Wearing a mask is just common sense

Feb 20, 2002
I actually think wearing masks have made things worse, and our current MUCH worse 2nd wave would prove that.

"...some communities in South Dakota have chosen a different path. The city of Brookings - fourth largest in the state - was the first to impose rules on masks inside businesses in September, along with other measures.

...Brookings County now has the lowest infection rate out of the five most populous South Dakota counties.

In September when the city of Brookings introduced tighter Covid restrictions, including mask-wearing measures, it had the highest.

Also, as infections rose across the state in October and November, the upturn in Brookings was lower than elsewhere.

We can't say that this was down to masks usage alone, but Bonny Specker, an epidemiologist at South Dakota State University, says along with measures such as limits on bars and restaurants, rules on face coverings have made a difference.

"South Dakota does not have a mask mandate and has one of the highest rates per capita of current hospitalisations and deaths in the country. When you compare Brookings County to other counties that have the 10 most populous cities, the data is consistent with the mask mandate being helpful."

...Governor Noem has pointed to other US states which have had mask mandates in place for some time but are still seeing cases rise.

Her spokesman, Ian Fury, has said: "Look at Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois - states that have had mask mandates for months but are still seeing rapidly increasing cases."

It's true that these states have experienced an increase, but none has seen as many cases per capita throughout the pandemic as South Dakota, nor such a dramatic peak in November.

After introducing mask mandates along with other Covid restrictions, Minnesota, Illinois and Wisconsin kept cases relatively low, but they have seen a spike as infections have risen across the US since the summer.

All three states have implemented tighter restrictions throughout the pandemic than South Dakota alongside mask mandates, and their recent surges have been later and less severe.

Since the start of the outbreak, South Dakota has had more than 9,700 total cases per 100,000 people, compared with around 7,600 in Wisconsin, and 6,300 in Illinois and Minnesota.

"Studies out of the US suggest requiring masks in public can help to reduce infection rates.

A study by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released in late November looked at infection rates in Kansas from June to August.

In the summer, the state's governor introduced compulsory mask-wearing in public spaces but allowed local counties to opt out, and most chose to.

The study found that cases decreased in parts of Kansas which had brought in rules on wearing a mask, but cases continued to rise in those that chose not to.

It said these findings were "consistent with declines in Covid-19 cases observed in 15 states and the District of Columbia, which mandated masks, compared with states that did not have mask mandates."

Assistant professor Kate Grabowski, who reviews research papers at Johns Hopkins University, says: "All of the studies we have reviewed show that mask mandates are effective."

Feb 20, 2002
Surgical masks are useless. N95 masks is whats needed

There is no evidence of transmission from free-floating viral particles. The transmission is from respiratory droplets and aerosols, the smallest of which are in the 5 um range.

...and surgical masks filter down to 1um.

"The surgical mask blocked about 60% of .03 micron particles and over 90% of 1 micron and 2.5 micron particles."

"in one study, researchers tested particles down to .007 microns (even smaller than viruses) and found that a simple surgical mask blocked 80%."

"... it’s downright surprising that surgical masks are just as effective [as N95 masks]! Maybe virus particles are actually easy to capture because they fly on water droplets.



I have 33 members on this site on ignore, including a number in this thread, out of over 100,000 Rx members. So i don't even see what they post, because those who are on the ignore function have their posts' messages hidden (unless one chooses to click "View Post" or remove them from the user ignore list).
Thankfully i have a number of guys here on ignore now, so i don't even read or see the nonsense, lies & drivel they post anymore. Anyone wanting to see me expose their errors can search out my older posts and threads. Who i have on ignore: http://www.therxforum.com/profile.php?do=ignorelist

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Spreading lies from the MSM...you’re basically a criminal
Nothing but lies. We tried to tell the ignorant bitch

Feb 20, 2002
"Mask wearing outdoors has also cured my chronic cough, it was reduced the amount of pollution I breathe in. For about a year I had this chronic cough that I told my doctor about, he examined me and said just keep drinking water."

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“Mask wearing gave me breathing issues and respiratory problems , my doctor informed me mask do not work and I would die if I continued to wear it”

Feb 20, 2002

"Specifically, the researchers found that during the first two weeks after states implemented the mask mandates, there was a 2.1 percentage-point decline in reported weekly Covid-19 hospitalization growth rates among adults ages 18 to 39, as well as a 2.9 percentage-point drop among adults ages 40 to 64. At three weeks after implementation, reported weekly Covid-19 hospitalization growth rates dropped by 5.5 percentage points among people ages 18 to 39 and among those ages 40 to 64, the researchers wrote."


"Average mask use across the United States has been declining since mid-February. Meanwhile, infection rates in some places have increased."

"...Around the same time that New Hampshire rescinded its rule, for example, COVID-19 cases in India began to surge. Strict mask mandates there had reined in the country’s first wave of infections last September.

"...“Wearing masks should probably be one of the last things we stop doing,” says Hoen, adding that she hopes no other countries are looking to the United States for guidance.

"The case for mask mandates was made relatively early in the pandemic. On 6 April 2020, the city of Jena, Germany, became one of the first communities in the world to require people to wear masks in public. Thomas Nitzsche, the town’s mayor, says he was sleepless for two nights before the policy went into effect. “I didn’t know if the public would comply,” he says. “Luckily, they did.”

"Researchers estimate that new cases in the city, home to around 110,000 people, dropped by about 75% during the 20 days after the rule was brought in3.

"But it wasn’t as simple as flipping a switch one day and then reaping the rewards. Evidence is building that, although a mandate can be a powerful measure, effective messaging and role models are crucial for public uptake.

"... Meanwhile, mask policies in most of the surrounding state of Thuringia and elsewhere in Germany lagged behind. There, officials generally adopted mandates only after case counts surged. Although there were no new COVID-19 cases in Jena five days after implementation of the mask mandate, for example, the virus continued to spread in nearby Erfurt, the state capital, and slowed only after a mask requirement was imposed, according to a preprint study4 by public-health leaders in Jena.

"It was a similar story around the globe, with a few exceptions. China and other Asian nations quickly adopted mask policies that probably prevented large-scale spread of the disease. Nitzsche says he was personally inspired by the Czech Republic, which began requiring masks in certain public places in mid-March 2020.

"...He and his colleagues used data from 401 regions in Germany to estimate the effect of mask mandates on SARS-CoV-2 transmission3. They took advantage of the regional variation to create artificial controls, and then estimated what would have happened had the intervention not been implemented. His team’s conclusion: requiring people to wear face masks decreases the daily growth rate of reported COVID-19 cases by more than 40%. The economists’ approach was “clever”, says Hoen. “This adds to the body of evidence that masks work.”

"In a similar study in the United States, published this January5, researchers found that a national mandate for employees to wear face masks early in the pandemic could have reduced the weekly growth rate of cases and deaths by more than 10 percentage points in late April 2020. The study suggests that this could have reduced deaths by as much as 47% (or by nearly 50,000) across the country by the end of May last year. Another preprint, published in October, linked mask mandates with a 20–22% weekly reduction in COVID-19 cases in Canada6.

"... The mandates do have an effect, “but when we looked at it, it was really the behaviour of the population that was a better metric”, says John Brownstein, an epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and a co-author of the study. “There’s a difference between government policy and community buy-in.”

"The research builds on evidence from hundreds of observational and laboratory studies, which find that masks protect both the wearer and the people around them. Masks can block viral particles that hitch rides on droplets and aerosols. And a study from the US National Institutes of Health, published this February, further suggests that the humidity that builds up inside a mask could help to bolster the lungs’ defences against pathogens8.

"Although it’s unlikely that the United States and other Western nations will adopt the same level of mask use beyond this pandemic, van der Westhuizen anticipates it will become much more common and acceptable than before. “It’s truly remarkable how widespread this new habit has become,” she says. “We have gained a valuable preventative tool.”

"She is referring to more than COVID-19 and its variants, or even influenza. Tuberculosis, for example, has been a leading cause of death in South Africa and a long-time focus of her research. Although data show that masks could help to control the spread of that disease, social norms and stigma have impeded their adoption14. When initial COVID-19 guidelines suggested only people with symptoms needed to wear masks, she says, her thoughts immediately went to tuberculosis, for which public-health officials have made similar concessions. Thankfully, mask recommendations evolved. “The pandemic has broken that previous stigma,” says van der Westhuizen.

"Hassig is reminded of other public-health interventions. The use of vehicle seat belts first arrived in the United States and United Kingdom as a recommendation, then became a law, for instance. Eventually, police began fining those who were non-compliant, and buckling up became the norm. “Very rarely does a public-health intervention wind up being widely accepted without some kind of enforcement mechanism,” says Hassig, who still wears a mask despite being fully vaccinated, in part to encourage mask wearing."


Feb 20, 2002
[h=1]<yt-formatted-string force-default-style="" class="style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer" style="word-break: break-word;">"Elderly Couple Films Themselves Harassing Children For Wearing Face Masks"</yt-formatted-string>[/h]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qNIKkK6FP8
Feb 20, 2002
I have 35 members on this site on ignore, including a number so far in this thread, out of over 100,000 Rx members. So i often don't even see what they post, because those who are on the ignore function have their posts' messages hidden (unless i choose to click "View Post" or remove them from the user ignore list).

Thankfully i have a number of guys here on ignore now, so i often don't even read or see the nonsense, lies & false accusations they post anymore. Their accusations are much more likely to be true of themselves & the truth is much more likely to be the opposite of what they accuse.

Anyone wanting to see me expose their errors can search out my older posts and threads.

Who i have on ignore: http://www.therxforum.com/profile.php?do=ig--norelist


Nearly as stupid as someone quoting and responding to a post of someone they claim to have on ignore. Fn tard

It's not a claim, it's a fact. Are you even clued in to how the system works? Or just another covidiot idiot. lol

Those i have on Rx user ignore have their posts hidden until if & whenever i feel like clicking a button that lets me see their post, i.e. whenever i'm in the mood to read, reply to & expose the garbage they post. Otherwise i can read threads blissfully without seeing any of their shit when i don't feel like seeing it. Get it now, or does this probably go way, way, way over your covidiot head.


In case i don't return to look at this thread again, it will be because of time constraints & the responses are generally not worth my time, anyway, in this forum, IOW they're garbage, yes, -5000 for the limit, lol


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