IMO, everyone here as usual is over-reacting. Perhaps more of you should go out and enjoy the beautiful sights of summer, (all of the pussy i looked at all day). I just got back to my computer. It is 3 30 a.m., and yes, i may be a little buzzed, but WTF, I am still lucid enough to understand this issue. This moron Shrink is in a catch 22. He must report slow pays and certainly must extrapolate when a book slow pays his site. If in fact a book is deliquent with him, he must take them off of his site and report the reasons why. If the deliquent book pays his bill he goes back on. I am drunk and smarter than 99% of you. This is not rocket science, it is business. He took the book off for being late, and put them back on for paying their bill. WTF is the big deal here. You guys all need to get a life. I am drunk, and still more lucid than all of you. I am going to sleep now. check the time stamp if you think i making this shiat up, and then you can all be bummed out that i have more clarity of thought than all of you after 12 heinekens and 7 shots of patrone.
[This message was edited by WEEKENDALKI on June 23, 2004 at 03:34 AM.]