Unknown fact about 9/11

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New member
Nov 27, 2006
I urge everyone, please watch the slow motion videos of the alleged penetration of the South Tower by flight 175. The wings, the tail, the entire plane remains intact as it penetrates the building. In fact, It looks more like the plane was disappearing into a cloud than a building.

The 9/11 truth movement is growing larger everyday. People around you are watching these videos and waking up to the realization that our troops are dying in the Mid East for reasons that have nothing to do with America's freedom. America was not attacked by terrorists on 9/11




Just watched. Wow, you're so right! I'm a convert. ^<<^

Aug 6, 2006
I used to think the biggest oxymoron I'd ever heard was 'Jumbo Shrimp.'

But it has since been replaced by '9/11 Truth Movement.'

And there's no doubt to rational thinking people that they are the most mentally disturbed people in the world

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Andrew Jackson, and I will take longer all comers.
Sorry Sweet Lou, no Welcher is allowed.
If anyone of you gentlemen think you can easily show me an airport surveillance video of any 9/11 hijacker, and you've got 19 chances right, going through the metal detectors at any of the airports where they hijacked planes let me know and I'll give you a week to try to find one. At the end of the week, if you can find it $20 PayPal from me to you. If you can't $20 to me. Sounds like a great deal doesn't it? I mean, surveillance videos run 24/7 and are always pointed at the metal detectors. So step right up, who wants to be the first to make some quick cash?@)

And that includes my friend Scotty, who is definitely not a Welcher! :toast:

Oct 16, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 6573484" vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 align=middle width=125>Willie99</TD><TD class=alt1>I wonder how they got all the families, friends, neighbors and colleagues to mourn the death of their families members, friends, neighbors and colleagues, and not one report about a faked death.


What's so difficult about this? If they don't come home they are declared dead, and somebody offers you $1 million to sign a paper that says never say anything about the matter again. If they say they died in a plane crash you have to believe them.
Gawd, I hope you don't actually believe this statement.

Mar 7, 2005
Andrew Jackson, and I will take longer all comers.
Sorry Sweet Lou, no Welcher is allowed.
If anyone of you gentlemen think you can easily show me an airport surveillance video of any 9/11 hijacker, and you've got 19 chances right, going through the metal detectors at any of the airports where they hijacked planes let me know and I'll give you a week to try to find one. At the end of the week, if you can find it $20 PayPal from me to you. If you can't $20 to me. Sounds like a great deal doesn't it? I mean, surveillance videos run 24/7 and are always pointed at the metal detectors. So step right up, who wants to be the first to make some quick cash?@)

And that includes my friend Scotty, who is definitely not a Welcher! :toast:


Hijackers in a Dulles Airport, Washington, security checkpoint, from left to right: Nawaf Alhazmi gets searched, Khalid Almihdhar, and Hani Hanjour. [Source: FBI]


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
TR, you can just take the $20 money order I mailed you and forward it straight to MISTER MJ and We'll All Be Even

Mar 7, 2005
TR, you can just take the $20 money order I mailed you and forward it straight to MISTER MJ and We'll All Be Even


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 6589317" vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 align=middle width=125>Mistermj</TD><TD class=alt1>Quote:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Total Recall
Andrew Jackson, and I will take longer all comers.
Sorry Sweet Lou, no Welcher is allowed.
If anyone of you gentlemen think you can easily show me an airport surveillance video of any 9/11 hijacker, and you've got 19 chances right, going through the metal detectors at any of the airports where they hijacked planes let me know and I'll give you a week to try to find one. At the end of the week, if you can find it $20 PayPal from me to you. If you can't $20 to me. Sounds like a great deal doesn't it? I mean, surveillance videos run 24/7 and are always pointed at the metal detectors. So step right up, who wants to be the first to make some quick cash?@)


Barman- just pay me what you owe me and nevermind other losers. My advice is you might want to stay out of things you dont understand unless you want to lose more money. Havent you already lost enough respect in here by taking over a month and still not paying off a lost bet to a forum member? Not like you coulnt afford it I hope and had to wait for the 1st of the month welfare check?

You may be becoming more of a liability than a benefit. Imagine that. A semi-god MOD being a last to pay rotten egg- thanks to the welcher Sweet Lou. Thats why Zit had to pay and did. No one wants to be the last to pay rotten egg. Thankyou Zit for reminding Barman of that dubious unwanted distinction. LOL.

At least your not a welcher- I hope. At any rate not a good image for an upstanding gambling emporium like the RX wouldnt you agree?

Why must you always talk before you think?

For over a month now its been on the "on the way".

Tell me again.
Is it coming by pony express or wagon train?:laugh:

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
Originally Posted by Total Recall
Andrew Jackson, and I will take longer all comers.
Sorry Sweet Lou, NO WELCHER is allowed.
If anyone of you gentlemen think you can easily show me an AIRPORT SURVEILANCE VIDEO of any 9/11 hijacker, and you've got 19 chances right, going through the metal detectors at any of the airports where they hijacked planes
LET ME KNOW and I'll give you a week to try to find one.


Dont people reads the rules?

First a forum member must LET ME KNOW.

If I think you will welch I wont accept any offer. I just got burned by the welcher Sweet Lou.

I dont need that aggravation again.

Mr MJ may in fact be JOE C -a known deceiver and welcher.

Are you Joe C? I hope not.

So- are you proposing a bet Mr MJ?

You will have one week to fulfill all the requirements WHICH I HAVE KINDLY PLACED IN ITALICS FOR YOU TO READ AND FOLLOW IF YOU CAN.!~~~!


Don't assume people in charge know what they are d
Aug 16, 2006
The event was real to me.

On the conspiracy thing..............

I have a question: Can you make a cell phone call from a jet?
I tried.....no dice.

Just wondering?

I have no idea.

Aug 6, 2006
A Mercer ghost will be along shortly to provide incorrect information in an attempt to answer your question.

Mar 7, 2005
Originally Posted by Total Recall
Andrew Jackson, and I will take longer all comers.
Sorry Sweet Lou, NO WELCHER is allowed.
If anyone of you gentlemen think you can easily show me an AIRPORT SURVEILANCE VIDEO of any 9/11 hijacker, and you've got 19 chances right, going through the metal detectors at any of the airports where they hijacked planes
LET ME KNOW and I'll give you a week to try to find one.


Dont people reads the rules?

First a forum member must LET ME KNOW.

If I think you will welch I wont accept any offer. I just got burned by the welcher Sweet Lou.

I dont need that aggravation again.

Mr MJ may in fact be JOE C -a known deceiver and welcher.

Are you Joe C? I hope not.

So- are you proposing a bet Mr MJ?

You will have one week to fulfill all the requirements WHICH I HAVE KINDLY PLACED IN ITALICS FOR YOU TO READ AND FOLLOW IF YOU CAN.!~~~!
I'm not Joe C and there isn't ANY evidence to suggest that I am.

Quit blowing smoke.

I'm in it to win it...already won actually...let's now watch your lame welsher excuses. :lol:

We can't keep an alleged welsher...you...in charge of our black helicopter division. Pay up or lose your lifetime chair here at the Rx. ~~:<<


Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
The event was real to me.

On the conspiracy thing..............

I have a question: Can you make a cell phone call from a jet?
I tried.....no dice.

Just wondering?

I have no idea.


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 6590776" vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 align=middle width=125>Mistermj</TD><TD class=alt1>Quote:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Total Recall
Originally Posted by Total Recall
Andrew Jackson, and I will take longer all comers.
Sorry Sweet Lou, NO WELCHER is allowed.
If anyone of you gentlemen think you can easily show me an AIRPORT SURVEILANCE VIDEO of any 9/11 hijacker, and you've got 19 chances right, going through the metal detectors at any of the airports where they hijacked planes
LET ME KNOW and I'll give you a week to try to find one.


Dont people reads the rules?

First a forum member must LET ME KNOW.

If I think you will welch I wont accept any offer. I just got burned by the welcher Sweet Lou.

I dont need that aggravation again.

Mr MJ may in fact be JOE C -a known deceiver and welcher.

Are you Joe C? I hope not.

So- are you proposing a bet Mr MJ?

You will have one week to fulfill all the requirements WHICH I HAVE KINDLY PLACED IN ITALICS FOR YOU TO READ AND FOLLOW IF YOU CAN.!~~~!

I'm not Joe C and there isn't ANY evidence to suggest that I am.

Quit blowing smoke.

I'm in it to win it...already won actually...let's now watch your lame welsher excuses. :lol:

We can't keep an alleged welsher...you...in charge of our black helicopter division. Pay up or lose your lifetime chair here at the Rx. ~~:<<

:laugh: </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Great- then you just lost the bet. @):)

I told you to read the rules didnt I?

What was Required:

1) Let me know. I check you out. You now say youre not JOE C. I believe you.


2) Dont be a Welcher.


3) Supply an AIRPORT SURVEILANCE VIDEO. All you supplied was some photos. So you lose the bet immediately. HaHa. You had to supply a video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It must be an airport surveillance video. You know - with moving pictures?


For example heres a photo of Atta.

See the time and date stamp? This is from an actual airport surveillance camera in Portland.

A photo from a surveillance camera is no good. I asked for the Video.

The rules state you must supply an AIRPORT SURVEILANCE VIDEO. Real Player. Windows Media Player. Quicktime- whatever.

So you lose.:lol:

Now pay up or YOU are the welcher.

To use your own words: "let's now watch your lame welsher excuses." LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cripwalk:
Last edited:

Mar 7, 2005
I provided airport surveillance video...as you asked.

Read your own rules.

You said NOTHING about MOVING Video. You just said Video...which is what I provided.

Video can be a still frame....it's the method of capture...."moving" pictures does not define it being "Video".

This looks like a lame attempt at welshing...which is what we all expected anyway.

I'll await your proof...that you originally said "Moving Video"...which we can all see you did not.


New member
Sep 10, 2005
I've done plenty of research on 9/11. I've read probably 20 books on the subject and viewed a dozen documentaries. All of this "research" has led to me to ask one question about 9/11:

So what?

So what if the government killed 3000 people? The U.S. government kills people, steals from people, and generally ruins someone's life every single day and that's out in plain view for everyone to see. The things the government does out in public should make someone angry enough. Spending countless hours trying to figure out if the government was behind 9/11 has not done me or anyone else any good whatsoever. It's just been a total waste of time.

I would suggest to any of you truthers out there that actually believe in freedom to get out of the dark basement, stop doing your "research", and start doing something tangible for freedom. Trying to figure out what temperature steel melts at and what a controlled demolition looks like or if there was debris on the lawn of the Pentagon doesn't accomplish a damn thing for liberty. It detracts from it because your wasting your time on something you'll never be able to prove.

Mar 7, 2005
Still waiting for someone with a brain and who can read and comprehend some simple (to 99% of people surveyed) rules to get this wager going.

Let me know.

Geezus I need a drink after all that foolishness had to be dealt with so harshly. :drink:

But he started it.

I was still in the "gentlemen" mode when I got attacked.:laugh:

The bet has been won by the rules you wrote.

Pay up or welch...the choice is yours.


Hijackers in a Dulles Airport, Washington, security checkpoint, from left to right: Nawaf Alhazmi gets searched, Khalid Almihdhar, and Hani Hanjour. [Source: FBI]

:laugh: :dancefool

"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 6589933" vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 align=middle width=125>Coaster</TD><TD class=alt1>The event was real to me.

On the conspiracy thing..............

I have a question: Can you make a cell phone call from a jet?
I tried.....no dice.

Just wondering?

I have no idea. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
What you are really asking is could calls be connected from the planes to people on the ground on 9/11. Clearly the answer is no. But why not?
You know all the commercials they have nowadays about the phones being no good because of Dead Zones? What does that tell you? Doesn't that answer your question?

A jet flying 400 mph Is a Dead Zone.

I'll give give you a simple laymans answer as to why the calls could not have been made. Imagine that to get connected a cell phone signal first has to knock on a kind of door. I believe it's called a Hub. The door has to open for the signal to be accepted and recognized. Recognize each signal from both phones before a connection is made, and the phone calls are connected to each other as long as they both remain in the same Hub. Hubs are spread out all over the country to receive and connect any calls that come in from any direction or any height. Theoretically, a call could probably be made from 30,000 feet from a jet. Problem is, the jet is moving so fast that by the time the call has knocked on one Hub and the Hub is ready to open the door to connect both signals the jet has has traveled beyond the point that Hubs connection radius can handle. Connection is automatically transferred to the next nearest Hub nearest to the jet and attempts to connect again and again without success because the jet never stays within any Hubs radius long enough to make a connection. The area connection is always lost, for the jet can never stay in one area long enough for both signals from each phone to be connected by any Hub they fly past.
That's the way I understand it anyway. Does that make any sense to you? .
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