Trump: the gift that just keeps on giving


New member
Jan 16, 2013
I hope he can get a legitimate vote getting guy on the ticket. That may be tough as it seems the Republicans
are hating on Trump as much as the Democrats. If it's like 1964 when the Rockefeller/Scranton wing of the
party gave no help at all to Goldwater forcing him to pick an unheard of member of the H of R from upstate
NY Willaim Miller.

I hope everything tones down but if the Republican party gives too much grief to Trump he may bolt & go
independent. If that's the case I'm sure he'll be wise enough not to pick someone like Perot's choice
Admiral Stockdale. A running mate of substance I see as the biggest obstacle in front of Don Trump.

Aug 6, 2006
Trump said he won't go (I) because, "If Perot had not run this country would have never heard of Bill Clinton."

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
I think he's going to be next president. The question is, are there enough smart voters?

Jul 14, 2007
Ultimately I think he helps the Dems. Not because he makes them look good or anything but he just marginalizes the rest of the republican party so much. It's one thing for some dude on MSNBC to criticize Jeb Bush but this guy talks about Jeb like you talk about that 1 fuckup friend you got who can't even hold a job. If he keeps saying "Jeb's a loser" "He supports common core/immigration/his brother was a disaster" I think it is going to hurt Jeb eventually. Trump's poll #s clearly show he is resonating with primary voters (atleast for now)

Trump said in a CNN interview that Jeb's campaign has been in contract with him and he insinuated it was about toning things down....

Cruz is smart and savvy. The rest of the candidates criticize Trump, he says Trump is legit and speaks the truth. So when Trump eventually does bow out maybe he can pickup his voters.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Ultimately I think he helps the Dems. Not because he makes them look good or anything but he just marginalizes the rest of the republican party so much. It's one thing for some dude on MSNBC to criticize Jeb Bush but this guy talks about Jeb like you talk about that 1 fuckup friend you got who can't even hold a job. If he keeps saying "Jeb's a loser" "He supports common core/immigration/his brother was a disaster" I think it is going to hurt Jeb eventually. Trump's poll #s clearly show he is resonating with primary voters (atleast for now)

Trump said in a CNN interview that Jeb's campaign has been in contract with him and he insinuated it was about toning things down....

Cruz is smart and savvy. The rest of the candidates criticize Trump, he says Trump is legit and speaks the truth. So when Trump eventually does bow out maybe he can pickup his voters.

They need to be marginalized. How many of them are there now 20 some?

Half are attention whores who dilute the pool. We’re a year out from the nomination and it’s already a feeding frenzy.

I find it to be carnival show at this point. Most of them won’t have enough money to stay in the hunt very long. Even if you are best candidate it won’t matter if you can’t raise the cash.

That leaves maybe 5 players, Trump being one of them, who can stay in. I’ll start taking an interest about 10 months from now when the pretenders have been dispatched.

Jul 14, 2007
They need to be marginalized. How many of them are there now 20 some?

Half are attention whores who dilute the pool. We’re a year out from the nomination and it’s already a feeding frenzy.

I find it to be carnival show at this point. Most of them won’t have enough money to stay in the hunt very long. Even if you are best candidate it won’t matter if you can’t raise the cash.

That leaves maybe 5 players, Trump being one of them, who can stay in. I’ll start taking an interest about 10 months from now when the pretenders have been dispatched.

I know this is a very "Trump-like" thing to say, but the first primary that he is in will be the most anticipated, most watched and highest rated 1st primary ever.

Assuming he makes the cut but that is looking more certain by the day.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I know this is a very "Trump-like" thing to say, but the first primary that he is in will be the most anticipated, most watched and highest rated 1st primary ever.

Assuming he makes the cut but that is looking more certain by the day.

I would have no problem embracing Trump should he get the nod. Having said that I don’t expect that to happen. I am however looking forward to the debates.

Trump will be bombastic and I think only Cruz and Rubio will hold their own against his barrage without looking to pick a fight.

Paul and Christy will lose there temper and the rest will fold under the pressure. The sooner the field gets whittled down the sooner they can get down to business.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I think Trump will bow out if he's even close to winning the nomination.

Nonetheless, he's saying what needs to be said. Let's hope others follow his lead.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011

Sep 21, 2004
Cenk Uygur is a fucking loser and about as dumb as you can get. The Young Turks are dumbing down america. Who watched this nonsense? Its like watching Pee Wee Herman talk politics and then sharing his video to make some kind of point. lol.

Attacking the messenger again Scott? Actually Cenk and TYT are brilliant, and expose hypocrisy as well as anyone in the media today.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Why Trump is starting to lead in some polls

By Don Sucher

No, he will not be president. No, he does not deserve to be president. And yet he is presently in some polls #1 among the Republicans seeking that office. Why?

Because, whatever his motive (and I for one do not think it pure), he is saying what many Americans think, and have thought in their hearts for some time, to be true. That even the basic interests of law-abiding, hardworking Americans are near the bottom of the list for the nation's leaders and wannabe leaders. We are lied to, promised things the pols have no desire or plans to fulfill, and that is basically true for both parties.

Incompetence reigns. Excuses abound. Quality of life and hope for better times fade. Meaningless rubbish is paraded as "news." Many of us know it, and yet we have remained quiet because "what's the use?" And then along comes brash, rude, and wealthy Donald Trump, who expressed loudly what we have ourselves been stifling inside.

I still do not and will not support him. We've seen where having a popular but incompetent president has led us. But still, in some respects, I root him on.

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Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"The Illegals come in, and the illegals kill their children"

What an act of patriotism by Donald Trump.

Illegal aliens are a cancer to America (to the culture and social fabric, the economy, law and order), especially the undocumented Kenyan POS in the White Hut.

Fuck the agenda-driven gaystream media. It's about time someone stood up and called a spade a spade.


Aug 6, 2006
Summarizing a quote I heard today..... "The outcome of the 2016 election is being determined right now by Trumps remarks. How the other Republicans react to Trumps more incendiary comments will establish the GOP brand that lingers long after Trump has left the stage.......Demographically the GOP cannot win without increasing its share of the non-white vote. Trumps views may enliven the base, but they are not a growth strategy.......Trump is a mirror of the Republican base. But you can't live in a Facebook, bumper-sticker world to attack Democrats, and then complain when a fellow Republican uses the same arguments and issues to attack other Republicans." ~ Michael Smerconish

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