<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 6597012" vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 align=middle width=125>Scott L</TD><TD class=alt1>TR, I paid you $140 dollars, $20 for the bet in the "Watch the Dow Drop" thread and an additional $120 on our sidebet for every 100 points lower the Dow moved. Had you lost $140 would I have received it?
Based upon what I'm reading here I'm starting to wonder. You lost this bet. And you are using semantics to avoid settlement.
And while I'm here, please, PLEASE stop trying to outkook Lauren. She's out of your league [that's a good thing]!
Scotty- the video is a KNOWN FAKE- as fake as the Bin Laden tapes using guys with changing facial features.
Listen -You and I have an agreement- unwritten- you stay out of my Kook business and I dont plead for the Palestinians.
Now- with this comment about this bet I just won plus this comment about Loren who you must know I have an alliance with- dont you think you are crossing the line?
Lets not go there OK?
I know- your only saying we had a bet- and of course I would have paid. I paid GTC08 when I lost the VP stakes bet didnt I? I pay like everyone else when I lose.
But beyond that- you are s-oooooo wrong about me losing this bet.
This video came out 4 years after 9/11 as a result of a successful lawsuit against the government brought by people who lost loved ones on 9/11 and wanted answers as to what really happened instead of lies.
They put this thing together and tried to pass it off as proof- kind of like them being forced to release surveillance videos of planes hitting the Pentagon and getting a couple stills strung together and calling that proof.
So many things wrong with this tape. Ill go through them if you like. Its as if they are saying - "who cares - we know youll believe its authentic." Because we say it is."
But at the end of the day all these other things dont matter.
This is not a real surveillance video. Because all airport surveillance videos have a time and date stamp.
Period. OK?
If you cannot show me a real surveillance video then you lose the bet. Mr MJ did not.
Period. OK?
If you want to get in on the controversy- then perhaps you'd like to answer one question -besides Lorens correct assertion that some of these Dulles airport boys are known to be alive!
If this video is authentic then where is the required time date stamp?
Answer that before you go declaring anyone has lost the bet.
After you realize that it cannot be authentic without a time and date stamp then you would see that I win the bet- not lose it.
That is what has happened here.
So tell your friend Mr MJ that he lost this bet six ways from Sunday because thats what he did.
1st- when he showed up a photograph when my rules state you must supply a video. His argument I should have said "moving video" is the epitomy of stupidity. Do you go to You tube to watch "moving videos" or just videos"? Talk about trying to worm your way out of being wrong. Pathetic excuse for not reading the rules. Apparently Mr MJ has his own special vocabulary he wants to impose on the rest of the world but they arent buying it and neither am I.
2nd- when he showed up with the video that the stills came from (congrats Mr MJ-you finally found it- took you long enough) I also knew youd throw it out there like throwing sh*t on the wall regardless of the fact its condemmed to the now rather full trash bin of 9/11 disinfo hampered by the same handicap as the photos you threw out there.- NO DATE AND TIME STAMP.
Both flimsy attempts failed.
So he loses.
Its up to him to pay up or welch- not me.
Still laughing at his "moving video" excuse.
Comedy gold...