Trump: the gift that just keeps on giving


Sep 21, 2004
Donald Trump Doubles Down On Birther Remarks

By Heather

7/08/15 2:00pm

11 hours ago by Heather

The Donald made sure to remind everyone that he's still a birther during an interview on MSNBC this Tuesday. Here's how he responded to their reporter, Katy Tur following up on his remarks about winning the Latino vote, and why anyone should believe his numbers when he was out there questioning whether the President of the United States was really born in America.
TUR: You led the birther movement. You sent investigators out to Hawaii to find out whether or not Obama, which you said, was not born here (crosstalk)
TRUMP: Well I don't know. According to you it's not true.
TUR: He released his birth certificate.
TRUMP: You know, if you believe that, that's fine. I don't care. It's an old subject. I'm about jobs. I'm about security. I'm about fixing the military. I'm about taking care of our vets. I'm about things... you don't have to bring up old subjects. Whether he did or not, who knows. A lot of people don't agree with you on that by the way. But I'm really about economic development and I'm about jobs and that's what we have to start talking about.
Nothing like calling it an old subject and then doubling down. I look forward to Trump continuing to help the GOP with that minority outreach program of theirs.
I think Trump is still smarting from the butt kicking President Obama gave him at the White House Correspondents' Dinner back in 2011.

Sep 21, 2004
Fox News built a f**ked-up Frankenstein, dumb, angry and divorced from facts. Now Donald Trump will devour them

Conservative media destroyed conservative politics. The right's impossible to take seriously. Then came Trump!

Sean Illing

Fox News –and the conservative media-industrial complex – have created a Frankenstein. His name is Donald Trump, and his political success is now a huge problem for the Republican Party. In so many ways, Trump’s political existence was inevitable. For years, Fox News and the conservative talk radio machine have played to the populist Tea Party id: fomenting fear, demonizing immigrants, and enabling every nativist anxiety imaginable. Now they’re paying the price.
Donald Trump is practically a mirror image of the Fox News psyche. Most of his speeches consist of repackaged stupidities plucked right out of the conservative mediascape. It’s kind of brilliant, really. Trump knows his audience, and he beams back at them every idiotic thing they want to hear. Which, of course, is exactly what Fox News does.
The wonderful irony of all this is that the conservative media have ruined conservative politics, far more than liberals ever did. And the results speak for themselves. It’s true that Fox News has promoted the conservative brand and very likely energized grass-roots conservatism in some sense, but at what cost? The GOP, increasingly, is no longer a national party – it’s confined more and more to the South and to pockets of rural America.
The Republicans have had their share of electoral successes in recent years, and Fox News surely aided in that, but if you look closely you’ll see that the political success of conservatives have not led to policy successes. On the contrary, liberalism is winning. Obama, for instance, has been one of the most consequential presidents in modern American history. Both politically and culturally, the country is more liberal today than it was a decade ago. And this has happened in spite of the triumph of Fox News and conservative media.
Conservatism, as a practical political philosophy, is dead in this country. Sure, there are intelligent conservative voices in the whirlwind, but they’ve been overwhelmed by the xenophobic hysteria peddled by the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. These are the people who define conservatism today. These are the people who’ve poisoned the conservative brand, made it synonymous with backwardness and cultural isolation. And Fox News has been their most significant stage, the ultimate echo chamber.

As a consequence, conservatives (on the whole) are now dumber, angrier and more divorced from the facts. To the extent that Fox News has nurtured the idiocy Trump represents, they’re responsible for his political life – they made it possible. The bile spewed by Trump might as well be Fox News talking points; it’s the kind of garbage you hear every day on their programs. And because so many conservatives get their news from Fox, Republican policymakers are forced to parrot those arguments to voters. This plays well with the base, but it alienates most of the country – as it should.
It will be fascinating to watch how Fox News handles Trump, particularly as we move along in the process. It will be a delicate balancing act. The longer Trump hangs around, the more ridiculous the Republicans look. At the same time, Trump is a boon for ratings; the delightful dolts on Fox and Friends can’t get enough of him. Which makes perfect sense. The right-wing media machine – led by Fox News – has created a demand for his insane ramblings. As the chief supplier, Fox News has an interest in covering Trump, in extending his ruse for as long as possible.

Promoting Trump is a disaster for the GOP, though. His bombast, left unchecked, will undermine the Republican primaries and jeopardize their shot at the White House. How Fox News manages Trump’s ascendance will therefore tell you all you need to know (if you didn’t already) about where their loyalties lie.
I suspect we’ll discover what most observers have long known: Fox News cares about conservatism about as much as it cares about the news

Jan 20, 2002
Trump has set the Republican party back light years in terms of garnering the Latin vote. I still believe it will be very difficult for them to win a national election without it.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Fox News built a f**ked-up Frankenstein, dumb, angry and divorced from facts. Now Donald Trump will devour them

Conservative media destroyed conservative politics. The right's impossible to take seriously. Then came Trump!

Sean Illing

Fox News –and the conservative media-industrial complex – have created a Frankenstein. His name is Donald Trump, and his political success is now a huge problem for the Republican Party. In so many ways, Trump’s political existence was inevitable. For years, Fox News and the conservative talk radio machine have played to the populist Tea Party id: fomenting fear, demonizing immigrants, and enabling every nativist anxiety imaginable. Now they’re paying the price.
Donald Trump is practically a mirror image of the Fox News psyche. Most of his speeches consist of repackaged stupidities plucked right out of the conservative mediascape. It’s kind of brilliant, really. Trump knows his audience, and he beams back at them every idiotic thing they want to hear. Which, of course, is exactly what Fox News does.
The wonderful irony of all this is that the conservative media have ruined conservative politics, far more than liberals ever did. And the results speak for themselves. It’s true that Fox News has promoted the conservative brand and very likely energized grass-roots conservatism in some sense, but at what cost? The GOP, increasingly, is no longer a national party – it’s confined more and more to the South and to pockets of rural America.
The Republicans have had their share of electoral successes in recent years, and Fox News surely aided in that, but if you look closely you’ll see that the political success of conservatives have not led to policy successes. On the contrary, liberalism is winning. Obama, for instance, has been one of the most consequential presidents in modern American history. Both politically and culturally, the country is more liberal today than it was a decade ago. And this has happened in spite of the triumph of Fox News and conservative media.
Conservatism, as a practical political philosophy, is dead in this country. Sure, there are intelligent conservative voices in the whirlwind, but they’ve been overwhelmed by the xenophobic hysteria peddled by the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. These are the people who define conservatism today. These are the people who’ve poisoned the conservative brand, made it synonymous with backwardness and cultural isolation. And Fox News has been their most significant stage, the ultimate echo chamber.

As a consequence, conservatives (on the whole) are now dumber, angrier and more divorced from the facts. To the extent that Fox News has nurtured the idiocy Trump represents, they’re responsible for his political life – they made it possible. The bile spewed by Trump might as well be Fox News talking points; it’s the kind of garbage you hear every day on their programs. And because so many conservatives get their news from Fox, Republican policymakers are forced to parrot those arguments to voters. This plays well with the base, but it alienates most of the country – as it should.
It will be fascinating to watch how Fox News handles Trump, particularly as we move along in the process. It will be a delicate balancing act. The longer Trump hangs around, the more ridiculous the Republicans look. At the same time, Trump is a boon for ratings; the delightful dolts on Fox and Friends can’t get enough of him. Which makes perfect sense. The right-wing media machine – led by Fox News – has created a demand for his insane ramblings. As the chief supplier, Fox News has an interest in covering Trump, in extending his ruse for as long as possible.

Promoting Trump is a disaster for the GOP, though. His bombast, left unchecked, will undermine the Republican primaries and jeopardize their shot at the White House. How Fox News manages Trump’s ascendance will therefore tell you all you need to know (if you didn’t already) about where their loyalties lie.
I suspect we’ll discover what most observers have long known: Fox News cares about conservatism about as much as it cares about the news

Who do you think Trump will choose after he wins the republican nomination?
Jan 24, 2012
Who do you think Trump will choose after he wins the republican nomination?

Some stooge that will be an embarrassment to the party. Guy with an ego the size of ole Donnie's isn't choosing anyone who could possibly be more "impressive" than he is.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
One thing is for sure, no one will chose him to be his VP lol.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who do you think Trump will choose after he wins the republican nomination?


Jul 14, 2007
Her father in-law actually got busted for illegal campaign contributions to Dems and tax evasion

Did 2 years

New member
Nov 10, 2010
And he said he still isn't totally convinced President Barack Obama was born in this country.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]Fighting ISIS[/h]President Trump's strategy for fighting ISIS? "Bomb the hell out of those oil fields."
Trump, who has long been openly critical of the the Obama administration's foreign policy strategy, said Wednesday that "nobody would be tougher on ISIS than Donald Trump."
The best strategy for knocking out ISIS is to take away their wealth, Trump said, by destroying oil fields in Iraq that are controlled by ISIS.
"I would bomb the hell out of those oil fields," Trump said.
He added that once the oil fields are destroyed, he would deploy big oil companies like Exxon to rebuilt them.
"They would rebuild them so fast your head will spin," he said.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]Donations to Democrats[/h]Although Trump is now seeking the Republican Party's nomination for president, he has given generously to Democrats in the past.
Trump's past beneficiaries include the Democratic National Committee, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and even Hillary Clinton, whom Trump referred to as the "worst secretary of state in the history of the United States" on Wednesday.
The businessman defended his previous donations to Democrats, chalking them up as a necessary business decision.
"As a businessman in New York City, I have to get along with Democrats," he said. "If I don't get along with Democrats, I'm sort of like, out of business."
He dismissed the accusation from some Republicans that his past financial support for those across the aisle makes him a flip-flopper.
"I get along with everybody. People love me," he said. "Everybody loves me."

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]Unfazed by corporate backlash[/h]In the aftermath of his inflammatory comments about immigrants, corporations across the country announced that they would no longer do business with Trump.
But even as companies like Macy's, NBC and ESPN have turned their backs on Trump, the former reality TV star has remained defiant, even doubling down on his original remarks.
On Wednesday, Trump dismissed the business deals he's lost in the last few weeks, saying they've hardly put a dent in his massive wealth.
"Here's the good news. I'm very rich," Trump said. "The money you're talking about is a lot but it's peanuts for me."

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]The death of Kate Steinle[/h]An undocumented immigrant has been accused of fatally shooting a woman in San Francisco named Kate Steinle.
That tragedy, in Trump's opinion, represents precisely what's wrong with the country's immigration system.
"This man, or this animal, that shot that wonderful, that beautiful woman in San Francisco, this guy was pushed back by Mexico," Trump said. "Mexico pushes back people across the border that are criminals, that are drug dealers."
As he has in the past, Trump pledged that as president, he would build an "impenetrable" wall along the country's southern border to keep out unwanted individuals.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]'Mexican' tweet about Jeb Bush's wife[/h]Trump addressed a racially charged tweet this week that further fueled the ongoing controversy about his views on immigrants.
His account, @realDonaldTrump, retweeted the message: "#JebBush has to like the Mexican Illegals because of his wife."
According to The Wrap, which captured a screen grab of the tweet, the tweet was deleted soon after.
Trump said in the CNN interview that he had never authorized that retweet, but was nevertheless unapologetic.
"Do I regret it? No, I don't regret it," Trump said.
He said that he believed the immigration stance of fellow GOP presidential candidate and formerFlorida Gov. Jeb Bush may be influenced by his wife's background.
"If he loves his wife and she's from Mexico, I think it probably has an influence on him, yes. I can understand that." Trump said.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]'Can't guarantee' legal status of his own workers[/h]Trump said Wednesday that he "can't guarantee" that all of the workers he employs have legal status in the United States, and warned that if he were to discover any illegal immigrants working for him, "We would get rid of them immediately."
A recent Washington Post report that said there are illegal immigrants working at the Old Post Office Pavilion construction site in Washington, which Trump is converting into a luxury hotel.
Trump said that the buck "absolutely" stops with him and that he wished the Post article had named the alleged illegal workers so he could take prompt action.
"We have gone out of our way to make sure that everybody in that building is legal," he said. "I wish they would give us some names, we would get them out immediately."

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