Man, no disrespect but incidents like this were a hell of a lot more common back in the late 60's and early 70's. I get what you are saying about the terrorist aspect but damn man, I could give you link after link about cop killers and the numerous anti-cop groups.
The people that protested back then are making political decisions today.
There is absolutely no justification or excuse for what happened today....None. De blasio is a friggen joke. He will never be able to overcome this incident, he lost the respect of the NYPD the day he was sworn in. See what happens if he tries to attend the funerals
What i was getting at was everything in general this day and age.
From flying planes through buildings (911),School killings,Movie theater killings,Terrorists,Crazy road rage bullshit.
Just the crazy bullshit that goes on in society these days.
Back in the 70`s and 80`s we didn`t have security guards in schools.
We didn`t have to show ID at the airports.
You understand what i`m saying.....It`s just a crazy whacky world.
Back in the 70`s and 80`s we didn`t have to watch our backs.