Wearing a mask is just common sense

Feb 20, 2002
Though health officials have warned Americans to prepare for the spread of the novel coronavirus in the U.S., people shouldn’t wear face masks to prevent the spread of the infectious illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. surgeon general.

Some other authorities disagree:


"But some health experts, including the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, think that’s a mistake. Health authorities in parts of Asia have encouraged all citizens to wear masks in public to prevent the spread of the virus, regardless of whether they have symptoms. And the Czech Republic took the uncommon step last week of making nose and mouth coverings mandatory in public spaces, prompting a grassroots drive to hand make masks."

"...When people do venture out and interact, they’re likely to spew some saliva. “I don’t want to frighten you, but when people speak and breathe and sing—you don’t have to sneeze or cough—these droplets are coming out,” he says.

"...Despite messages from some health officials to the contrary, it’s likely that a mask can help protect a healthy wearer from infection, says Benjamin Cowling, an epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong. Both surgical masks and the more protective N95 respirators have been shown to prevent various respiratory infections in health care workers;... “It doesn’t make sense to imagine that … surgical masks are really important for health care workers but then not useful at all for the general public,” Cowling says.

"... “I think the average person, if they were taught how to wear a mask properly … would have some protection against infection in the community.”

"... initial evidence suggests people without symptoms may also transmit the coronavirus without knowing they’re infected. Data from contact-tracing efforts—in which researchers monitor the health of people who recently interacted with someone confirmed to have an infection—suggest nearly half of SARS-CoV-2 transmissions occur before the infected person shows symptoms. And some seem to contract and clear the virus without ever feeling sick. “If I knew who was asymptomatic and presymptomatic [for COVID-19], I’d … triage the face masks to those individuals,” Monto says.

"...A key factor pushing health authorities to discourage mask wearing is the limited supply, says Elaine Shuo Feng, an epidemiologist and statistician at the University of Oxford."

[But home made & alternative masks would solve that problem & provide protection to society, reducing the number of infections, seriously ill & dead.]

"The shortage has inspired do-it-yourself movements in many countries to produce cloth masks—which CDC acknowledges can be a last resort for health care workers lacking other protection. Rigorous studies comparing cloth masks to surgical ones or investigating the ideal material for homemade masks are lacking.

Cheng expects masks to become more important in the United States and Europe once the peak of COVID-19 cases passes and social distancing restrictions loosen. “Just imagine you’re traveling in the New York [City] subway on a busy morning. If everyone wears a mask, I’m sure that it would reduce the transmission,” he says..."


But that’s not the only reason Americans may want to think twice about using masks, one expert told MarketWatch.
Most people don’t know how to use face masks correctly,

Many Americans don't know how to use condoms correctly. Does that mean they should never use them, never learn & not practice safe sex?

and a rush to buy masks could prevent the people who need them most — health care providers — from getting them, said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a scholar at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Then make your own at home or buy masks that "health care providers" are not interested in:

"How to make an effective face mask at home"

"...The researchers used regular cotton t-shirts to make no-sew face masks. First, they boiled the cotton for ten minutes in order to sterilize it. Then, they cut the cotton to size and formed a mask using one outer layer and eight inner layers that covered the nose and mouth. The mask could be tied around the wearer's head, to get a snug fit without elastic. Testing showed that this mask "offered substantial protection."

continued at:


I believe any reasonable barrier may help & is significantly better than nothing, from scarves to balaclavas, motorcycle helmets with face shield, Halloween masks, full face hockey masks, etc.

Almost everyone should be able to find some sort of a face shield such as those or something similar.

In fact the U.S. surgeon general recently urged the public to “STOP BUYING MASKS!” They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!,” wrote Surgeon General Jerome Adams on Twitter TWTR, <bg-quote field="percentchange" format="0,000.00%%" channel="/zigman2/quotes/203180645/composite" class="negative" style="box-sizing: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);">-4.24%</bg-quote>

If they are not effective in preventing COVID-19 infection, then why are health care workers wearing them.

The truth is they are effective in preventing infection. Both studies & common sense say so.

The CDC said last month it doesn’t recommend people use face masks, making the announcement on the same day that first case of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus was reported in the U.S. The CDC recommendation on masks stands, a spokesman told MarketWatch Wednesday, even with the first reported case of a COVID-19 infection in an individual in California who had not been to China or been exposed to a person diagnosed with the virus.

Other experts do recommend them. See above.

Best of luck to all, however you decide to try to be safe during this pandemic.
Feb 20, 2002
Feb 20, 2002
"When researchers conducted systematic review of a variety of interventions used during the SARS outbreak in 2003, they found that washing hands more than 10 times daily was 55 percent effective in stopping virus transmission, while wearing a mask was actually more effective — at about 68 percent. Wearing gloves offered about the same amount of protection as frequent hand-washing, and combining all measures — hand-washing, masks, gloves and a protective gown — increased the intervention effectiveness to 91 percent."

“It’s still hard to tell what percentage of people are truly asymptomatic because many go on to develop symptoms a few days later,” said Dr. Neil Fishman, the chief medical officer of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. “What we do know is that individuals can shed virus about 48 hours before they develop symptoms and masking can prevent transmission from those individuals.”

"...In many Asian countries, everyone is encouraged to wear masks, and the approach is about crowd psychology and protection. If everyone wears a mask, individuals protect each other, reducing overall community transmission.


New member
Apr 7, 2016
okay, my bad

We r seeing the beautful state of New York become ovewhelmed. Dissemination of accuate , recommended information from our healthcare agencies is important. Information contrary to it can present challenges, create chaos, panic. Again , if you feel safer with a mask (try to get a level 3 )in public, at home, while sleeping go for it. May want to get a humidifier if your room is dry , helps the respiratory epithelium from drying out

again a mask will provide some protection in droplet transmission/viral load. Studies are all over the map from providing 5 x protection to minimal . I dont have the link to those studies , just from random readings

stay well
by state you mean of course...the city...rest of state not bad

Oct 12, 2008
glad to hear, im certainly not trying to spread inaccurate info/fear. When this shit broke out in China, to protect N American citizens we banned flghts from China, not just the city most impacted, Wuhan. The idea is the same here. The state of New York has a disproportely high number of USA cases. So for the safety of neighbring states (spread of the virus and possibly resulting in an acute focal pt like New York city in their state), then residents of New York need to take precautions before leaving. Logistics are kinda hard tho. We dont have enough testing kits. So at a minimum; a)if u have symptoms you cant enter, say, RI (you are highly contagious), b) no symptoms come on in, self quarantine for 14 days (the assumption has to be that you are a symtomless carrier, period. and wont shed the virus after 14 days). How can this not be fair to neighboring states?

anyway, NY started clincal trials last tuesday on a few drugs, lets hope a cure is on its way

played The Links at Greystone a few yrs back, nice golf course!!!!!!

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
It’s comical almost as silly as my grandparents telling me how cool it was in the summer to run after the ddt truck that was spraying when it was scorching hot. They were told it’s totally safe.
Feb 20, 2002
"Canadians who are self-isolating after returning from trips outside the country should not be going out in the neighbourhood for a walk, even if they are symptom-free, according to the latest guidelines from the federal government."


"The penalty for violating the quarantine instructions is up to six months in prison and/or $750,000 in fines."

Feb 20, 2002

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Masks do nothing for the individual hoping to avoid infection.

When I see otherwise healthy but extremely paranoid people out in public wearing them, I can't help but laugh at their flabbergasting ignorance.

Apr 8, 2009
masks do nothing for the individual hoping to avoid infection.

When i see otherwise healthy but extremely paranoid people out in public wearing them, i can't help but laugh at their flabbergasting ignorance.
Feb 20, 2002
If you do come in contact with the virus, you'll probably infect yourself taking it off and/or constantly adjusting/touching it as most people do.

Already addressed earlier in the thread.

Just don't touch your eyes, mouth or nose when you do, as authorities are telling people to do. Easy peasy.

Masks do nothing for the individual hoping to avoid infection.

Studies (read the thread) say otherwise. As does common sense.

Apr 8, 2009
Do you wear one?

If you do come in contact with the virus, you'll probably infect yourself taking it off and/or constantly adjusting/touching it as most people do.

Paranoid idiot.
Lol, I haven’t worn one yet because I haven’t been out in public in like a week or more. I picked up a bunch of groceries and stuff about a week and a half or two weeks ago. I wore gloves but no mask.

I work from home (have for about the last five years or so) so fortunately I don’t have to go out in public very often.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Other authorities are saying to wear one, as has been documented at length earlier in the thread. It's also common sense.

No, it's not "common sense" since most people outside of the trained medical community can't wear/remove one properly. Even then, trained professionals are getting infected with these cheap flimsy masks simply because it's human nature to unconsciously touch/adjust/scratch your face.

The overwhelming majority catching this virus are infecting themselves touching their own faces. Masks are damn uncomfortable, so people end up touching their faces more than someone who isn't wearing one.

Wearing ridiculously bulky gloves or handcuffs would be more effective than these stupid masks if for no other reason that they consciously stop your hands from touching your face.

What's next? Hoarding toilet paper is just "common sense"?
Feb 20, 2002
No, it's not "common sense" since most people outside of the trained medical community can't wear/remove one properly.

Even wearing one improperly provides protection. And just because many people don't know how to wear a condom properly doesn't mean they shouldn't learn how & then wear one. The same applies to the wearing of masks.

Even then, trained professionals are getting infected with these cheap flimsy masks simply because it's human nature to unconsciously touch/adjust/scratch your face.

That's a minor cause of infection (see below). Moreover it's not enough reason to not wear a mask.

The overwhelming majority catching this virus are infecting themselves touching their own faces.

False. Read the thread.

Masks are damn uncomfortable, so people end up touching their faces more than someone who isn't wearing one.

I don't. In fact if i have an itch on my face, i can contact the mask to relieve the itch instead of directly touching my face with my hand.

In any case, masks are recommended regardless. Because any risks (e.g. hand touching) involved in using them is outweighed by the saftey they provide. That's why healthcare workers, people riding crowded mass transit, those working in grocery stores, etc, are wearing them. In fact, almost everyone should, as they do in many Asian countries.

Wearing ridiculously bulky gloves or handcuffs would be more effective than these stupid masks if for no other reason that they consciously stop your hands from touching your face.

The virus can get on gloves & infect a person just as it can get on hands & infect a person after they touch their nose, eyes or mouth.

"How to make an effective face mask at home"

"...The researchers used regular cotton t-shirts to make no-sew face masks. First, they boiled the cotton for ten minutes in order to sterilize it. Then, they cut the cotton to size and formed a mask using one outer layer and eight inner layers that covered the nose and mouth. The mask could be tied around the wearer's head, to get a snug fit without elastic. Testing showed that this mask "offered substantial protection."

continued at:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Per the CDC, masks are NOT recommended for the reasons I outlined, and the fact they lull people into a false sense of security. To be sure, there are masks/shields that are effective but look nothing like the cheap flimsy disposable ones are the idiots are wearing on the streets.

If someone handed you a contaminated mask, chances are very high you would infect yourself with the virus - not exactly "common sense."

Why not just wear a dog cone? You'll be more protected and at least people around you will get a good laugh.

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