deserve to have pets and i hope to God that you never get any again, cause you are a downright cruel bastard and i can only hope that when its time for you to die in this world, you suffer the exact same kind of pain your pets suffered, because pets look to us for their survival and you clearly let yours down. I also hope if their is GOD in this world, when you have to meet him, his wrath comes down on you for choosing material objects over life, which you took the responsibilty to care for and protect, when you took them into your family.
An what even disgusts me more, is the fact that thru all this, you are so damn worried about getting to kinkos to get on the internet and make bets, along with worrying about getting your next computer. Disgusting.
Like i said i dont like to judge people, but after reading your story, i dont know how 1 person could have even 1 drop of sympathy for you, that is unless they are evil bastards like you.
I really dont know how you can look at yourself in the mirror anymore, because i know for damn sure if i was escaping a hurricane with 4 cars, those cars would be packed with my family, pets and necessties to live, not firggin guitars and dvd's.
Stories like this make me hope and wish that funds i donated to these causes, go to the truly deserving people, and not people like you.
What comes around in life goes around, and if you think this hurricane is the end of your miserery in life, think again you will get more.
Man i still cant believe it, you chose material objects over pets, not people over pets.
Well thats all for me and this really wasnt as harsh as i wanted it to be, because i truly did have some more words for you, but i wont say them.

:monsters- I think i'm going to start selling puppies:103631605

Best of luck po69...

Nov 20, 2004
Kiss1, good one, am still laughing. The goats probably wanted to watch lassie and the kids terminator 2.

Jerseymike, you should start selling puppies, it will be alot easier then trying to pick these friggin games.

And if the Road Warrior says it, it must be true..
Sep 21, 2004
sammy the bull said:
You Can Alway' Get Another Dog.

Thats got to be one of the worst comments yet in this thread...:finger:

Hey Sammy..you have children??
If you did and left them behind would you say the same thing..." I can always have another child"
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