Tyre Nichols traffic stops. Cops charged with 2nd degree murder and kidnapping


Sep 21, 2004
And you are a mod on this site? Has to be in the running for worst post of 2023
I think Hache just really really believes blacks shouldn't be allowed to drive.

I personally think it's women of all races. ;)

Jun 4, 2018
I had a cop kick me once when I was down on the ground (on my stomach )

I asked him who had the best donuts ? in the quad-cities & I told him your fat ass should know

That's when he kicked me .

I guess it made him feel tough or something ....... & Yes , I was handcuffed ?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Sep 21, 2004
Yeah in my opinion the one wailing away at him should be the one charged

The others holding him could argue they were just trying to secure him or hold him up and the other one continued to attack

There's also one who looks like he keeps trying to walk away

The ones holding him up to be punched had nothing to do with it...and the one walking away---i mean come on--everyone knows a cop should turn a blind eye to crime if its committed by another officer and/or that cop is still tired from beating the suspect earlier. I believe that is even stated in their oath.(or whatever saying police have)

Hache and Joe keep this site going. You guys are pure entertainment. :)

Sep 21, 2004
Had two white police officers pull me over back when i was in my early 20s for one of the bulbs in my head light being out.

asked me where i was going. Said no where in particular and i like to sometimes get out of the house relax and listen to music and take a drive to get away from the hustle and bustle of my house for 30-45 min or sooo...(had a few people living with me back than)

he told me this answer was super strange...and i said "so you never do this?" he quickly replied "Never!"

I then simply replied "alright." he then goes can i search your car? Being stupid back then i said "sure."

so they have me exit the car. The other officer starts telling me how sorry he is for this and his partner is a known dick--at the time i believed his partner was on my side but looking back it was just the classic good cop bad cop routine.

Anyways. the officer trashed my car. Pulled everything out of the glove box and pulled out everything in the middle counsel pulled down all the seats and just left everything all over the floor of the car. Then told me "get that headlight fixed!" and left...

If i was black i could see why i thought he did this just by the color of my skin. Once i saw the car i did want to tell him what a piece of shit he was but by that time he was already in the car and i just dealt with it. If i had the opportunity to say something--who knows how he would have reacted.

Giving under educated people power is tricky. But not many easy fixes.

Jun 4, 2018
I had a cop kick me once when I was down on the ground (on my stomach )

I asked him who had the best donuts ? in the quad-cities & I told him your fat ass should know

That's when he kicked me .

I guess it made him feel tough or something ....... & Yes , I was handcuffed ?
? Thing is I seen that cop a few months later , he was in his cop car at a red light & seen me

He then showed me a box of ?'s he had in the car
Light turned green & he took off laughing

Staff member
Feb 23, 2021
I can't tell you how many times I've posted this.....

"A bad cop is a bad cop. It has nothing to do with racial profiling. A bad cop is an asshole to you no matter what color you are."

This incident proves that and hopefully people who are always crying the above will realize that
I absolutely agree!

Sep 21, 2004
I absolutely agree!
It was nice of you to cherry pick the one post that wasn't completely crazy. :)

Not that one incident proves anything---but not COMPLETELY crazy like the others.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Damn hache, didn’t know you were a boot licker
I'm not

I actually have a lot of posts here from a long time ago criticizing police officers

And I caught heat for it back then

But now things are different

Good cops can't even do their job anymore

Criminals escalate>Cops do what they must>Cops get in trouble (Not talking about this case)

Every cop in America should quit and let all of the crybabies fend for themselves and let them get a reality check

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Had two white police officers pull me over back when i was in my early 20s for one of the bulbs in my head light being out.

asked me where i was going. Said no where in particular and i like to sometimes get out of the house relax and listen to music and take a drive to get away from the hustle and bustle of my house for 30-45 min or sooo...(had a few people living with me back than)

he told me this answer was super strange...and i said "so you never do this?" he quickly replied "Never!"

I then simply replied "alright." he then goes can i search your car? Being stupid back then i said "sure."

so they have me exit the car. The other officer starts telling me how sorry he is for this and his partner is a known dick--at the time i believed his partner was on my side but looking back it was just the classic good cop bad cop routine.

Anyways. the officer trashed my car. Pulled everything out of the glove box and pulled out everything in the middle counsel pulled down all the seats and just left everything all over the floor of the car. Then told me "get that headlight fixed!" and left...

If i was black i could see why i thought he did this just by the color of my skin. Once i saw the car i did want to tell him what a piece of shit he was but by that time he was already in the car and i just dealt with it. If i had the opportunity to say something--who knows how he would have reacted.

Giving under educated people power is tricky. But not many easy fixes.
I've had it happen when I was much younger

Me and girlfriend ordered out, took the food and pulled into a park to eat

There we are with the food on our laps, I guess it was getting dark, 2 cops pull up

Ask us what we're doing. Like duh you see us eating.
They want to search her purse and car.
So we get out and im furious telling the other cop their bosses gonna hear about it.

But anyhow, none of that and those experiences, has anything to do with today

Every criminal that runs, resists arrest, tries to take the cops weapon, runs their mouth, get praised as a hero, while the cop who tried to stop it is the bad guy

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