Wearing a mask is just common sense

Feb 20, 2002
Yup. Looks like that's where this is trending soon. Might even be a requirement to be in public.

What I don't understand, is how could they require everyone to wear one in public if they are so hard to find and obtain? You can't require someone to wear something while being out to get life's essentials if they have no access to the requirement.

Almost everyone can make a mask at home from materials around their home. Wearing one in public is already a requirement in the Czech Republic:

I also have heard suggestions that widespread usage of masks in the West will be culturally impossible. The story of the Czech Republic debunks this notion. Social media influencers campaigning to encourage DIY mask creation catalyzed an extraordinary mobilization by nearly the whole population. Within three days, there were enough masks for everyone in the country, and most people were wearing them. This was an entirely grass-roots community effort.

When social distancing requirements forced a small bar in Prague to close, its owner, Štefan Olejár, converted Bar Behind the Curtain into a mask manufacturing facility. He procured sewing machines from the community and makes about 400 cotton masks per day. The bar employs 10 people, including a driver who distributes the masks directly to people who are not able to leave their homes.

There are “mask trees” on street corners around the country, where people hang up masks they have made so others can take them.

The most important message shared in the Czech Republic has been this: “My mask protects you; your mask protects me.” Wearing a mask there is now considered a prosocial behavior. Going outside without one is frowned on as an antisocial action that puts your community at risk. In fact, the community reaction has been so strong that the government has responded by making it illegal to go out in public without a mask.

When I first started wearing a mask in public, I felt a bit odd. But I reminded myself I’m helping my community, and I’m sure in the coming weeks people who don’t wear masks will be the ones who feel out of place. Now I’m trying to encourage everyone to join me — and to get their friends to wear masks, too — with a social media campaign around #masks4all.


Feb 20, 2002
"Austria will require the public to wear basic face masks in supermarkets, where they will be handed out probably from Wednesday in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus."

“Many cannot imagine what is heading our way within weeks, but the truth is that this is the calm before the storm. And to tell how horrific that storm can be, you can look at our neighbour Italy,” Kurz said, referring to hospitals unable to cope with the number of sick people, and hundreds of dead a day.

The rate of infection remains “far too high”, Kurz said, adding that less than medical-grade masks would be distributed this week, probably from Wednesday.

“As of the moment, these masks are handed out in front of supermarkets it will be compulsory to wear them in supermarkets,” Kurz said, adding that the aim in the medium-term was for people to wear them in public more generally as well.


Feb 20, 2002
"U.S. Reviews Guidance on Masks to Fight Coronavirus as Europe Embraces Their Use

New evidence of asymptomatic transmission supports Asian practice: To make infected people wear masks, make everybody wear one

U.S. public-health authorities are reviewing recommendations for wearing face masks and a wave of European governments have ordered citizens to use them outside the home, signaling a shift among Western governments on a contentious issue in the coronavirus pandemic.


"European governments have ordered citizens to use them outside the home, signaling a shift among Western governments..."


"Calls grow for Germany-wide use of face masks

Regional officials urge federal government to make usage mandatory to counter Covid-19


Feb 20, 2002
"[FONT=&quot]After Austria ordered shoppers to cover their mouths and noses in supermarkets, increasing numbers of regional officials in neighbouring Germany are urging the federal government to introduce a similar rule. The Czech Republic and Slovakia have also just made masks mandatory.

[FONT=&quot]On Tuesday, the eastern city of Jena became the first German municipality to order mask use in shops and on public transport, though authorities are encouraging people to sew their own, or wear a protective cloth, rather than seek out medical masks which are in short supply.

...Earlier this week, the head of the German association of supermarkets, Nils Busch-Petersen, appealed to shoppers to wear masks, or some form of mouth and nose protection, for the safety of workers, who he said needed to know that shoppers were making an effort to keep them safe. German supermarkets have already taken measures such as putting cashiers behind perspex windows and employing a person at the entrance to disinfect every supermarket trolley.

Feb 20, 2002
"Fauci: Mask-wearing recommendation under ‘very serious consideration’

Administration officials have offered varying assessments of the mitigation measure in recent days.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed on Tuesday that the White House coronavirus task force is seriously considering guidance that Americans wear masks to help thwart the rapid spread of COVID-19.

“The idea of getting a much more broad, community-wide use of masks outside of the health care setting is under very active discussion at the task force. The CDC group is looking at that very carefully,” Fauci told CNN.

“The thing that has inhibited that a bit is to make sure that we don’t take away the supply of masks from the health care workers who need them,” he continued. “But once we get in a situation where we have enough masks, I believe there will be some very serious consideration about more broadening this recommendation of using masks.”

Fauci cautioned that while “we’re not there yet,” he said he believed the task force was “close to coming to some determination” soon on whether to expand the administration’s recommended mitigation measures to include masks.

“Because if, in fact, a person who may or may not be infected wants to prevent infecting someone else, one of the best ways to do that is with a mask. So perhaps that’s the way to go,” he said, adding that the subject was “under very active consideration” and would be raised at the task force’s meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

Some public health experts, including former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, have suggested that encouraging the wearing of masks in public could help curb the rate of COVID-19 transmission in the United States, which now has more confirmed cases than anywhere else in the world.

More than 174,000 Americans have become infected, and at least 3,416 have perished as a result of the disease. Because of limited testing capacity, experts agree the actual number of positive cases is much greater.

President Donald Trump on Monday said he had taken note of the mask proposal, outlined in a recent report Gottlieb co-authored, and that it could be possible that Americans will be directed to wear the face coverings “for a short period of time.”

“We’ll take a look at it. For a period of time, not forever. I mean, you know, we want our country back. We’re not going to be wearing masks forever,” Trump said at the task force’s daily press briefing.

...the administration’s current advocacy against masks is at odds with the views of several other countries fighting the coronavirus, some of which have proven more successful in halting its proliferation.

Feb 20, 2002
"A federal official said Tuesday that the C.D.C.’s review of mask wearing for the public stemmed from a request by the White House coronavirus task force, which is leaning toward recommending it.

Dr. Fauci said: “The idea of getting a much more broad communitywide use of masks outside of the health care setting is under very active discussion at the task force. The C.D.C. group is looking at that very carefully.”

...If everyone wears a mask, individuals protect one another, reducing overall community transmission. And places like Hong Kong and Taiwan that jumped to action early with social distancing and universal mask wearing have gotten their cases under much greater control.

There have been troubling reports that indicate the coronavirus may be able to travel farther in the air and stay in the environment longer than is possible by respiratory droplets, which have so far been assumed to be the primary mode of transmission of the virus.

One study in Singapore found traces of the virus in air vents in patient isolation rooms. In another study, researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center detected extensive contamination in patient rooms as well as in air samples collected from the hallways outside rooms.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, said in an interview on Sunday that the C.D.C. should put out designs for cloth masks for the public. “The value of the mask isn’t necessarily to protect you from getting sick, although it may offer some protection,” he told CBS News. “It’s to protect you from other people. So when someone who’s infected is wearing a mask, they’re much less likely to transmit infection.”

He said studies involving the flu suggested that you could reduce your ability to spread the flu by about 50 percent if you wore a mask.

Feb 20, 2002
Feb 20, 2002
C.D.C. Weighs Advising Everyone to Wear a Mask
...Guidance on mask wearing is “being critically re-reviewed,” said Robert Redfield, director of the C.D.C.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the C.D.C., confirmed in an interview with WABE in Atlanta, a National Public Radio member station, on Monday that the agency was reviewing its guidelines on who should wear masks. Citing new data that shows high rates of transmission from people who are infected but show no symptoms, he said the guidance on mask wearing was “being critically re-reviewed, to see if there’s potential additional value for individuals that are infected or individuals that may be asymptomatically infected.”

The coronavirus is probably three times as infectious as the flu, Dr. Redfield said. Some people are infected and transmitting the virus probably as long as two days before showing any symptoms, he said. “This helps explain how rapidly this virus continues to spread across the country, because we have asymptomatic transmitters and we have individuals who are transmitting 48 hours before they become symptomatic,” Dr. Redfield said in the interview.

“That’s important, because now you have individuals that may not have any symptoms that can contribute to transmission, and we have learned that in fact they do contribute to transmission,” Dr. Redfield said.

Feb 20, 2002
It’s Time to Make Your Own Face Mask

Here’s how to do it.

But that doesn’t mean face masks for the public are a bad idea, if we had enough masks. Contrary to what American officials told us, many studies show that widespread mask-wearing might be a very effective complement to hand-washing, social-distancing and other measures to mitigate the pandemic. Health officials in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan suggest that people wear masks in certain situations — if they’re symptomatic, for instance, or if they’re in crowded, not-very-well-ventilated places, like airplanes. Studies have also shown that mask-wearing (in conjunction with hand-washing) reduces the spread of infection within households or other shared living spaces, like residence halls.


New member
Apr 7, 2016
glad to hear, im certainly not trying to spread inaccurate info/fear. When this shit broke out in China, to protect N American citizens we banned flghts from China, not just the city most impacted, Wuhan. The idea is the same here. The state of New York has a disproportely high number of USA cases. So for the safety of neighbring states (spread of the virus and possibly resulting in an acute focal pt like New York city in their state), then residents of New York need to take precautions before leaving. Logistics are kinda hard tho. We dont have enough testing kits. So at a minimum; a)if u have symptoms you cant enter, say, RI (you are highly contagious), b) no symptoms come on in, self quarantine for 14 days (the assumption has to be that you are a symtomless carrier, period. and wont shed the virus after 14 days). How can this not be fair to neighboring states?

anyway, NY started clincal trials last tuesday on a few drugs, lets hope a cure is on its way

played The Links at Greystone a few yrs back, nice golf course!!!!!!
yes nice course...try 2 play at least 1 time a year

Sep 29, 2008
I have 8 masks (N95) left...between my parents and my GF, will have to conserve
Feb 20, 2002
Vancouver hospital rejects masks' donation.

Many authorities have been concerned about the public purchasing masks they claim are needed by hospitals. I recently contacted a downtown hospital concerning 50 medical masks i had obtained. These masks were not N95's but similar to these:


The hospital (St. Paul's) informed me they would not accept these masks because they need to be sealed. So maybe hospitals are not really so desperate for masks?

Those masks say "disposable" but i wonder if they can be sterilized & reused &/or some tissue or plastic material placed between them and the user's face for safety before reuse.

In other news, i noticed that way more people are wearing masks than a week or two ago, both employees in stores & pedestrians walking about.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I can't wear one, they don't work with eyeglasses, period, if you cover your nose, then your glasses fog up, covering mouth only is like wiping half your ass.
Feb 20, 2002
I can't wear one, they don't work with eyeglasses, period, if you cover your nose, then your glasses fog up, covering mouth only is like wiping half your ass.

What kind of a mask did you use, Doug? I've found some "fogging up" of my specs, especially indoors where it is warmer, but it's not enough to make me blind or unable to see where i'm going. It may become an issue as the weather gets warmer, in which case i can either take off the glasses while still wearing the mask or seek out a different type of mask/face shield that doesn't fog up. BTW, I've seen anti-fog goggles being advertised on Amazon.

Anti Fog Prescription Safety Glasses
(Anti Fog Permanent Coating)



Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
the kind that loop behind your ears, the ones they give away free at a place where you get a blood draw.

I'll just do the distancing thing and call it good, I only go beyond the mailbox like once a week now anyways.

I'm the guy that rides a motorcycle with eye protection only and no helmet, I'll even ride it in the rain.

It rains way more here around Old Saybrook, Ct than even Seattle ( 48" vs. 38" ). I guess Seattle is much like Vancouver, BC rainwise, eh ?

I hate rain and even worse snow, that's why I moved to San Diego right after High School, wish I was still there....maybe ?, it's gone to shit since the 80's

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