United States Confirms: 2014 was Hottest Year on Record - And AK Confirms Conservatives are Retarded


Jul 4, 2012
Are you really disputing what "very likely" means in a scientific context? Lmao!!! You are a weird ass dude.

Notice, you can't quote a single scientist saying it means what you are saying it means.

You have no idea, none, what it means in a scientific context.

Which is why you're answering with non-sequiteors and LMAO

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You can't cite an example of this, and you're a laughable dumbfuck and liar.

You don't even have opinions, you just paste shit you don't understand.


Is there a different meaning to "very likely" in your world? Lmao!!!

Jul 4, 2012
Are you really disputing what "very likely" means in a scientific context? Lmao!!! You are a weird ass dude.

You have no idea, none, what would make a scientist say something is "very likely"

None at all. You are just making shit up.

It is embarrassing. But you are so ignorant and dumb that you can't grasp it.

Jul 4, 2012
You have to love watching this scientific illiterate just make shit up.

When challenged on his dumb bullshit, LMAO!!!! ensues.

How embarrassing.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lmao, they say things like "very likely" because they have a lot of evidence that supports their hypothesis. Not that they are just guessing and they "might" be right. Basically this means that NASA is telling you, you are "very likely" to be wrong. I'm going to have to go with NASA on this one man. It was very difficult, because you seem to be such a knowledgeable guy.

You have NASA saying these nutty things because the United States currently has a left wing government. When left wing governments are in power (people who views taxes the way you view food) this climate hysteria lingers and lingers and lingers. Huge pain in the ass for anyone productive.

In countries where non-left wing govts are in power, the nonsense disappears. Canada has Stephen Harper and Australia elected conservatives, defunded the nutters and the problem disappeared. In Canada and Australia, about the worst damage climate nutters do are ranting in left wing newspaper editorials.

Why can't Americans smarten up and do the same?

Americans elected a fraud who promised to "stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet"...it's beyond embarrassing! face)(*^%

China has 800 million more people than us. The fact it took them this long to produce more than us is the most amazing part of that.

China and India are following the economic blueprint for how the US became the world's dominant superpower (capitalism), while people like you want to emulate the failed central planners in France (socialism).

Again...beyond embarrassing. face)(*^%

New member
Oct 19, 2007
What a shocker, the IPCC actually defines what "very likely" means in the normal world that Acebb apparently does not live in...

So expert climate scientists are 90-99% confident that Sheriff Joe, Acebb, and most conservatives are very likely retarded.


(CNN) -- Global warming is here and humans are "very likely" the blame, an international group of scientists meeting in Paris, France, announced Friday.
"The evidence for warming having happened on the planet is unequivocal," said U.S. government scientist Susan Solomon, who also is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

"We can see that in rising air temperatures, we can see it in changes in snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere. We can see it in global sea rise. It's unequivocal," she said. (Watch scientist Susan Solomon deliver the grim news on global warming

In a 21-page report for policymakers, the group of climate experts unanimously linked -- with "90 percent" certainty -- the increase of average global temperatures since the mid-20th century to the increase of manmade greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Fossil fuels like methane and carbon dioxide trap heat near the surface, a process known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, but human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels, can pour enormous volumes of these gases into the atmosphere, raising the planet's temperature and destabilizing the climate. (Watch what happens to our planet when manmade emissions get trapped in the atmosphere

The report found it was "likely" -- "more likely than not" in some cases -- that manmade greenhouse gases have contributed to hotter days and nights, and more of them, more killer heat waves than before, heavier rainfall more often, major droughts in more regions, stronger and more frequent cyclones and "increased incidence" of extremely high sea levels.

The report noted that 11 of the last 12 years have ranked among the 12 warmest years on record with the oceans absorbing more than 80 percent of the heat added to the climate system. Add in the melt-off of glaciers and sea ice and sea levels are rising.

The IPCC predicted global temperature increases of 1.8 to 4 degrees Celsius (3.2 to 7.1 degrees Fahrenheit) by 2100 and sea levels to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 58 centimeters) by the end of the century. (Watch how rising sea levels could affect San Francisco

"An additional 3.9-7.8 inches (10-20 centimeters) are possible if recent, surprising melting of polar ice sheets continues," the report stated.
The group will meet again in April to discuss the socioeconomic impact of climate change.
[h=3]Defining 'likely'[/h]The IPCC was established in 1988 to study climate change information. The group doesn't do independent research but instead reviews scientific literature from around the world.

The United Nations-sanctioned group was formed by the World Meteorological Organization and U.N. Environment Program.

The group's goal is to produce "a balanced reporting of existing viewpoints" on the causes of global warming, according to its Web site.

The panel's reports are influential references for policymakers, scientists and other climate change experts.

Friday's release is the beginning of the panel's first major report since 2001. The rest of the report is due out later this year.

The 2001 report found that the 1990s were "very likely" the warmest decade on record. It also said that most of the observed warming over the last 50 years was "likely due to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations due to human activities."

The authors defined "likely" as between 66 percent to 90 percent probable, and "very likely" as a 90 to 99 percent.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
You have NASA saying these nutty things because the United States currently has a left wing government. When left wing governments are in power (people who views taxes the way you view food) this climate hysteria lingers and lingers and lingers. Huge pain in the ass for anyone productive.

In countries where non-left wing govts are in power, the nonsense disappears. Canada has Stephen Harper and Australia elected conservatives, defunded the nutters and the problem disappeared. In Canada and Australia, about the worst damage climate nutters do are ranting in left wing newspaper editorials.

Why can't Americans smarten up and do the same?

Americans elected a fraud who promised to "stop the rise of the oceans and heal the planet"...it's beyond embarrassing! face)(*^%
Ahhhh, so you are going with the "NASA is a government agency, therefore they are making up scientific evidence that the Earth is warming because man is pumping tons of CO2 in the atmosphere".

That's very scientific. You sound really smart.

China and India are following the economic blueprint for how the US became the world's dominant superpower (capitalism), while people like you want to emulate the failed central planners in France (socialism).

Again...beyond embarrassing. face)(*^%
Yea, China and India are spending money like we used to.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ahhhh, so you are going with the "NASA is a government agency, therefore they are making up scientific evidence that the Earth is warming becomes man is pumping tons of CO2 in the atmosphere".

That's very scientific. You sound really smart.

When we have a conservative Republican president, NASA will stop saying the crazy shit they are saying now.

Also, "reaching out to Muslims" will no longer be their main mission.

It's beyond embarrassing. face)(*^%

Yea, China and India are spending money like we used to.

China is growing and producing wealth, while the United States is busy dividing and diluting wealth.

That's why China's share of the US debt keeps going up while the standard of living in America (eroding middle class) is going down.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
When we have a conservative Republican president, NASA will stop saying the crazy shit they are saying now.

Also, "reaching out to Muslims" will no longer be their main mission.

It's beyond embarrassing. face)(*^%
HAHAHAHA!!! So scientists will stop being scientists when a conservative is President? That sounds fun. I had to capitalize the hahaha because that actually did make me laugh pretty loud.

China is growing and producing wealth, while the United States is busy dividing and diluting wealth.

That's why China's share of the US debt keeps going up while the standard of living in America (eroding middle class) is going down.
First the standard of living in America is going up.

And China and India's standard of living combined is less than what we consider impoverished Americans. That is really bad, lol.

And China has a lot of our debt because they need us to employ their laborers because we have so much wealth and the only country capable of providing that level of demand.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
From BBC--Australia govt defunds Climate Commission, which goes private

Prime Minister Tony Abbott axed the Climate Commission, set up by the previous government, last week.

But the group resurrected itself as the Climate Council, saying it hoped "Obama-style" public donations raised online would keep it open :missingte​

via www.bbc.co.uk


Defund the Church of Global Warming at all levels!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yes! We Should Defund The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change


“We have had the opportunity in the past couple of years to end this wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars, but unfortunately, the Senate has refused to take up and pass the budgets where these spending cuts were included. It is obvious that this president, and his allies in the Senate, want to spend more of people’s hard-earned money, while also pushing their misguided climate change agenda, which makes this an uphill battle, but one I am prepared to fight.” -- Congressman Luetkemeyer


New member
Oct 19, 2007
From BBC--Australia govt defunds Climate Commission, which goes private

Prime Minister Tony Abbott axed the Climate Commission, set up by the previous government, last week.

But the group resurrected itself as the Climate Council, saying it hoped "Obama-style" public donations raised online would keep it open :missingte​

via www.bbc.co.uk


Defund the Church of Global Warming at all levels!

Australia is the developed world's worst polluter per head of population.

Yea, no agenda there... lmao!

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yes! We Should Defund The U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change


“We have had the opportunity in the past couple of years to end this wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars, but unfortunately, the Senate has refused to take up and pass the budgets where these spending cuts were included. It is obvious that this president, and his allies in the Senate, want to spend more of people’s hard-earned money, while also pushing their misguided climate change agenda, which makes this an uphill battle, but one I am prepared to fight.” -- Congressman Luetkemeyer


Haha, oh a southern Republican Congressman said that... well the scientists must be wrong, lmao!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Gov. Pence to Congress: Defund climate regs

By Benjamin Goad - 07/10/14 02:21 PM EDT

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is calling on his former colleagues in Congress to defund proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations at the heart of President Obama’s climate change initiative.

Pence, a former member of House GOP leadership, sent a letter to Indiana’s congressional delegation backing a House effort to bar the EPA from directing any resources toward draft rules meant to limit greenhouse emissions from new and existing power plants.

The prohibition is part of an EPA spending bill approved this week by a House Appropriations subcommittee.“

Using the power of the purse, Congress has the ability to block or prevent implementation of the EPA’s proposed regulations on new and existing power plants,” Pence wrote. “I respectfully urge you to support legislative efforts to do so."

Critics say the regulations, if enacted as currently proposed, would decimate the coal industry and effectively bar any new plants from coming on line.
Pence said rules would add to the pain of existing Obama administration regulations, which he argued would increase the state’s electricity costs by 30 percent over the next seven years.

“The newly proposed EPA rules for carbon dioxide emissions from existing and new power plants will only cause electricity rates to rise further while at the same time threatening the reliability of our electricity supply,” he wrote.



New member
Oct 19, 2007
Here's how normal Bush/Reagan type Republicans think...


"I can’t claim to fully understand all of this," he said. "Certainly not after just a few months of study. But when you have over 90 percent of the world’s scientists who have studied this stating that climate change is occurring and that humans play a contributing role it’s time to defer to the experts."

He added that climate science is complex and "we know enough to know that we are at least part of the problem."

- Chris Christie

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The new GOP Senate is already gearing up to cause climate mayhem



Just like Canada and Australia (where "climate change" only exists in left wing newspaper editorials) voting for conservatives means The Church of Global Warming and their tax and spend ideologues are kicked to the curb!


You are just a weird anti-government loon. Nothing you post has anything to do with actual science, just support for your cult and your fight against science and knowledge.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sen. Marco Rubio:

Our climate is always changing. And what they have chosen to do is take a handful of decades of research and say that this is now evidence of a longer-term trend that’s directly and almost solely attributable to man-made activity. I do not agree with that.

I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it. That’s what I do not – and I do not believe that the laws that they propose we pass will do anything about it. Except it will destroy our economy.


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